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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 30
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
I really need... to spend less time on Lush and more time on college work.. damn distractions ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Hey all,

I have recently started my first proper story that I want to post on here, and I am looking for someone to edit, guide and give judgment during the wiritng process. If anyone is interested please drop me a message. I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to publicly sharing my work but want to take the plunge

Happy New Year

Much love
Active Ink Slinger
Tucker is really an international spy that trolls on Lush looking for his long lost wife
Active Ink Slinger

You scored 82% Dirtiness!
Judging by your score, your mind is a wasteland of perversion and impurity. Congratulations! You are officially in possession of a dirty mind. You probably enjoy dirty jokes very much and appreciate the sexy things in life. Thinking about sex is something you do often, and you probably wonder why other people can't loosen up.
Active Ink Slinger
I do it all the time, its really relaxing and its a great way to end a stressful day smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by coops89
Are you male or female?
How old are you?
How many times a week do you masturbate?
How many times do you orgasm each time you play?

Where do you masturbate:
In bed?
In the shower?
In the bath?
At work?
Every room in the house?
In a car while traveling... ?

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other?
A friend?
A friend's spouse?
A stranger?
A student?
A member of the same sex?
A past lover?

What position do you play in:
On your back?
Lying on tummy?

How do you play:
With left hand?
With right hand?
With a toy?
With water from bath?
Written erotica?
Movie clips online?
Something on TV?

What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman?
Gay or lesbian sex?
Group sex or orgies?
Blow jobs/oral sex?
Age play?
Role playing?

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages?
A chat room dialogue?
Exchanged stories or pictures?

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating?
Masturbated for a man/woman?
Masturbated for the same sex?
Masturbated in a group?
Masturbated for a photo?
Masturbated for a webcam?
Masturbated for a video?

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating?
Insert something or play with your ass?
Insert something in mouth when masturbating?
Use pain as a method of playing?

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum?
When was the last time you masturbated?
Are you wet or hard now?
Are you going to masturbate now?
Are you a masturbation addict?
What is the most you have played in one day?

Are you male or female? Female
How old are you? 18
How many times a week do you masturbate? Depends on the week
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? At least twice

Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Yes
In the shower? Yes
In the bath? Yes
Outdoors? Sometimes
At work? Nope
Every room in the house?
In a car while traveling... ? Done that once

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? Nope
A friend? Yes
A friend's spouse? Yes
A stranger? No
A student? Sometimes
A member of the same sex? Sometimes
A past lover? No

What position do you play in:
On your back? Yes
Standing? Sometimes
Kneeling? No
Sitting? No
Lying on tummy? No

How do you play:
With left hand? Yes
With right hand? Yes
With a toy? Yes
With water from bath?
Written erotica? Yes
Pictures? sometimes
Movie clips online? sometimes
Videos? Sometimes
Something on TV? No

What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? Yes
Gay or lesbian sex? Yes
Group sex or orgies?
Blow jobs/oral sex?
Age play?
Role playing? Yes

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Yes
A chat room dialogue? Yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? Yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? Yes
Masturbated for the same sex? Yes
Masturbated in a group? No
Masturbated for a photo? No
Masturbated for a webcam? Yes
Masturbated for a video? Yes

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? Yes
Insert something or play with your ass? No
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Yes
Use pain as a method of playing? Sometimes

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? No
When was the last time you masturbated? Today
Are you wet or hard now? Yes
Are you going to masturbate now? Maybe
Are you a masturbation addict? Not really
What is the most you have played in one day? 8 times
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shylass

Oi! Whatever your past and experience, you don't know me or how I treat people who are kind and respectful. So labelling me with your bitterness can only serve to make me think that the kinder, gentler people steer well clear of that kind of stinky attitude. And you deserve what you get.

Menarealwaysignorged, eh? Presuming that's a spelling mistake and not some weird play on something or other, then I say, is it any wonder, with posts like that? Every post I see of yours is like that of a desperate child playing up and misbehaving for any kind of attention they can get. Well, I have news for you: if you remove your head from your bottom and stop being such a troll, there are some beautiful women who would love to pay you some positive attention.

Now do try to grow up, lad, you'll look more like somebody a woman would love to get shagged by.

VERY well said! Could not help but agree
Active Ink Slinger
I have the implant, its totally worth it, hurt a bit going in, bruised like crazy but not having to worry about getting pregnant is so worth it, only side effects I had were really bad mood swings. Only thing I can say about them is that they dont protect against STD's so condoms are still needed
Active Ink Slinger
NOO, No guy should ever shave their legs unless they are a professional swimmer or something a long them lines
Active Ink Slinger
My neck being kissed or sucked is one of my biggest turn ons, I love being pinned to the bed and being teased
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, he was a complete d*** but I really liked him, ended up dating him for nearly a year lol
Active Ink Slinger
for me its always black or red, I have a few white ones but I am most comfortable in black smile