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Over 90 days ago
Fluid Male
United States


Quote by Ping
Paul Weller, English song writer.

Damn. Another one I’ve not heard before.

The Walrus is...

"And the Walrus is Paul"... Paul McCartney

"Skeletor"? Hint- It's a she...
Quote by GraceW
I need help

What's wrong? Is there anything that I can do to help you Grace??
Just name it.._D.
My wish for you is that your reality far exceeds your wildest fantasies! So Dream Big!!!
Quote by sprite
Saints vs Rams. Bullshit non call. Rams won cause the refs totally fucked up. i hope that they get their asses handed to them by either KC or the Pats. total robbery.

TOTALLY! Can you say FIXED???

Sorry Roger, You can't always get what you want! The Patriots are going back to the Super Bowl_ AGAIN!!!
Hey Roger Goodell, *HIRE MORE FEMALE REFS* At least we can count on Them to do their Jobs Right!!!(And Pay Them MORE MONEY!)
Salutations, Barkeep, I'll have a Southern Comfort in memory of Janis Joplin if you please. A fifth that is! Would anybody care to join me? I rarely drink anymore but I always have a few in her memory.

Janis, in the words of the Don Mclean song 'Vincent'; "This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you." We Miss You Darling. Cheers Beautiful!

Happy Birthday Green_Man!!!
Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. _Mark Twain And you live!
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, It doesn't matter _Mark Twain j/k
The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter. _Mark Twain
May Life grant your every Birthday Wish. Even the ones that you forgot to ask for.
Cheers All! _NE
Quote by Ping

Well, thank you, Dave. That was one heck of a belated birthday wish. I do think that quote applies to all of us (except bad drivers - they must change!) or to quote another, “Resistance is futile.” Or to quote me, “If you’re afraid to drive, get off the fucking road.” My kids like that one best.

Barkeep, a drink for Dave, whatever he’s having. Put it on Gill’s tab. She’s on her way to the land of sand and rum, but didn’t pack me. Grrr.

You are welcome my friend. I'm happy that you enjoyed my message... Birthday thoughts and wishes are best when they are shared... Remember friends, Each new day is a Birthday! Libations for EVERYONE! Even the Shitty Drivers. I just called Uber... _D
True: Music is the gift that keeps on giving!

You have made plans to travel out of the country this year.
Greetings "Lushies" or should I say "Lushes",

I stopped by to Wish Ping a belated *"HAPPY BIRTHDAY"* ...

To quote Dr. Seuss; " Today you are you, that's truer than true. There's no one alive who is youer than you". And we all couldn't be happier of that too...

Always be true to yourself because it's hard to improve on perfection!

My prayer for you is for your worries to disappear, and for All of your Dreams to Come True. Best Wishes,_D
Happy Birthday to the one I know will achieve not only her dreams, but also help others achieve theirs!
You are on your way to Change The World! Never stop dreaming, and Have Tons Of Fun!_NE
Quote by etairay


It is not always about the sparkles and glitter, sometimes a nice quiet room, with a book and tea is Christmas. Each to their own, I pray you have the best Christmas you can in your heart. And however you choose to enjoy Christmas, you are love regardless. I love you, Merry Christmas once again

Bring it in for a tight polar bear Christmas group hug

etairay: Happy Christmas! You are our Radiant Heavenly Star That lights the way in our darkest nights.... May God bless you the way that you have us...
Truly, you live up to your name; "My Most Intimate Friend"
You might consider changing it to "Nostrum Familiarissimo"- Our Most Intimate Friend.
It is my belief that it was your avatar that chose you! Our beautiful, and beloved Angel...

With all our love, Your MANY Friends xoxoxxx
Please, Look in on our friends that we haven't heard from ( and their kitties).
May god bless you and keep you safe, warm, and happy in the palm of her hand...
May she hear our prayers and banish our monsters to under the bed, so that we can dream of kittens, puppy dogs, and butterflies in fields of wild flowers...
Keep in mind,that our loved ones are here with us so long as we are around to keep them inside of us. Remember the good times and all of the love!
Don't allow bad dreams to taint your wonderful memories.
Love is Stronger than monsters.
Truely, I've been blessed by your friendships. Hugz_D
Quote by GraceW

Thank you, sweetie. I'd kiss you if I could. You'll have to settle for a hug instead, I'm getting better at them as long as I'm amongst friends.

A hug will do quite nicely
Congratulations Grace on reaching a milestone.fnvJLZ5UposRTWW1 Your first story here!!!!
You are fantastic! Please, Keep Writing!!!
Come on, Bring it in everybody! Group Hugz!
Quote by GraceW

I wish that were universally true. My monster will never go away, but he gets a little weaker as the years go by.

I'm So sorry love,neither will mine. But the more that I expose my monsters by talking about them, the less frightning they become. Sadly, the deepest wounds often leave the uglist scars. A little something for everyone to consider;
* Drink lots of water.
* Blast your favorite music, sing along, and Dance.
* Draw silly pictures with crayons.
* Take a nice relaxing shower and let the warm water hit your back.
* Treat yourself like the Magnificent Deity that you are.
* It's ok to spoil yourself.
* It's ok to cry.
* Your feelings are always valid even if people try to tell you that they're not.
* You are Not Weak!
* You are a Shining Star.
* You are IMPORTANT!
Better days lie ahead. Bad times will fade. And friends are FOREVER!!! Luv-Ya! _D