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Over 90 days ago
Pan Trans Female, 32
0 miles · Lenexa


So is there like not idk...rule book? I mean like different ppl like different feels? There's not really a right way?
Quote by ShadowDancer
To your first question... I don't give blowjobs, I give blow careers! (requires years of training, practice, and enthusiasm for your craft).... It's good to use your hands, both if required when gasping for air. Deep throating is mandatory, and so is trying to hold the position for as long as possible before coming up, catching your breath and stroking the wetness into the shaft. Don't forget the balls, NEVER forget the balls! Licking, sucking, holding, squeezing and tugging a little if they like it.

Your second series of questions... I think what makes someone a slut is purely a second persons opinion. I don't think it's so much a personality, as it is a derogatory term of someone else's two cents- that person typically has no right to make that claim either. I don't consider myself a slut at all. I am a flirt, and a tease. My sex life is non-existent at the moment, and i'm not seeking sex at all.

Only you know your sexual history, wants, and desires. If you're called a slut, and you're not a slut, then what does it matter? It's not true.

Thanks so much!
I have two questions actually. This is for a Character tumblr blog i've made. What it is is someone will ask this character a question then the character replies in a drawing i've made.

One questions i got is for blowjob advice. Ive given a few bjs before, but i'm not sure if they were good. So How do you give a blowjob?

Second question is this: What makes a person slutty?Like Do you consider yourself a slut, does it hurt to be called that. how often do you seek sex? I'm asexual in a manner of speaking so idk what I'd do in a situation like this.
Looking for ppl around my area and meet with or do "things" with. Tried dating sites and shit. They never work. What up word?!
What kind of Little are you?
Your Result: Brat

You are Daddy's little Brat!!!!! You are such a naughty little girl! Your Daddy probably has to spank you every night until your bum is red and super sore!




Ok. Thanks for responding guys.

We haven't done much but i do know she LOVES tail plugs. I can't blame her. hehe

She also used a litter box and would love to drink from a bowl or be in a cage. I'm not sure how far she'sll go with the animal part though. she adores black leather.

idk if any of this helped. we didn't play for too long.
Quote by sprite
as with any relationship, the most important thing is communication. sit down together, talk to her about her needs and wants and tell her yours. work out what works for you as a Owner/pet couple. everyone is different. btw, if you have specific questions, feel free to contact me via PM - i have some experience with being a kitty and i'd be open to discussing things with either of you in confidentiality, if you'd like.

I'd like that very much. I'll let you know when i have the time to spare.
So i met this girl and she really love pet play: the tail, the ears and well as other things. I'll go into detail for whose who ask, but i'm NOT giving out her name.

Now, I don't own her, we just play when we're both on. Pet play is very new to me and IDK anything about it.

Tips? Advice? Rules? Any help would be appreciated.
Yea...i like HAVE to now. It keeps me up even longer but i can't sleep without doing it.
No I haven't. But everyone things I'm gay, which you think would make it easier to come out but...all my friends think I'm gay? And its something they always talked about behind my back? And my parents think that because I support gay rights must mean i'm gay.

Both friends and family say that is i was gay they'd support me, however I've tested this out and they are disgusted with homosexuals.

So no...I haven't and i don't think i will. Its hard for me to describe how much it hurts that ppl always assumed I was gay/bi before even realized it myself. It makes me feel like a freak. So no, I don't plan on coming out. If i ever find a boyfriend I'm keeping is a secret.
Quote by JohnC
Yes, that chat rooms here have both gay and lesbian rooms (as well as others), and you can even make your own. What you talk about in those rooms is up to YOU.

I know but that, but when I join/make a room either no one talks/joins or they're only interested in sex. I would like some advice on what to do.

I'm an in the closet bi. I'd like to talk to other homosexual ppl who can help me figure things out and will actually reply with things other that: "35 M horny. You top or bottom?"

Does any of that make sense?
I didn't know there was a gay/lez forum on here.

Hey is there a place i can talk to gay guys. not just older men who are horny?

I'm wanting a place where I can just talk to ppl who are gay or bi or whatever. I've tried Lush for a while but every guy on here just seems to be horny. IDK where to go.
Hey is there a place i can talk to gay guys. not just older men who are horny?

I'm wanting a place where I can just talk to ppl who are gay or bi or whatever. I've tried Lush for a while but every guy on here just seems to be horny. IDK where to go.
Thanks guys, but I know it feels great. but how does it feel good? i'd like some description or comparison. if that ok?
Quote by dpw

Sorry when I saw this I thought it was a female asking, it should be in the LGBT forum.
Anyway as our resident bottom is missing if you want to pm me I'll be happy to answer. Not many gay guys out on Lush.

The what fourm?
Quote by dustydesert2
I am not gay (i'm bi) and I love being fucked up the ass, there is something about being filled up and feeling hands on either hip as they mount up! lol... a word of advice though... take it slow gentle Lots of lube and start with fingers and toys...

I've uh... ...'trained' myself. at lest being filled up, not so much as the movement.

I really want it, but, I'm still confused on my sexuality and such. Idk where to find a guy and I have (idk how to explain) issues with trusting people. So it would be hard for me to find someone wanting to do things.
Quote by FilthyFantasies
aint nothing going near my hole not even a girls finger

Thats why I was asking the gay guys.
I don't know if this has been asked before, but i was wondering, guys, what does it feel like to have another guy inside you?

I've played with fingers and toys and things, but what is another man like?
Quote by Felopzed
You need to decide what is good and safe for yourself. Not meaning to be crude but grow some balls dude. You have to take charge of your own life and not worry what others think.

Thats actually incredible difficult for me to do. for some reason i mind beleives what other's think of me is the most important thing in the world.

Here's why i think that. I never really had any friends. Like a had a few ppl i'd hang out with, but they were gone in about a year. I try to change my personality to match those ppl I'll be around so they'll like me more. I've often been told that I care too much about what ppl think. However no matter how hard I try i can't change my mindset. Thats why I'm wanting a miaster/mistress, a person to love me for me.

Its hard for me to explain. Over the past few years, my mind and personality have been really jacked up. Which is why I'm asking is having a master/mistress is the best thing for me right now.
Quote by SereneProdigy

I would avoid sounding like a needy shy guy if I were you. This is annoying, even for guys that are not sexually interested in you. There's absolutely nothing interesting about that part of your personality. I'm saying this because both your username and avatar point out to that very fact, and you seem to give great importance to that. Even if you were to meet a cougar in real life, I don't think she'll be interested in a guy that shares the personality of a shy cutesy cartoon poney. There's nothing wrong in being shy or introverted, just don't make it your main feature.

Man up! Seriously...

I'm a different person in real life, sorta. I can hold a conversation, I smile and laugh and try to keep talking. I can't explain why i'm so shy online.

And i've tried to man up before, but it kinda hard to when you're friends keep putting you down. They messed my head up.
ok. So I should just keep posting things on forums then? Won't that bother ppl?
Ok. So, get out there! I know there might be some clubs I could join at college. I think the school also has a gay/les group. Mmmm....Ok. Is there anything else I need to know.

And please only serious replies. Please.
Thanks guys. There's a lot I don't know, so I true to use this site to figure things out. But its hard. It seems like no one see me or they tease me. I don't really know how to get the info i need.

I don't know how to find the knowledgeable ppl on here. Any help is most appreciated.

I should also add that i am very confused on my sexuality too. I'm not sure if i'm gay, bi, straight, trans(lez) or whatever. I don't know who i am.
So I'm wanting to be a pet either in real life on on here so I can have someone look after me. As in be kind and loving to me, treat me well. I want to feel safe with them. In return i'd do anything they want, as long as they don't abandon me. However this is because I have recently lost all my friends. I have no one in my life and I want to feel cared for and wanted. I've never had a guy or girl lust after me, in fact most ppl tell me that no one would ever sleep with me. I'm not wanting to be a pet because it gets me off I'm wanting a master/mistress because i want to be wanted.

Is this ok and safe for me?
I'm looking for ppl near me. I don't really care what for. If you want to fuck, hang out, go to movies, talk, dine out, have an orgy, FUCKING WHATEVER! I don't care. I'm just wanting to hang out with ppl. Hahah. Only rule is you can't be an asshole.

Please let me know. I'm a 21 year old guy btw.