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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155
United Kingdom


we would all turn to illegal substances to relieve stress

What if we ran out of these kind of questions??
Mercian, I was... but have to wonder at any parent allowing their kids to view it... no wonder it used to all be called 'Watch with Mother'!!!!

Glad you enjoyed itsmile
You guys have actually made my day... it is good to make people smile smile Thanks for the comments smile I will be inspired to find more now smile
I used to too... and I thought when I got older how boring they all were... clearly not! We will probably find out they are members on Lush!!! Glad you enjoyed it. You never know if your sense of humour is going to make sense to other people! smile
Thanks for the posts guys... yes, I was the wife... am now definitely single, not taking him back. Mind you, I have to say that I recently had a friend who decided for personal reasons of his own that he needed to break our friendship, and that hurt more, and I was not even supposed to care about him, have never even slept with him! The husband I do not miss, the friend I miss more than I could write about on here... just hope he realises that he lost a good friend in me and maybe reconsiders.
Personally I like mine just fine smile Surely if the woman is confident about them then they are going to look great anyway?
OMG that milk looks like it got watered down!!!
High heels every time..... right V?

hold ups or suspenders?
On the top of a pyramid at Giza... the heavy breathing was as much because we were knackered climbing up there ... great view, but would not dare do it again.. it is an arrestable offence these days smile

morning sex... night sex.... (no you cannot choose both!) ;)
Hey, just got dumped by text message, which seems kind of callous... is it me, or is this just plain cowardly??
Why did I read this just before breakfast.. .trust it to be Chris that posts the reply that makes me want to heave!! Only kidding Chris, you know we all love you really ;)
o.k. I have been educated... if that is the right way... can I throw up now??? How grim is that 'felching'? Both versions!!!!
I kind of like writing about stuff I have no experience of.. just to see if people believe my writing.. but most of the stuff, if not all of it written above I would not touch... I just want to know what 'felch' is!!! can somebody message me with the information ... I am so vanilla sad
Can I step in a defend us Britishers? I have NEVER seen a brekkie that size and if we saw the pic we would think it was you US citizens having a snack! Honest smile)) So what do you have for breakfast, if not that lot??

Guys... this sounds as though he was writing about me *not*! What is he on???
In my experience most guys think that the remote control for the tv is his very own little sex toy and he does not like to share!
Ouch Roccotool... can I tell my lover (if I ever have one ;) that you said I could slap him??
I'm greedy, I like them all, why limit yourself? It depends on the mood of you both too smile