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4 hours ago
Straight Male, 57
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Quote by Seeker4

The new scoring system is actually what I have thought we should have for years (no numeric scores, just points awarded based on likes and favorites) so I've been a happy ape. Still have some quibbles with the software but I'm in IT and also admin a forum site using top notch off-the-rack software so can be fussy about stuff. After a year, I would say I am okay with the state of things, but not ecstatic.

Oh, I like the new scoring format as well. My comment was concerning the site in general. Being around for 11yrs now the change over was not loved but I'm warming up to it little by little.😊

Thank you, I'll be honest and say I'm not a real big fan of this new version, but it has been growing on me since I've gotten a bit of my writers' mojo back. So I guess I need to get up to speed a bit better on it. Thanks again for sharing the link with me.


I might be missing something. This new site is still a little confusing for me. I can't seem to vote on stories anymore. I did a forum search for info on this and didn't find a topic. I also can't see the scores given to my stories. Is this a change I missed, or is there something else going on? I was a platinum member before the switch, if that matters.

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

Regularly check your Reading Queue. Any new stories they post should go in there automatically.

Thanks, never realized it was doing this but had noticed stories in my queue that I hadn't saved there. 👌

Well done my friend. I am so excited for you and proud of your achievement!

Besides, look at all those hot-ass stories I got to read while you got here. ;)

Congrats to the winner and all others in the poetry comp. A lot of outstanding poems published.
Hi folks,

I'd like to invite you to come and read my entry into the "Debauched" story competition.

Lilly is almost 35 years old and lives a very quiet life until she fines BDSM videos. Then as she watches the thrill of them ignited her desire to participate in real life. She goes to a club and finds out what it is like to be used for a night of sex.

I hope you come and give it a read. If you feel so inclined to comment and vote it would be very greatly appreciated.

Thank you from your humble scribe,

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Hey girl, you are getting lots of attention in microfiction! I think readers who comment like a comment back too and not just a "Thanks." I have seen more male authors not respond to comments than women from the stories I have read. I don't think a female author has ever NOT responded to one of my comments. I wonder if that contributes. There is a thread somewhere about it.

I'm not sure about this whole female vs male thing. I do think women as a whole are more supportive of each other than men are.

Now for this whole commenting thing. Yes, women seem to make more of an effort to reply to comments than a lot of the guys on here. In either case, if I see an author doesn't bother to respond and has a list of comments, then I tend not to comment. Why bother if they feel they don't need to respond.
To pick one of your choices, I think I'd go with option A.

Now for the truth of it. I like what I do for a living and I think I wouldn't like to write as much if I had to do it to get paid.

You're welcome

It took me a few days but I did the deed. Thanks again for your help!
Thank You IMPÜRETHOUGHTS for your help and the links. I guess I just didn't follow the process far enough. I stopped when I didn't see an option for the Platinum Membership .

Thanks again,

Your humble scribe,


I looked through the forum but didn't see any direct answer to my question.

I was wondering how to upgrade to a Platinum Membership. I clicked on the upgrade button and it doesn't list a Platinum Membership as an option. I'm already a Gold Member that was grandfathered in when the site changed it's membership subscription policies. I was wanting to see the cost of going to a Platinum Membership as a way to support the site.

Thanks for the help in advance
Quote by KimmiBeGood
I am not sure the fellas thought this through. Do you reeeeaaallly want to be known as a winner in the Teenie Weenie Competition???

Well, now that you put it like that, I'm glad I didn't win!

Congratulations to the winners!!!!
The damn kitty jumped on the counter and knocked the banana hammock flying off the counter. Damn bananas went everywhere. By the time I chased her down to spank that ass, my damn fruit loops were soggy as hell. So here I sit, pissed off, and eating soggy fruit loops!
This was a very interesting thread to read. I personally review every story that is published to see what the moderator changed. I'm not a professional writer and continue learning from those on this site that have far superior skills than I do.

I'd like to publicly tip my hat to all moderators for their time and effort of verifying so many stories each week. I thank the moderator on every story I submit for their time.
Congrats to everybody on an awesome competition!

A round of applause to you all and all the other entrants.
Quote by Stormdog

Wait... models are not real women? Please don't let this be like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park all over again! I was so disappointed when I found out. Please, say it ain't so!

Well Stormdog, that wasn't quite what I meant in my comment.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

I support you in your quest for the Omnium, RR! You can do it! I won't be first in the new category, but I shall give it the old college try smile

I agree with your opinion on which badges stay .. and which go.

Thank you for your support but like so many things in my crazy life, I just plod along until I get there.

Glad you share my thoughts on the badges. It really isn't fair to yank the Omnium badge each time.
Interesting addition. I actually have a story I published I could move over to fill the checkmark for the category but that's not my way.

As for the badge discussion that has developed in the thread. I'm a blue-collar writer so I don't get the fame others get but I've always had it in the back of mind to get Omnium Badge one day. Rest assured I will keep working towards that goal. As for losing the badge, I agree with those that say it shouldn't be taken away just because new categories are added. They earned it and it should remain.

As for the prolific writer badge, it should disappear and be re-earned each and every time a new category is added.

So, that is the thoughts of a humble lowly scribe.
No, because that would make me a year older!

Would you block all news programming that was nothing but depressing if you could?
Surprisingly yes!

Have you ever snuck away from a party to have sex with a fellow partier?