Terrible ..should be by Fax, like Phil Collins
His actions speak for themselves. And even though he surely sees it differently, he has done you a big favor. Get some good legal advice, and make sure you don't allow him to somehow creep back into your life.
I think that happened to Madonna's man and another celebrity. Yeah, it's real cowardly.
Lame. It doesn't even qualify as evil. Just weak. Good luck.
Yes just plain cowardly come on man have the balls to do something like that face to face.
It is really lame, but you are better off without him. He is chickenshlt, you will be better off without him.
So sorry that totally SUCKS what a giant WEENEY! Have some great cyber sex on here to boost your ego I can suggest a member or two if you like. It's big badass divorce lawyer and private detective time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care and good luck.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! Thanks for the posts guys... yes, I was the wife... am now definitely single, not taking him back. Mind you, I have to say that I recently had a friend who decided for personal reasons of his own that he needed to break our friendship, and that hurt more, and I was not even supposed to care about him, have never even slept with him! The husband I do not miss, the friend I miss more than I could write about on here... just hope he realises that he lost a good friend in me and maybe reconsiders.
I can resist anything but temptation - Oscar Wilde
aw hun im so so sorry about ur break up thats just stupid that he did that, everybody here is right that he is justr a big fat weeney, dick, asshole, many mean things u get the drift. stay strong!
Yes there is Getting a text asking for a divorce. Not shat suxs.
Another form of that "texting" is called "getting served", Red.
roc you have away with words i call it being a chicken