I think everyone here would agree that Lush members likely have a higher sex drive than the average population.
I am curious if you find that you have a higher sex drive than your friends?
That assumes that you talk to your friends about sex. We have found we have a way higher sex drive than our friends. Not sure why. They are all attractive people. They just don't seem to want/need it like we do.
Its not something Ive ever talked about with my friends. I dont think my sexual appetite is any higher than the average population, although during the week before my period I do seem to become very sexually active ....meaning I masturbate a lot more. Like, 3 of 4 times a day. Normally its 2 or 3 times a week. Im not in a sexual relationship, so maybe that has something to do with it.
I don't usually talk with my friends about sex that much but I'm pretty sure thatmy sexual appetite is higher than theirs .Most of my friends are married and even though I have a girlfriend we don't live together.I just seem to want sex all the time ;I must be addicted or something can never get enough and I rarely say no
I have a mixed bag of friends. Some are extremely open about their sex life while some are asexual or are just uncomfortable talking about it. I think I'm more inclined to talk about it than most of my friends though. However, I don't just speak of sexual actions, I talk about erotica, like the stories on Lush.
I was raised where sex was not a subject, so I will talk to anyone about sex. My friends think I am nuts that I always want sex, so I guess my sexual appetite is higher then theirs. My hubby teases me that I am insatiable, but he certainly isn't complaining.
Coming from a very traditional background, I haven't had that level of discourse with friends. Which is probably why many of us go so ballistic here. I think it's a mistake to assume that just because certain people choose not to discuss sexual appetite, they're not as interested. My non-Lush friends would be very wrong about me.
I seems I want sex just about all the time. Just like Double DD's
I think we are the normal ones, the rest of you may be a bit strange.
I think most of my friends are willing to have sex daily, but if up to them would be more like a couple times a week, in a steady relationship. My personal sex drive seems completely dependent on being with a guy, when I'm single I feel almost no need at all, like I'll masturbate once a month, when I have a guy I want it everyday or more.
I have a very high sex drive. I want it all the time. I can just have an great orgasm and ready to go again. So like DoubleD and 1nympholes a lot.. Hey I enjoy sex.. and when you have an awesome partner, even better.
I know my libido is abnormally high for a woman, but I have friends who seem to enjoy sex as much as I do, although they don't have as many partners with whom to fulfill their drive as I do. I think the more sex you have, the more you want.