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Over 90 days ago
Fluid Male
United States


Pretending I didn't hear the doorbell... Or my phone
Thich Juicy Prime Cuts Of Meat SMOTHERED in Cholesterol! JOY!!!
Quote by Wild_Irish_Rose
Thank you E for your kindness and encouragement. This thread is just amazing and I’ve never felt so welcome with my demons anywhere before coming here. I am truly overwhelmed and sleepless nights seem to exacerbate the situation. May our demons all play well together. Love to all?

Wild_Irish_Rose, Monsters are dispelled when they are exposed to the light!
Quote by kiera
I will stand in for Grace and kiss the men, but only if they a) have mistletoe and b) don't have wives who'll want to end me if I do.

As it's Xmas, I will also kiss the ladies if they so wish? If you want to tongue rules a) and b) will also apply.

*hugs everyone* xo

Hi Kiera, did you know that mistletoe is really White? Just like my goatee. Redhaired Irishman don't go grey, we turn white. I've never been married. So can I get in your kissing line? Although with you kissing the girls too, It going to be a VERY long line!!!
Quote by fruit4passion
Just wanted to say to all the beautiful people here, that you are all such incredible strong souls. I find it so hard to come here especially when I'm down, unlike what people think I am a closed person, it's hard for me to open up. I draw strength from all of yous, in real life i never opened up to anyone, but because of this room, I did, it helped. So just wanted to say thank you and consider you dear friends

We are ALL your close friends here, even if we have not yet formally met! Whenever you wish to talk we'd love to listen!
I am extremely grateful that my Mistress, and Savior, 'Music' has once again saved me from having a really shitty day. Love you babes!!!

I'm also grateful that I started a roast in my crockpot this morning. Yum! Yum! It smells Awesome!
Quote by SweetLittleone

thanks very much.

de nada....I'd be heartbroken and extremely remorseful, if I was the reason that you changed your avatar... I read everyone that I encounter here on this forum's, P.P. page, and then add them to my 'follows' list whether or not they are a writer. I promise you that I'd Never hound you...

Wild_Irish_Rose; I pray for life to bring you peace, and happiness. My sincere wish for you is that today will be a new beginning of the Most Wonderful Times, For The Rest Of Your Life!

Kiera my Wild, Wonderous, Beautiful, Courageous, and Intuitive Friend; I love you too! I hope that you never ever second guess yourself, because you're perfect just the way that you are!

Time differences matter not to me. I was never big on sleeping anyways. So whatever time you plan on gathering together, I'll be there. Although I must warn you that I have absolutely No computer skills. I am unable to post links or downloads on my own, I'm afraid that we're out of luck there... So if anyone wishes to, I'd be happy to tell them where they can find the Greg Lake song on U-tube.

Etairay: The brilliant golden radiant light that is who you are, expels the darkness from the lives of everyone you encounter! We were all blessed that on the day of your birth, God sent us one of his most beloved angels.SXwNinlKHcIXVOaC
It would be my absolute pleasure to have tea with you any, and every time. Just tell me what to bring.
(I'll even wear a skirt) lol

Grace; I broke open piggy. Hugs, and kisses for EVERYBODY!( Piggy had a 1/2" of dust on him. Were all going to have one-hell-of-a-time!)

Greetings All,
May your lives return all of what you have sacrificed for it! We'll all be in NIRVANA!!!

PS. Does any one wish to join me in celebrating St. Patrick's Day a little early? lol
(I don't really miss those days)
Quote by etairay

You are you. You are unique. You are special. Avatar is an extension of you. Simple as that. No need for 'sorry', to apologise, or justify yourself. You do not need the added pressure, and I apologise, if it has done so sorry!

ho ho ho everybody, a merry day to you all. Bring it in group hug

Beautiful etairay, Truly you are an Angel!
Yes, I would consider a clit as a very small penis... BuT I also consider a man with a 3" penis as having a very small clit!
Spandex blend boxer briefs...That is unless I want to let my 'junk go thunk', then it's silk boxers.
Greetings Everyone,
I wish to say that I'm very sorry to anyone that I've offended with my choice of avatar. She is a complex interpretation of my inner self. I consider her art....
Our Royal Spriteness; Provided that my presence wouldn't bother anyone, I would like to join all of you on that dreaded "C"-day? A cat as wise a Cleo El Gato could only belong to you...
Wonderful Angel Etairay; Every thought that has Ever come from you is absolutely BRILLIANT. You could Never be considered silly...
Simply John; Although I'm in accord with many peoples distain of Christmas carols, I've always loved the music of Greg Lake. I still find it hard to believe that 2-years will have passed since we lost him.
" Do you wanna be an angel? Do you wanna be a star? Do you wanna play some magic on my guitar? Do you wanna be a poet? Do wanna be my strings? YOU CAN BE ANYTHING!" (excerpt from song, Still You Turn Me On. ELP)…
Fruit4passion; I stand proud, and strong with you in your belief that "It's a very important moment in time for Women to Rise up and Take what's Theirs!" I'm praying that Ayanna Pressley will be one of Millions...
Grace, Our force of nature; I was a butcher for over 40yrs.I'll send you enough big extremely sharp knives to arm every person that you recruit. Machetes included.(That is provided that you give me a 5-min. head start!)...
Kiera; You have a marvelous voice. Please, record more stories... We're going to need to replace Grace's umbrella stand with a barrel.(several) lol...
Warmest welcomes and greetings to everybody. Luv-U-All!
Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal...Love leaves a memory that no one can steal... Peace, Love, and Happiness, _D
I'm not quite sure. I would've needed a stop-watch. I was at a friend's party when I walked into his bathroom without knocking.. Sitting there on the throne was a determined looking blond haired girl "wiping very exuberantly" without any toilet paper. As I was reaching back to lock the door she was unzipping my fly!
All told it was well under a minute...
Well...That depends on how incredibly desperate and wasted you are.
If your looking at me and seeing my avatar, you should really seek help, or go home and sleep it off! lol
Quote by SweetLittleone

Greetings SweetLittleone, You have an amazing avatar. Anyone who would choose such an avatar has to be an incredibly strong, and brave person! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement Have a wonderful day! _D
Quote by silveranode
It's really a bit of a Two-Way street.

If my partner wants me to be pristine before indulging, then I would appreciate her also maintaining a certain level of cleanliness.

Both areas can be rather formidable after being confined for a hot day in the tropics.

{I love it all. }

Yes / Yes... 3-P ? Ab-So-F*cking-Lutely-YES / LOVED IT!
I've even been the "Clean-Up" Hitter! Grand-Slam!!! (Yes, It's ALL of what you think that it means.) YUM!
{ Oink! Oink! } (oops)
Staind: It's Been Awhile;

It's been awhile since I could hold my head up high, And It's been awhile since I first saw you
It's been awhile since I can stand on my own two feet again, And It's been awhile since I could call you

And Everything I can't remember, As f*cked up as it all may seem
The Consequences that are rendered, I've stretched myself beyond my means

And It's been awhile since I could say that I wasn't addicted, And It's been awhile since I could say I love myself as well
And It's been awhile since I've gone and f*cked things up Just like I always do, And It's been awhile But all that sh*t seems to disappear when I'm with you

And Everything I can't remember, As f*cked up as it all may seem
The Consequences that I've rendered, I've gone and f*cked things up again

Why must I feel this way? Just make things go away. Just one more peaceful day

And It's been awhile since I could look at myself straight, And It's been awhile since I said I'm sorry
And it's been awhile since I seen the way the candles light your face, And It's been awhile But I can Still remember just the way you taste

And Everything I can't remember As f*cked up as it all seems to be, I know it's me
I cannot Blame this on my father, He did the best he could for me

And It's been awhile since I could hold my head up high, And It's been awhile since I said I'm sorry
(Aaron Lewis)
I have a shite load of people who became "disillusioned" after they found out that my avatar wasn't my real picture... If I reply to their harassing messages it's with kind comments...I never hear from of them again...
It seems that you may have overlooked my favorite story category of yours; The ALL OF THEM! YUM!!!
But if I Have to settle for only One at the moment I choose #1. Knicker Off
Quote by apptobebad

Try to find joy in the little things in life... One being that you you have many friends here that care about your happiness, and well being, who don't even know you...
My hopes, and prayers are that fate is kind to you, and your day gets better ...
Quote by sprite
i've been struggling for a while. Christmas is my favorite time of year. it's also the hardest. there are so many people that are no longer here to share in them. keeping really busy helps. last time i stopped being busy i ended up cutting my wrists. i don't want to do that this year, but the stress is just starting to close in again and i'm feeling lonely and isolated and doing what i always do, keep it all inside and don't let anyone know that things aren't good. so many things going on i don't want to talk about cause i don't want to just dump shit on people, so i smile, and deal and just do my best to get through the quiet times. i can deal with the busy times, it's always the quiet times that mess me up.

anyways, sorry, i just needed to be able to unload, and not on someone who has to shoulder it, but just on anyone who will listen.

thanks, guys. this helps.


My Strong, and Amazing Friend; Misery becomes Easier to Bear, when we are able to Share... You NEVER have to feel as though you are alone...

Although so many of our dearest loved ones may no longer be here in the flesh, Their spirits, along with our precious memories remain here with us Forever provided we're Still Around to keep them alive in our hearts...

Kiera, You are the BRAVEST person that I know, and you ALWAYS will be...
Gain peace of mind knowing that you will all be together again someday, in a world where there're Only Happiness!

Depression is a terrible scourge put upon this earth. NEVER blame yourself for it being here... Only Relive the Good Times. Your Lives Together made his Worth EVERY-SINGLE-SECOND!!!

Forgive my arrogance, I dare only make such a statement , because I'm speaking from the point of view of being a life-long depressive myself. {among my other wonderful(?) attributes}

EVERYBODY; Please forgive me for not visiting here as often as you ALL deserve. I'm extremely susceptible to my own weaknesses feeding off from moments of others.( I can't even watch the news)

You can count on that I will ALWAYS be here with ALL of you in my Thoughts, Hopes, and especially my Prayers...

The world is FULL of magic, You only need to Believe... Put faith in miracles, THEY HAPPEN!!!
I AM; Praying for miracles to happen for EVERYONE!
I AM; Extremely Grateful for having So Many AWESOME Friends!
Quote by NEwaythewindblows
I have Always had a fascination with women who squirt when they are orgasming. 3- of these uniquely delicious ladies squirt... You guessed it PEE! I didn't just like it, I LOVED IT!!!
By cutting "pee play" out of my sexual encounters, I'd be loosing out on a huge aspect of sexual excitement. So please everyone, try to remain open-minded, and don't knock it until you've tried it! You might just discover a whole new world of pleasures... A little 'pee play' has never hurt anyone...
There is only so much cum that a person can produce in any one "fun-marathon", on the other hand as long as you keep drinking liquids, you'll keep making Pee! Are we starting to form a picture yet?
By introducing 'pee play' into your sexual encounters, you'll be able to keep on going, and going, and going.(pun intended)
To the lovely lady that equated scat-play with pee-play, I believe that you were quite a bit off the mark there. Scat-play is not only dirty, and smelly, and disgusting, it is exponentially more hazardous for people to indulge in. Where as a little pee in you mouth isn't going to hurt you at all, playing with scat very likely might!

Is anybody up for shower time??? Do Me First!
I have Always had a fascination with women who squirt when they are orgasming. 3- of these uniquely delicious ladies squirt... You guessed it PEE! I didn't just like it, I LOVED IT!!!
By cutting "pee play" out of my sexual encounters, I'd be loosing out on a huge aspect of sexual excitement. So please everyone, try to remain open-minded, and don't knock it until you've tried it! You might just discover a whole new world of pleasures... A little 'pee play' has never hurt anyone...
There is only so much cum that a person can produce in any one "fun-marathon", on the other hand as long as you keep drinking liquids, you'll keep making Pee! Are we starting to form a picture yet?
By introducing 'pee play' into your sexual encounters, you'll be able to keep on going, and going, and going.(pun intended)
To the lovely lady that equated scat-play with pee-play, I believe that you were quite a bit off the mark there. Scat-play is not only dirty, and smelly, and disgusting, it is exponentially more hazardous for people to indulge in. Where as a little pee in you mouth isn't going to hurt you at all, playing with scat very likely might!
I know that milk does a body good, but damn how much have all of you lovely ladies been drinking???
Quote by GraceW

It's because you are so butch.


Perhaps I am Grace, but I'd really like to be your b*tch.nE7CRsgrKC0ld5av *SMOOCH*

PS. ( By the way, What gave me away Grace was it my third foot???)

PSS. Biker _Chica_! Grrrrrr, Would you like to be my mistress?