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Birth Control is it worth it

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Active Ink Slinger
Is it me ladies but when I see a new commerical about the new latest and greatest contraceptive, the side effects do not seem to match the benefits. How do you feel about the side effects of the contraceptive or is it easier just to use a condom.
I dont really have any side effects from my pill, i always remember to take it and it works for me, so yes, its totally worth it
Clever Gem
I did not think I had any side effects from the pill till I came off it.
I would never use hormonal contraceptive again, 18 years on the pill, no real issues, 1 month off it and i was as horny as a 15 year old boy! hahaha
Condoms.... hate the things, they cause me unpleasant reactions at best.
I now have a copper iud, sorted for 5 years, I don't even remember its there, best thing I ever did.
Active Ink Slinger
Haven't been on birth control since around 2001. Makes me crazy. Got married in 2006 and now I have three kids with one more on the way. Still will not do birth control.
I dont have any side affects from Avaine its great and yes it is worth it
Advanced Wordsmith
Definitely think it is worth it for the peace of mind of not having to worry about accidents happening. However, listening to those commercials and side effects terrify me so I would never be comfortable on the pill (besides the fact that I've known many women who still get pregnant while on the pill!). After talking with my doctor to find an option without the risk of hormones that increase the chance of blood clots, stroke, or heart attack ( already scary enough without being made worse by family history of those things...yikes!!!) I was happy to settle on the iud which is the most effective. Getting used to it was a real bitch for me but after an uncomfortable few months, all is well and I dont even think about it (which was also important to me)
Active Ink Slinger
I don't get any side effects from the pill, It is definitely worth jit not to have to worry about it.
Head Nurse
I have an IUD. Best thing I ever did!! I don't have to think about it, and I don't have a period anymore.


Birth control is always worth it! The options are no sex sad or children.
Active Ink Slinger
um had two kids from the rubber..sooo
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by caramelvixxen
Definitely think it is worth it for the peace of mind of not having to worry about accidents happening. However, listening to those commercials and side effects terrify me so I would never be comfortable on the pill (besides the fact that I've known many women who still get pregnant while on the pill!). After talking with my doctor to find an option without the risk of hormones that increase the chance of blood clots, stroke, or heart attack ( already scary enough without being made worse by family history of those things...yikes!!!) I was happy to settle on the iud which is the most effective. Getting used to it was a real bitch for me but after an uncomfortable few months, all is well and I dont even think about it (which was also important to me)

Yeah I asked one of my friends and she was on the pill and switch three different times. I know not having to worry is great and I am finding that the IUD is the best out now.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by blazestcyr
um had two kids from the rubber..sooo

I had three condoms bust on me in the same night. Not a great feeling when you find out later.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtynurse
I have an IUD. Best thing I ever did!! I don't have to think about it, and I don't have a period anymore.


Birth control is always worth it! The options are no sex sad or children.

Well said naughty!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MMonroe
I dont really have any side effects from my pill, i always remember to take it and it works for me, so yes, its totally worth it

Thanks MMonroe
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by crazydiamond
I did not think I had any side effects from the pill till I came off it.
I would never use hormonal contraceptive again, 18 years on the pill, no real issues, 1 month off it and i was as horny as a 15 year old boy! hahaha
Condoms.... hate the things, they cause me unpleasant reactions at best.
I now have a copper iud, sorted for 5 years, I don't even remember its there, best thing I ever did.

you say that like it's a bad thing! *giggle*

i don't like condoms - i don't TRUST condoms. they come off, they tear, they don't end up getting put on, they take you out of the moment - yes, i will use them if i have to (being in a relationship with another girl, it's rare i need to worry about contraceptives, so i am not on the pill) but i'm not a big fan.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
I can't be on the pill for medical reasons. My Master has been trying to impregnate me for 3 years now without luck. I've never had children and at my age I think that ship has sailed.
condoms sux if i say so. I have the copper IUD and its aswome i dont feel it and best i have no side efects at all the good part is I can't get pregnant for 5 years with it on and I can drink n get in intibiotics and not let it affect me so its totally worth it.
Active Ink Slinger
I have the implant, its totally worth it, hurt a bit going in, bruised like crazy but not having to worry about getting pregnant is so worth it, only side effects I had were really bad mood swings. Only thing I can say about them is that they dont protect against STD's so condoms are still needed
Princess Popsicle
I have a Mirena coil, it has a 5 year life and I don't have to worry about a thing, not even remembering to take a pill each day. It's bliss. It was sore when I first had it put in and after a rougher session when it has been getting knocked a lot it can be sore but the ache soon goes. Even that ache is no worse than period pain and I don't have to worry about those now either so for me, yes, birth control really is worth it.
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Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes you have to try out a few pills until you find the right one for your body. I'm a big fan of the pill. My only side effect is shorter, lighter periods - which is a VERY good thing.
Her Royal Spriteness
i have a unique birth control method, i practice lesbianism!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Rookie Scribe
Quote by sprite
i have a unique birth control method, i practice lesbianism!

Haha. Right on. :]

I've been on birth control for nearly three years now, and it hasn't given me any bad side effects. Plus, like a lot of people, I don't like condoms. So I'd say it's definitely worth it in my opinion.
Advanced Wordsmith
For those who have read my prior posts, I'm an IUD convert. I have had a Paraguard IUD for 2 years, and love it.

Yes, hormones can fuck you up. They have side effects, and can even effect your libido, weight. Eh.

IUD's are more effective, CHEAPER, last longer, and are lower maintenance. They're also greener. Mirenas, for example, can make women's periods shorter, and lighter. They do contain hormones, yes, but in much lower doses than oral contraceptives. Paraguards (copper IUD's) are cheaper than Mirenas, and greener, because they do not contain hormones. I think implants/IUD's are the future.

One more thing: even if you do get on the pill, you might need to still use condoms, honey. They prevent STD's, HIV, etc... That being said, I don't feel condoms are the best thing for pregnancy prevention. You need a backup plan: pill, patch, shot, implant, IUD, NuvaRing. Spermacide is a tad outdated, and causes rashes, allergic reactions, etc., so I wouldn't recommend it.
well for me im not on the pill as a i have to take it, but yes it is a bonus with being safe. I've been taking Kariva since i was 12 and i haven't had any problems with it. I did try another kind(can't remember the name) and it was awful! It caused my hormones to just go crazy and i felt like shit so i never took it again. The pill im on right now does have side effects( they all do) and with being on it for a long period of time does cause you to have a higher risk of yes it is scarry, but it's completely worth it.
Don't have a female reproductive system, so I'm not diving in too much on this one, but I thought it bore mentioning that condoms are somewhat effective birth-control, but they're really meant more for preventing STI's. That said, please everybody take whatever precautions work for you.
I dont use birth control except for condoms, I tried the pill when I was 15 and it turned out I was allergic to something in it and had a really bad reaction.
Internet Sensation
I'd never go for the pill. Too many side effects and I'm no fan of pills.
I'm not a fan of condoms either... they give me itches.
Only hormonal thing I can agree on trying would be the plasters.

I'm thinking of maybe getting a pessary/diaphragm and use together with sperm numbing gel.
I just can't decide if I want the one that covers only the cervix or the old bigger one.

I think it's pointing towards the bigger one, you can use that one when on your period too, I've heard..

Pessaries are not very common in Sweden though, not very surprising since they're not really bringing in any money to the big pill factories.
Used the right way they are about as safe as a condom. (I'd say even safer since very many people don't know how to use condoms right, or pick the right size for their penis.)
Active Ink Slinger
Well, what can you say except that if you're still at an age where you can get pregnant and don't want to get pregnant - TAKE WHATEVER PRECAUTIONS work for you! Seriously. In an age where women and men have SO many options for birth control and safe sex, I am continually amazed at how lazy people are about it - ugh!

For me, I used condoms early on as much as I hated them. Then I did the pill thing but hated the side effects not to mention the stress that would occur whenever I would 'forget' to take it. As a result, I ended up turning into a birth control junkie and found myself using BOTH condoms and the pill at the same time for way too many years. The irony of it all is that when I was trying to get pregnant, it took me a good 5 years to even GET pregnant with my one and only child.

These days, I have an IUD which has been the best thing I've ever done and I often wonder why I didn't consider this option sooner. I still use condoms in the beginning of any new relationship until we've had the 'talk' about being monogomous in which case I inevitably break out into my happy dance as I chuck the latex bastards and enjoy sex the way God intended - skin on skin.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm cut,need I say more?
Birth control is worth it if you don't want to get pregnant. I am on the shot that you take every 3 months and it has worked so far smile