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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 54
0 miles · Fulda


Advanced Wordsmith
Sub drop can be a relative easy thing to overcome, or it can be a real problem depending on the intensity of play and the players.

Just how far you drop when you drop often depends on whether or not your "Daddy" will "catch" you when you fall.

Otherwise you can drop down to somewhere at the bottom of Dante's 7th level of Hell. And it's not a place any sub wants to go - believe me - I've been to that very, very, very, VERY dark place. I've had to make my own ladder with a flashlight to climb out of it.

That's why it's very important that your "Daddy" is responsible when it comes to taking care of you after play. Extreme sub drop can mutate into depression, if you have a "Play & Run Daddy". Especially if your Daddy considers it normal for him to pack up his toy bag and dash off to work or his next appointment or next whatever about 5 minutes after play ends and decides to ignore you for a couple weeks until the next time he feels horny.

This type of play may work for Tops & Bottoms - but it rarely works for Daddies/Mommies and baby girls/boys, because the dynamics, intensity and intimacy of play is usually monogamous, highly emotional and there is a deep level of intimacy between the partners.

I have a list of tell-tale signs to determine if you have a "Daddy" or a "Player who wants you to call him 'Daddy'". One of the most important signs is to make sure that your Daddy is committed to making sure you don't fall into that abyss by acting indifferent to your needs.

Some irresponsible dominants try to distant themselves by demanding emotional maturity or deem it "vanilla behaviour" by physically holding you after an emotionally intense session. It seems some "dominants" are (ab)using kink to avoid their relationship committment issues. Please don't be pressured into accepting this crap. Physical and emotional comfort and reassurance is just as important in a BDSM relationship as it is in "vanilla" relationship. No amout of Dom-Psycho-Babble or "training" will make it possible that you can put your emotions into a box just to please your dominant. You cannot escape being a human being with human needs, and if you try to prevent sub-drop by saying your Daddy's "mantra" that you "feel no pain" (e.g. sub-drop doesn't exist), you will only make yourself metnally ill.

Talk to your Daddy about your emotions when you feel the drop. And ask him to make some decisions how he might increase aftercare or change play to prevent you from ever falling into that dark place. It's a legitimate need and a legitimate fear. And if he treats you like you have an "attitude" or "mental" problem it's time for you to throw the collar at his feet. I had to do that. But, believe me, it was better than living in that god-awful sub-drop abyss. That's not how it's supposed to be.
Advanced Wordsmith
Oh-oh! I've been away so long, that I missed your birthday. I'm so sorry!

But I'll send you a piece of cake anyway....

Advanced Wordsmith
I am not going to give you moral advice; just practical advice in the form of a word of caution:

Have you thought far enough to ahead to how this might end? I don't suppose that you envision her getting a divorce and marrying you - but have you thought far enough ahead about what happens when it's over? Do you go back to being neighbours, friends? What if you get sick of it, but she doesn't? Or vice-versa? And do you like living where you do now? Do you want to move when it's over? Do you want to have a neighbour who hates your guts living next door to you. Do you like to lay away nights worrying about what the bugger will do to your car? Do you care what your neighbours think about you when they find out?

I had an open marriage, and I told him, "Please! Please! Please! Don't fuck the neighbours. If you must, get a girl in another village, because we are not selling the bloody house just because you got randy with the neighbours!"
Advanced Wordsmith
I find some of the answers given here amusing.

You ask about cheating. In what regard and by whose standards?

Do you refer to traditional Christian morality? If you abide by traditional Christian morality, what in God's name are you doing here, man?

Or do you pick and choose your Christian morals? For instance masturbation and anal sex are acceptable with your wife, but coveting another's wife or girlfriend is amoral?

Or do you want to take on the morality of any given woman who writes or reads about fantasies, but grows indignant over the idea you would seriously desire anyone save your own wife?

If you cyber (though you touch no one but yourself) you are cheating, but if you read your potential cyber partner's erotica and wank off to that, then you are not cheating.

In other words if you read my words in live chat messages and they make you hard, that is cheating on your wife, but if you read my erotica and that makes your hard, then that is not cheating on your wife. Sounds like hypocrasy to me.

No wonder the Christians refer to the passage where Jesus said, "If you sin in your hearts, then it's no different that if your really committed sin in real life."

Try to see it practically: If you are here at Lush, then this site has something to offer you that your wife does not. That is a fact. Real life is always more entertaining than vicarious life. It's not a bad thing you are here. It's not reproachable. But it is an undeniable fact that Lush has something you are attracted to that your wife cannot offer you. That is not your problem. That is a fact.

It might be a problem in telling your wife you engage here. It could be because you are ashamed. It could be because you feel guilt. It could be that you worry she might feel inadequate and insecure because you are here. So it's both of your problems if you want her to understand, but make no effort to get her to understand why you are at Lush.

It might be that you already know that she cannot overcome her feelings of inadequacy or jealousy of other women. It that case you keep it secret so as not to hurt her feelings. In that case what you are doing is risky. She might find out. Then what?

I would say, if you find yourself feeling guilty for coming here and covering it up, then you need to resolve something: your guilt/shame issues, your communication/relationship problems with your wife, or your (in)ability to rationalize your behaviour as most prudent compromise between your personal needs and the needs of your relationship.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll

These 'contracts' are not legally binding. Loss of life or limb?

Well, these masters like to believe that these contracts are essential, arguing 'It's no fun when you top from the bottom by safewording on me'. I have signed one of these contracts, and was abused by the man calling himself 'master'.

What I found out almost too late is that they believe once signed, your consent is irrevocable, according to the motto, "A signed deal is a signed deal. You knew what you were getting into."

Well I didn't it was irrevocable or exactly what I was getting into. I thought I was in for sensual spanking. I got the most serious beating of my life. So now I don't sign anything anymore. It's very scary when they tell you, "Fuck you, you fucking slut, and fuck your fucking safeword!"
Advanced Wordsmith
Best movie I ever saw which illustrates the principles of Dominance and submission (not BDSM) is the film "Nanny McPhee".

NOTE: I'm very aware this is a children's film. However if you think D/s is about sex, you're wrong. This film proves you can have a D/s relationship without any sex at all.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by freakycactus
I watched the video and now I'm looking at the guy's website. I'm in shock and completely at a loss for words.

LOL - Gorean Lifestyle at it's best.

I like to keep Master Alduras in my back pocket as THE "poster boy" for the plea that submissives really should consider they DO need things like limits, safewords, and SSC (safe, sane and consentual) play - as opposed to RACK. Master Alduras uses RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink) with full waiver of liabily to injury/loss of life and limb contracts which he believes are irrevocable.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Olivia
Sexual addiction is a real phenomenon

but it's not a real addiction.

Unlike addictions to alcohol, tobacco, narcotics and medication, your body does grow to depend on sex in order to function, nor does it go through withdrawal symptoms when you fail to have sex.

Nevertheless if you feel a growing sense of dissatisfaction or unhappiness because you need (but don't feel any) intimacy in your sexual encounters, you should seek professional psychiatric help - and I don't mean some local self-help group of self-appointed sinner-turned-moral-apostels who lecture you about how sex is a "spiritual addiction", and that you shouldn't have sex anymore because it's your 'addiction'. Sex is not an addiction anymore than breathing or sleeping are addictions.

You should have sex - as often as you like -


You should feel happy about having sex, and not have this sinking feeling, "This is just wrong". If you feel that way, please get some professional help and NOT from some strange-pseudo-religious amateur anonymous self-help group.
Advanced Wordsmith
Master Alduras is still in search of women who will be real sex slaves (as opposed to 'pretend' BDSM slaves) on his island in the Caribbean. Just sign on the dotted line, transfer your assets, property, capital and human rights - and you too can have the same enriching experience this young lady enjoyed:
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by lafayettemister
If you don't like the MILF sex category, don't read it.

I am not opposed to the story, but to the labels. Like I said, they don't call BDSM "Pervert Sex" and they don't call Gale Male "Faggot Sex", so why can't they call it "Age Play" intead of "MILF Sex"?

Just sayin'.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by ChrisX
I'd take it over pervert any day.

So would I, but where I live the words "MILF" and "Cougar" don't exist, and they only consider them perverts if they practice necrophilia, or .
Advanced Wordsmith
Is it just me, or do other members here find the terms "MILF" and "Cougar" derrogatory and demeaning?

The acronym MILF for Moms I Love to Fuck originated in the film America Pie as far as I know. So, in its original context it involved an underage male wanting to have sex with one of his friend's mother.

In the meantime this has somehow spiraled out as a general wishy-washy term to encompass all women over the age of 25 who may or may not have children as "second-rate" sexual partner choices. I don't know why women over the age of 30 who enjoy having sex often are somehow portrayed as "desperate", "sex-craved", "nymphos" or "wanton".

What does the world expect? Women who have brought a child into the world are supposed to be thereafter prude?

Doesn't anyone find it strange that the expression "DILF" Dads I Love to Fuck is non-existant?

The same thing goes of the expression "Cougar". Why is there a word for a 40+ year-old woman who has sexual relations with a 20- year-old male, but for the reverse situation, there is no word? No one says "Dirty Old Man" for a 40 year-old man who has a 20 year-old girlfriend. He has to be at least 80 for this to apply. And no one calls him a "wolf" or a "coyote" or a "jackel" or anything like that.

For the story category BDSM, they don't call it "Perverted Sex".

For the story category Gay Male, they don't call it "Faggot Sex".

Hence, I would like to see the story category "MILF Sex" disappear or be re-named. MILF is sexist and derrogatory, especially when there is no "DILF Sex" category.
Advanced Wordsmith
In the beginning, circa 1998, a Nigerian immigrant was able to convince the welfare office for the City of Duisburg (Germany) that his father had a majority of interest shares in a South African diamond mine, but the Nigerian government had illegally seized and frozen his assets. He signed affidavits, and was given approximately $125,000 as a loan for obtaining legal means to release his assets.

Assets that he never had. They were fictional. And then word got out that if Germans will lend you money that easily, then anyone would.

That was the first spam wave - begging letters for the frozen-asset-diamond mines in Africa.

Then they discovered lonely middle-aged women on Friendster would give them money. And then they discovered this worked so much better on MySpace.

Fortunately they had problems setting this game forth on Facebook, although in the meantime, the East Europeans and Turks are trying it. Doesn't work at all on Google Plus or Linked-In.

They even tried bogus pet adoption for a while, but that made the news, and was short-lived.

Now they have discovered BDSM social networking.

So a word of precaution - Scammers are posing as fake Masters/Mistresses and slaves. They have already figured out that Master/Mistress is very hard to pull off, so they concentrate particularly on Dommes, Domme Switches or potential Domme Switches.

This is not always the case. Some of them pose as Masters, but they are pretty easy to spot. They'll write things like, "Get down upon your knees for grossly in overstepping your to me bounderies. You errant bitch!" in their "introductory" letters. Master is hard to pull off.

Submissive is a little harder to spot. Someone whose blog I enjoy wrote about this topic:

This is just a precaution to Dom/mes and Switches here at Lush, because recently I received this letter from an unnamed member:

so interesting


even if i am submissive that sometime switches, and even if we are on lush( and we all know what this means) i am writing to you because i red your bio and your so long list of interests, and i like them very much.
i like your bio
i like you interest lists
this made me write you and trying to know you better beside the possibility to lush together.
i think that before our fantasies we are persons, and the person i red of is a person i like.
why dont take the chance to know somebody i might like?

Normally I never disclose any letters to the public that I receive, but this letter just smacks of Nigerian scammer.

In closing, I am certain that the Lush Staff will do everything in their power to prevent these criminals from ruining this site, but you should be aware that not every online sub is "for real". Please use precaution, and report abuse.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Han135
I was wondering if a sub can be jealous.

I'm not sure if most subs would use the word "jealous" in BDSM, but I'm sure the feelings they have are identical. Let's face it, many people who are drawn to BDSM are drawn into it because of their affinities for "extreme" sex, and "extreme" sexual fantasies, such as menage à trois, quatre, etc.

I don't define myself as "jealous", however I refuse to enter a harem situation or "play" with other people. This is because of my mindset, not because I'm "jealous". Being submissive requires an intense level trust. If you remove the emotion "jealousy" from the equation, what level of trust are you having when you offer your complete trust, but the reciprocal trust is being divided amongst several individuals? Not just trust, but time, consideration and devotion?

Does that equation work for you? You give everything, they give only something back?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Poppet

1. Are you currently or have you ever been in a D/s relationship online?

Have been. It's not preferable, but it's better than no relationship.

2. If you have, have you ever had or given daily “homework, chores, requirements, things to do” set by your Dom?

Oh, yes. And the longer we were acquainted, the longer the list became.

3. If so, such as what? (Like photos, videos, leaving daily messages, keeping a journal, wearing or saying certain things.)

Daily conversations via chat/video; clothing (and lack of clothing) requirements; performance requirements; daily journal entries; task completion requirements

4. Are you punished if you misbehave? (If you are, how? Spankings, timeouts, apology letters, sexual things taken away.)

LOL. It wouldn't have been much of a "discipline" relationship were there no punishments.

5. Do you have sex with your D/s? If you do, how do you find it easier? (Cyber “typing”, Voice “phone, Skype, or any other means of voicing.” Cam? Pictures?)

They were not exclusively on-line, and yet those who had the ability to control me, were able to do so by any means available, including utilizing all kinds of technological means.

6. Do you let it be known you’re in a D/s relationship?

Other than disclosing it in topic-related forums or blogs, only at the Master's insistance. The Masters's I have known had professional reputations to think of and didn't appreciate bondage photos on their Facebook timelines. I don't reveal it to people who have no empathy for the lifestyle. I am not one those BDSM pride activists.

7. Are you required to put it on your profile?

I've been requested to do that, but I would rather not do that anymore - at least not until some sort of trial period has expired. Yes, it does offer the Master yet another symbol of control, however it limits the Master as well.

8. Are you allowed to add friends at your own will?

I'm not sure what is meant by this. I didn't have exclusively online relationships. I didn't have a Master at FetLife. I've never been on Second Life. I have a number of online profiles which have no information about my sexual interests. A couple of gentlemen had some issues about the company I kept. We agreed that I would have little interaction with such persons during the udration of our relationship. We agreed that virtual acquaintances are out-of-bounds. It was irrelevant because the Master made so much demand on my time, that it didn't matter how many friends I would add. I had no time for them anyway.

9. Can you private chat (online messages or pvt messages)?

Does this mean like at Lush? I suppose I could. It wouldn't matter if I did answer online messages if I were under ownership, because: a) the Master would know more or less the contents of such interactions b) I'm not inclined to cyber with passers-by c) the Master would monopolize my time so much, that there would be little room for these sorts of opportunities.

10. Are you allowed to whisper?

Yes. I was allowed to whisper, shout, scream, laugh or speak in a normal voice.

11. Are you in a D/s that is strictly just you and your D/s or do you have real world people your with?

N/A at the moment.

12. Why do you have an online D/s?

Because statistically, it's extremely difficult to find a partner in your neighbourhood who enjoys the same sort of bedroom/lifestyle activities you do. It's difficult enough to meet a vanilla person you might get along with and someone who is compatible. Lifestylers have extreme tastes. You narrow your view down from people who are not shy, not inhibited, and you have to continue to sort from all the possibilities of potential partners. Not shy, not inhibited, not afraid to take charge, not afraid to dominate, sexually experienced, not afraid to take the sub to her limits, not afraid to inflict coporal punishment, not violent, not purely sadistic, not volatile, not mentally unstable, has control over their emotions, has an above average intelligence, is knowledgeable in a broad range of sexual practices, etc ---all those things one expects a Master to be -- at that point it's over-optimistic to expect that they are also drop-dead attractive, rich and live next door, too.

13. How long have you been in the Lifestyle?

Four years

Advanced Wordsmith
Recently I looked this up after a girlfiend contracted Bell's Palsey, which is believed to be linked to HSV.

A couple things you should know in addition to Dancing Doll's tips:

Herpes 1 - most people already have it (80-90% of the population)
Herpes 2 - is genital herpes and is on the spread.

The damnest thing about HSV 2 is that is MORE contagious than AIDS. Basically you can get HSV 2 if you have ANY KIND of body contact with someone who has it - including through kissing, oral sex, straight sex (even with a condom), anal sex and even touching. It's highly contagious.

And just like AIDS, there is NO CURE for HSV 2. No vaccine (They almost had one, but it failed to protect anymore than 20% of the people who tested it).

The most curious thing about HSV 2 is that doesn't affect everyone. About 4 out 5 people get the disease, and never "break out". They never get the pain and the itching and the whole mess that goes along with it. That means there are a lot of people out their who have HSV 2 and have no clue they have it because they never get those icky sore on their genitals. Yet they can STILL give this disease to other people, and many do, because they don't even know they have it.

You might wonder why they have no clue, if they get blood tests at the doctors regularly. That's because they test for every kind of STD EXCEPT Herpes. You have to get an extra test for that.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by flytoomuch
Anyone else appreciate good wine?

Yes, I do.

What are your two favorite wines or the two BEST bottles you have ever had?

It's really hard to say. I have a friend who has a winery Rhineland Paltinate, and he gave the most excellent bottle of Beerenauslese (selected past-prime harvest). It was a 2003 bottle, and it was a Riesling, and was divine - tasted like brandied raisins.

Another one I won't forget is the Sommerachter Katzenkopf dry late harvest - Scheurebe grapes - from Franconia, which is just "over the hill". It won a gold prize for 2012 for best Franconian aromatic white wine.
Advanced Wordsmith
It's a light house on the North Sea off the coast of France, and it's famous for taking heavy beatings
by the storms of the North Sea.

You can look it up under: Phare du Chenal du Four
Advanced Wordsmith
Back to the subject at hand....

You know that old saying that goes, "You'll meet the girl of your dreams the minute you stop looking for her"?

It's basically true. One of the "meet the girl killers" is the stress you put yourself under because you have a "mission" to accomplish. I say, scratch that mission, along with all those theatre dialogues you are supposed to memorize from those help books about how to chat girls up.

A better idea would be to find a group activity where you could meet new people - mixed people. Try something new: ballroom dancing, a course in Manderin, an interest group for theatre or museums or something. Humanity subjects are always good. You won't find that many women who are registered members in the Manchester United Fan Club.

The important thing is that it should be something you always thought "Oh, I would like to try that". Please don't pick something you hate, but do it because you've heard that women love it. Women will spot you as a fake and twit in a New York Minute.

Once you find some interest group you like, and a girl in the group that appeals to you, the small talk "thing" will take care of itself. You would find a girl who shares at least one common interest that you do. Who knows what else you would have in common or enjoy doing together?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Guest
How did you get interested in BDSM?

I was seduced. ;)

What factor of it attracted you to it in the first place?

My Dominate had a very charismatic, intelligent and fascinating personality.

Where you always submissive?

Yes, but I was completely unaware of it.

If so how did you come about it?

I am not really sure I understand this question.

Do you think you were always into it now that you are in the Lifestyle?

I believe so, because when I was "vanilla" was was fatally attracted to narcissists, which spelled out bad relationships every time. Now that I enjoy the stable structure of the Lifestyle, I no longer get into lop-sided relationships anymore.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jack_42
I wonder if the current trend for this sort of fascist sexuality as say in the horendously written Shades Of Grey is due to the economic times we live in whereby right wing politics come to the fore in times of depression.

Appearances deceive my dear Bohemian gentleman.

Strange that you attribute to this form of sexual practice to your neighbours to the West (and South), when it has been practiced for centuries the world over, and is still practiced the world over today. I wouldn't exactly define patriarchy as "fascistic sexuality", and were you to be so indiscrete and mention this in the company of D/s couples of the Jewish faith, this could very well be misconstrued as blatantly offensive.

Could it be you have simply glossed over the black and white photographs and passed judgement without ever offering it further investigation?

If so, may I kindly direct you to the website:


There you will receive more objective views of what is generally know as the “Lifestyle”, completely uncoloured by the universal opinion of the KSČ.
Advanced Wordsmith
I hate to burst your bubble. But this fails most of the time, because of rules of the dynamics. The "naughty girl" with the "vanilla boyfriend" is often too weak of a constellation. I'm sure that you could Google a number of sites with wives/girls who blog about getting their reluctant husbands or boyfriends involved, and there are very few success stories.

However, if you want to try, there are some helpful articles on this subject if you Google "The Submissive Guide".

The reason for this, is that it's unsually the dominate partner that has to initiate this. If the submissive partner initiates it, you will usually wind up "topping from bottom" in order to get him involved at all, and that will only create "marginal" results.

For the most part, you will have 4 options:

a) You can spice up your relationship with a "vanilla" kind of kinky (e.g. sex in handcuffs without the D/s), and if this works, you can encourage your husband to develop his Dominant skills

b) You will have to learn to top or dominate him (unless he's naturally dominant and has a horror about being submissive - then it won't work). This is NOT recommended if you are naturally submissive.

c) You will have to find a Dominant outside of your marriage to satisfy your needs if your husband rejects it and labels it "perverse" or "psychotic".

d) You will have to accept that your BDSM desires are just a fantasy you will never experience.
Advanced Wordsmith
I wonder if you should have made a poll to obtain a clear-cut answer, because you will only end up getting a mass of personal opions, including mine.

Mine is that I need a get an emotional charge from a story to rate it. If I'm not getting it, then the story's "not doing it for me". It has less to do with gender. Personally I do prefer reading emotionally charged erotica by male authors, but as you point out, I may be in the minority.

What I don't like is reading stories which emphasize the "fuck" more than the emotional exchange between the characters - and yes, there are many male authors who write more about the "fuck" than the story. In that case - it's not erotica; it's porn - just like a porn film is porn, and not a particular movie you'll never forget.

There is another site (I won't name here) which allows posting of all kinds of stories and novels - not just erotica, but all genres - is mostly occupied by teenage girls scribbling their (incoherent, disorganised) YA erotic fantasies. Of course, they get wonderful ratings from each other, because the majority of the sight is full of other teenage girls scribbling their YA erotic fantasies, too - but that has nothing to do with quality content.

Unlike Lush, the stories are never edited or reviewd before they are uploaded. Like the saying goes in the country where I live, "Paper is patient when it comes to the amount of shit you can pile on it". That un-named site exercises little control over content or quality. But those young teenage "authors" get lots of high ratings from their girlfriends. Most of them are re-writing their fan-fiction which will always be popular. Originality is punished because it's not hip in highschool. And the secret there appears to be winning the popularity contest - not how well you can write, but rather, how loud you can toot your horn.