I started writing years ago on Usenet - a.s.s.m, a.s.s.d, Celeste's reviews, Crimson Dragon, Uther Pendragon, EZ Riter...you had to be there. These days I write much less, but now and then an old fan motivates me to dive in again. The water's fine. It's just not quite as buoyant without my muse.
Interests Science (my profession), cinema, photography, any toy new and shiny - I'm still the quintessential geek after all these years.
Favorite Books The Ancestor's Tale, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, Your Inner Fish, Steel Beach, Herbert's Dune Series, The Stand
Favorite Authors John Varley, Iain Banks, Robert Aickman, Richard Dawkins, Clive Barker, H. P. Lovecraft
Favorite Movies Everything by Kubrick, Bergman, Bunuel, Citizen Kane, Cinema Paradiso, Nosferatu the Vampyre (Werner Herzog), Blade Runner, Alien, Ex Machina, The Great Beauty, Pan's Labyrinth, Once Upon a Time in America, Casablanca, 9 1/2 Weeks
Favorite TV Shows Firefly, The Sopranos, Deadwood, True Blood, Battlestar Galactica (new version), Monty Python, Penny Dreadful, Justified, Torchwood, Downton Abbey, all things Star Trek
Favorite Music Coltrane, Monk, Beethoven, Liszt, Schoenberg, Queen, Harry Chapin, Brecker Bros, Steely Dan