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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155
United States


Yes, It is quite possible to have that many. Obviously it would depend on the partners and the intensity of the encounter.

I have been in situations where I was lucky if I has ONE, lol Most importantly I have been with the right person and the right chemistry to have the extreme multiples over a period of 2-3 hours. I won't go into how many. lol The key is to slowly move into the intensity and let it slide from intense to subtle and back. If your partner is a caring and giving lover he can keep you going for a long long time. The intensity of mulitples may not be as strong or earth shattering as one or two very big ones but the sweetness of them is something to truly enjoy.
There was only one Bond....Sean Connery. Everyone else was a poor second.
If Momma's happy everyone's happy. Momma not happy nobody's happy. Happy wife, happy life. Probverb. lol
Out door plumbing for those times you really have to go and the bathroom is dirty or there is no place to go except maybe a tree. lol Other than that I love being a woman and wouldn't trade places. You are all correct ....we love our multiples. lol
People that are rude to servers and think they are better than them. It shows how small they are in real life and only remain big in their own minds.
If I were a carpenter was also sung by Bobby Darren.
Happy New Year to all.
I am in Paris for the new year and it is truly beautiful. Everyone is preparing for the festivities and the city is amazing as always.

Back in the USA on Sunday.

I had guests staying at my house. All three of them were pushing 300 lbs. A friend came and whispered to me that the downstairs toilet was leaking on to the tile floor. I shut the water off there and called a plumber. He said the ring seal was cracked and he replaced it. It was only about 2 yrs. old and highly unusual for this to happen. Then he looked at the three of them and a light bulb went on. lol

The next day my friend came to me again and said it was leaking. Geeze... I called the guy out again thinking he did a poor job. He called me over and said "Look I only way 180 lbs and tightened it all the way but when they sat down on it again they squished it down more so I tightened it again. lol

I didn't say a word. The next day the female came to me and said the toilet seat in the upstairs guest bathroom cracked in half. I asked how could this happen? Ready for this...she said she was rocking back and forth on it and it just cracked. I did not want this picture in my head. lol

Then they had the nerve to want to use my personal bathroom since they broke the other toilets. I'm dying at this point and said "No, my bathroom is off limits. LOL I get "But the toilet seat pinches me when I sit on it."
I'm now thinking "good" maybe you will go home. lol

Everytime these particular people stay at my house a toilet will over flow or break. I don't invite them to stay with me anymore. lmao
Your pic is cute and always remember...don't wash that man right out of your hair. lol
Enjoy your day.
My heart beat. Reading some of these stories can be quite racey. lol
Just say "REALLY" with emphasis and smile. It will make them wonder what you know and aren't telling. lol
I enjoy older men. They seem to be much more sexually knowledgable. I enjoy the erotica and sensual aspects of older men. They are willing to please and do not rush the experience. Not to say a well placed "quickie" is not yummy. lol
Good for you. That was one sick puppy.

I would never write about pain or extremes such as , beastiality, little children etc. It is not what I am about therefore I would have difficulty putting my characters through all of it.

There is always a little of me in each of the erotic adventures. Erotica, sensuality, trust of your partner in fulfillment. In order to write erotica you (I) must have the abilitly to feel the desire building and cresting.

Those are the things that drive my body, heart and soul.

I guess the bottom line is I don't have to do something in order to write about it. Fantasy and reality are the delicious difference.
Primal I don't know your age but going without a physical or emotional connection can not be healthy. It already seems you are angry and that is only surface reaction.

I don't know how long you have been married or anything else for that matter but you can't go on like this. You need to sit down with her and tell her your needs. Let her know if she continues to treat you like a roommate then you will look else where for affection.

If that terminates your marriage because she can't handle the idea of you being with someone else then it's her problem.

One other thought comes to mind. You might have her medically checked checked to see if there is an underlying cause to her cutting you off.

I wish you the best.