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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
United States


Quote by emilykiss

I myself have been in this spot before. I was young and stupid - not that age has anything to do with how savvy you are when playing with fire. You don't have to be overly paranoid, but some degree of caution is important. I personally think a picture's compromising only when it shows a face or an identifying body mark (tattoos, birth marks, etc). So as long as you crop those out of the snap, I think you should be fine.

I actually think this is a legit concern, although I understand how this issue can get pretty boring to the more seasoned among us. x

When you have an entire show dedicated to catfishing people are going to become paranoid.

I don't have a problem with people posting images they find erotic in their images section. It's when the caption those pics as their own personal pictures, then it goes too far.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Maybe the thread should have been worded, "Ladies, do you enjoy getting spoiled by your man and your guy friends?" A 'sugar daddy' is more of an atypical relationship - even by using that term rather than 'boyfriend' or 'friend' - it's more of an 'arrangement'.

I'm going by the standard definition.

And by the way - no judgment from me. As I said, I have friends who do it (or have done it). Both people are getting something out of it that makes them happy. Everyone should do whatever works for them.

I should preface also that I never start out spoiling a girl... It's after the fact, once I have gotten to know her.. and I never promise gifts if she is compliant with me... It's always a surprise.
As a man who enjoys buying gifts and spoiling women who I have been with, I have to laugh at some of the perceptions of some respondents of this thread. It's amazing how quickly some are to judge, especially on a site like this.
Groucho is pretty spot on with his reply. Also, sorry to say girls but a genuine alpha male is not going to be monogamous at all.
I know women get the urge to get pregnant and is something they may not realize, but many men out there also feel the compelling urge to mate just as bad. And I am not talking about just wanting to fuck, but men who get the urge to take a woman with the full intent on making her pregnant.

I'm just curious how women cope with or deal with these urges when they hit you.
A great majority of 'females' on this site, as with many online sites are not really females anyway, especially all the 18-21 year old profiles containing obvious net pics. Mostly guys pretending to be bi-females so they can talk to other females... which in reality it's probably two guys talking to each other thinking they are both talking to a female.
So the short answer so far is.. if he's attractive yes, if not no. But then again, this is the consensus when it comes to any kind of flirting lol. Be honest girls.
What is your take girls, on men who are right up front about their misogyny and patriarchal beliefs?
No, because my most raw craving is to fuck women with the intent in planting my seed in their fertile body... no ovaries... no attraction...
Quote by ProfessionalMaster
The silent treatment is great because it does exactly what they have claimed. It puts your slave in his or her place with no real need to inflict any physical punishment.

Sprite, reading your post made me shake with anger at that individual. There is never a reason to take things to the level of torture, ever.

However the worst punishment I ever handed down was chastity and orgasm denial. One dice rolled once for the number of times that my slave rolled a set of 5 dice. Then we added the numbers of the five dice up and that was the number of days she went with out any orgasms. For the record she rolled a 4, and then 5 dice 4 times.

I had to go back and look up the numbers they were 4,3,1,2,4 - 5,1,1,2,6 - 4,4,4,2,5 - 5,6,6,1,1 = 67 days with no orgasms. It made the point rather well.

The silent treatment is normally what 14 year old girls employ... how puerile...
Also the way you came out framing the question is accusatory. If you framed it like this, "Ladies, help me to understand my wife more" or "I am genuinely interested in understanding how a woman thinks", you would have had a much more receptive response.

But your tone of the title presents a narrative that you are the one who is in the right and she is in the wrong.
Quote by Saga
Large Tshirt... no knickers..... !!!

Like button... easy to mount smile
Quote by Saga
Cute little puppy dog....

She is so much more than meets the eye.. and not in a transformer way.
Google reverse image search.... It will bust you as a fake... That is all
Quote by WetPussy54
guilty....i usually just go for a run tho...

have you ever regretted giving someone advice?

Yeah, a few times, they always blame you if something goes wrong.

Have you ever tried something you thought you would hate(sexually), but ended up loving it
Complicated to some is natural to others. Explore what you have with her. You may happen to like the idea of being a cuck. Nothing wrong with that, there are many men who are.

Personally I tend to like women who want the hall passes *grins*
Quote by TreeSuh

Im going to say 4?

1. I hate the color pink
2. Have had 7 sexual partners
3. Love pumpkin flavored anything
4. I love Spice Girls

hmmmm I am hoping it's 4

1. I am in academia
2. I have a jack Russel
3. I can play guitar and piano
4. I have 5 watches
I tried to post cock pics but lush said the file was too big... *ok ok bad joke... what? :P

I did have one or two up of me but took them down, I think it should be reserved for somebody who you have a deeper connection with.

Just my thoughts.