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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Trans Female, 155
0 miles · Cairns


I post my stories in installments where there is a natural break or 'cliffhanger' but you do lose readership. That said the faithful will stick with you
Spandex sheathed, makeup wearing, 'Supermoms' who run on the sidewalk pushing those big, fuck-off, baby strollers skittering everyone out of the way in their self-important rush to ensure that everyone knows that they exercise and look 'Absolutely Fabulous' while they do it!

I was on holiday travelling through Europe for 2 months and I came back with a few ideas for stories that I have since written or am in the process of writing, they were all inspired by visual stimuli:

We drove past an English Manor house enclosed by an imposing brick wall. I noticed I was mistaken, the manor house was an exclusive girl's school. I saw a girl getting into a large black sedan - my idea for 'The Collector' was born. Synopsis: young transvestite is thrown out of home onto the street but is saved by a man who takes her to a special finishing school that he runs.

We drove past a street literally lined end to end with trans prostitutes in a seedy part of Naples - my idea for 'The Game' was born. A man's past catches up with him when he is blackmailed into performing 'dares' as part of a Game he and his friends played when they were at Uni. One of the dares involves him crossdressing and parading on the street like a prostitute.

We visited Dunkirk and a few other WW2 sites and I got the inspiration for my latest work, yet to published, about a man who joins the amateur dramatic society in a Luftwaffe POW camp where he takes on the female lead role. His plan is to escape and travel across Europe in the guise of a woman. Don't have a name for this story yet so I'm open for suggestions, was thinking of 'The Prisoner Wore Panties' but that sounds a bit trite.

Some other obvious plot lines I have used:

Biker Bitch - came to me watching Sons of Anarchy
Executive Solutions - Bourne series of movies
Hostess With The Mostess - perving on airline hostesses at the airport (at leas I'm honest lol)

I should caveat this post by stating that most of these stories are not posted here yet, I'm still playing 'catch up' to get all my works posted here. They are posted elsewhere but I won't advertise other sites here as I am a loyal subscriber to Lush.

Where does your inspiration come from?
Quote by sprite

not sure i'd describe the authors as volunteers. amateurs, yes, but not volunteers.

also, unless you some how have been fooled into thinking the mods are variations of spiderman, your quote makes absolutely no sense. what great power? you think that this is a position of power somehow? btw, if you want to fast track your stories, feel free to go gold.

Because it says so here on the site that's why

Frequently Asked Questions: Why should I support lush? Lush stories is a privately owned site, run by volunteers.

Mods do have great power; they decide if and when a story gets published and on this site they have ability to edit the author's work; as an author, I'd call that great power.

btw I will 'go gold' to support the site

Thanks for responding to my posts
Quote by farmerroger
To me all the moderators do a marvellous job here on lush ............ Moderators are only volunteers so there can be a limited number of them online verifying stories. Gold members always take priority as so do competition entries. So be patient and your story will eventually get verified. Some of the moderators have become good friends of mine and I fully respect everything they do for this site and giving up there time to help out the site

Yeah but, last chapter on my story took one day to be verified, the following chapter submitted on 17 Jan still isn't..........I don't get the inconsistency?

And at the risk of biting the hand etc I get that they are volunteers, but so are the authors.

With great power comes great responsibility
Ah ah! All is revealed...

new message has been sent to you from curvygalore.

Hi Michele,

Just to let you know that your story is currently at no. 7 in a queue of over 50 stories. So if my American colleagues don't look at it tonight, I will snag it for you tomorrow when I'm moderating.

We volunteer moderators really do our best to process stories as quickly as possible. The queue just seems to be never-ending! Not that we're complaining as it's great people want to publish their stories on Lush.

All best wishes,

Lush Admin

And yes it was posted today. Thanks CurvyGalore and FirstBlush; there was obviously a backlog over the holidays
Quote by MelanieCD
T-girls and cross dressers what was the first item of feminine attire that you BOUGHT and where?
For me it was a burgundy padded bra and matching thong from Target. It was where I was at when the urge and courage hit me to finally buy something of my own. My guys parts kept falling out of the thong. Finally found a style that holds everything in. I tend to buy a lot from Marshalls, TJMaxx, Burlington Coat, Victoria Secret and DSW and department stores.

Pantyhose from a department store but that was too easy

The first real garment I bought was a blue A-line skirt and white blouse; I was looking for that 'secretary' look. Bought at K-Mart
Quote by Master_Jonathan
With the demise of tumblr, I am looking for another place (in addition to Lush) in which to write my stories. I had/have all my stories on my tumblr site currently–some of which are also here on Lush, but many have yet to be published here or are too "hot" for Lush. I am looking for another story site in which I can keep them and explore subjects which Lush does not allow. I DID have cover pics with my stories on tumblr until they got a stick up their...
Anyway, I am just wondering if anyone else writes for another story site. I am not leaving Lush, I just like to have my stories backed up and want to explore more "advanced" subject material. Suggestions anyone?

Try these:

One of my favorites with virtually no restrictions on content and ability to post instantly:
Quote by Green_Man
All of our experiences with submitting stories here on Lush are anecdotal. For me it is rather simple. In over six years and more than 500 submissions I can't really recall having any submission take more than a day to be approved and posted. etc etc

Amazing! My latest was submitted 12 Jan and is still not verified... the cynical side of me wonders if it's because I started this thread... nah!

I also wonder if moderators are assigned to certain categories, that would make sense I suppose and could explain why submissions in some categories get posted sooner.

But that can't be true because I've been dealing with same moderator now for some time regardless of story genre...but them I'm gettin' old so maybe that's not right either.Po0HVHvKkO6pKYOo
Quote by spinneroftales
Maybe because some of the sites you mentioned publish any crap sent to them, while here you have to use understandable English. I've had stories almost rewritten, considering the typing errors and punctuation mistakes the monitor had to correct. I've also had about eight stories rejected, but now I've learned (mostly) and get published fairly quickly.

I'll take the moral high ground and not assume that you mean I write crap. In my early days I too had stories rejected or heavily edited, we all started somewhere.
Quote by sprite

that and the competition deadline, where we green lighted all comp entries. btw, gold members get 24 hour (usually) turn around on submitted stories.

as for why we don't allow multiple submission, one reason is, if you're writing a multi part story and we send back chapter 4 for revision but publish chapter 5, than you've got a hole in your story.

as for the other sites, i can't speak for Fict, SO, Nifty, or TS but unless things have changes, Lit takes notoriously long to publish - i know this from talking with other authors as well as personal experience. Maybe you just got lucky.

All makes sense, forgot about the competitions, maybe I should enter. Lit takes 2 days for me tops but I'm well established there.

PS my latest just got posted, whinge and win
Also frustrating that you can only submit one story at a time...ducking for cover

I am prolific author of online erotic fiction, mainly themed around transvestites (because I am one so easy to write about) but also , pantyhose/stocking fetish (yes I have one), and often with a forced/reluctance theme.

I am published on Literotica, Fictionmania, Stories Online, Nifty, Top Shelf and few other smaller sites. Some of these sites take a day or two to publish submitted work and some send back for revision but here at Lush it seems to take forever for works to get approved and published.

I don't know, maybe it's just the holiday season and all the moderators are away on holiday?

Not complaining; just sayin' that's all

Tampons absorb moisture so using them in your anus is not a good idea; especially if you intend to have sex. They become uncomfortable very quickly and I really don't understand TVs and CDs who do this and say it makes them feel "girly" or "femme".

A slim sanitary pad can work if you don't want to gaff (if you don't know what a gaff is Google it). You can do the 'tuck thing' and use the pad to keep your junk in place whilst giving you that nice smooth 'VW hood/bonnet' look in the front of your panties that looks very much like a woman.

I do not find either of these products particularly 'sexy'; I'd much rather a well lubricated penis inside me than a rag