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Do you write for any other erotic story sites?

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With the demise of tumblr, I am looking for another place (in addition to Lush) in which to write my stories. I had/have all my stories on my tumblr site currently–some of which are also here on Lush, but many have yet to be published here or are too "hot" for Lush. I am looking for another story site in which I can keep them and explore subjects which Lush does not allow. I DID have cover pics with my stories on tumblr until they got a stick up their...
Anyway, I am just wondering if anyone else writes for another story site. I am not leaving Lush, I just like to have my stories backed up and want to explore more "advanced" subject material. Suggestions anyone?
Quote by Master_Jonathan
With the demise of tumblr, I am looking for another place (in addition to Lush) in which to write my stories. I had/have all my stories on my tumblr site currently–some of which are also here on Lush, but many have yet to be published here or are too "hot" for Lush. I am looking for another story site in which I can keep them and explore subjects which Lush does not allow. I DID have cover pics with my stories on tumblr until they got a stick up their...
Anyway, I am just wondering if anyone else writes for another story site. I am not leaving Lush, I just like to have my stories backed up and want to explore more "advanced" subject material. Suggestions anyone?

Try these:

One of my favorites with virtually no restrictions on content and ability to post instantly:
I find Booksiesilk a great site for writers of Erotica.
I have published on many sites ( of course,,,,, and Out of all of those, is my favorite for community and honest feedback. Literotica is one of the oldest and you'll get a lot of exposure, but I find it lacking in the community department., as MicheleNylons said, will get you published quickly and has almost no content restrictions, but it can be hard to get feedback at times. Deviantart of course is semi-popular and not a bad place to publish, but it's not most known for literature so it can be difficult to get feedback on it. I've published a few things and yes it receives a ton of views but I've yet to receive the first comment or anything supportive from it (unless you count the e-mails from creeps) so not sure if I recommend it.
MicheleNylons - Great site! Have you seen these sites? Here you can share a sex story in a video chat.
Quote by Master_Jonathan
With the demise of tumblr, I am looking for another place (in addition to Lush) in which to write my stories. I had/have all my stories on my tumblr site currently–some of which are also here on Lush, but many have yet to be published here or are too "hot" for Lush. I am looking for another story site in which I can keep them and explore subjects which Lush does not allow. I DID have cover pics with my stories on tumblr until they got a stick up their...
Anyway, I am just wondering if anyone else writes for another story site. I am not leaving Lush, I just like to have my stories backed up and want to explore more "advanced" subject material. Suggestions anyone?

Literotica is a thing, as other have mentioned. It is as described, lots of views, very little in way of community.

"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.

Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory

Quote by wicked_jocelyn

Literotica is a thing, as other have mentioned. It is as described, lots of views, very little in way of community.

I started on Literotica first, over two years ago. It's s an old and huge site with probably hundreds of thousands of stories. They allow anonymous non-members to vote and comment, with some wild results and lots of trolls. But you can get thousands, tens of thousands, of views. The Author Hangout forum is the best for community there.

I'm going to try Stories On Line because it has virtually no content restrictions and it's interesting to try a different audience.

Lush has some notable restrictions, like no fan fiction or stories about celebrities allowed. They are sensitive about copyright issues, so pieces of song lyrics, poems by other authors, probably movie dialogue, get removed during verification. Lush also closely proofreads submissions. Literotica is too big and doesn't have the staff for that.

Lush has a lot more story categories too, which can be helpful.
I only write on Lush. The others feel very rough and unorganized to me.
I have never really felt inclined to try others. I've read stuff on Lit but never joined (or maybe joined but never published anything). does the job for me in terms of a place to publish and a community of other writers. And I have enough worries about keeping my participation here discreet without having other sites as well.
Katie and I joined Lush as an outlet for our adventures. Too much fun not to share. We have published a few books (see our profile for info) that include many more fun times and with her input I think the stories have turned out pretty good. Certainly enjoying Lush!!
Katie and I joined Lush as an outlet for our adventures. Too much fun not to share. We have published a few books (see our profile for info) that include many more fun times and with her input I think the stories have turned out pretty good. Certainly enjoying Lush!!
Started on Lit, and still there. Added SOL on the advice of Danielle Kitten, and still there. I actually found Lush while doing traffic comparisons of text erotica sites on Alexa before Amazon put almost everything behind a pay wall. Those are the big 3 as far as traffic.

I personally feel they also provide all the versatility an erotica author needs to provide a home to any idea that might cross their mind. SOL's single content restriction means that more or less anything goes, so there's a home for ideas too extreme for the other two. Work shorter than 5k words ( including poetry ) simply doesn't perform very well on the other sites, while on Lush, it gets reasonable readership in comparison to 5-10k word stories, and outperforms even longer work. SOL's tag-based navigation and Lush's expanded categories both serve to prevent opposing camps from developing within categories as they do on Lit and trying to run each other off... *cough* Loving Wives *cough* or dominate a category so thoroughly that the second facet of the category is virtually eradicated ( & , which are separate here, preventing that from happening ) Lit's contests are major traffic draws, and there's just no comparison to the traffic overall.

Having all three sites in your utility belt means that you don't need to make your idea conform to any one site's content restrictions or readership preferences, which can stifle your creativity. Run with your idea, and then home it where it is within content bounds and will get a response that rewards the effort you put forth. Every site will organically end up with exclusive content from you, meaning your more devoted fans often end up contributing to all three sites as well, in at least some small way.

Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!

I used to write at Literotica, but I canceled my membership as of Friday, August 13, 2020.

Why? For me, it’s all about the profile.

All the other sites have profile sections, but, in my opinion, none of the others allow the fine tuning you can achieve here.

Within reason, you can get as filthy and outrageous and uninhibited as you want on Lush, keep it classically and traditionally romantic with just the barest hint of sexuality, or anything and everything in between.

Plus, if there are categories and members that just squick you out, you can easily exclude those and block them.

I’m sure the others do as well, but once I found what I could do here at Lush, my Literotica membership was eventually doomed.

I don’t really care about votes or comments or winning contests. Outside of my own personal blog, this site is the only one I’ve found that allows me to express myself in a way I can be proud of and have complete control over.

For instance, outside of avatars, there’s a way people can post one picture on their Literotica profile: one. I still haven’t figured that out and there are no instructions on how to do so. I think it’s a legacy thing the earliest members were allowed to do that they removed for later ones. Maybe they keep the procedure so private other members will eventually give up trying. I know I did.

Imagine Lush profiles being restricted to one picture and the barest sort of biography (that you can’t even format). At Lush, not only can you tweak and format your biography, you can also post wallpaper, music, blog entries, pictures, forum comments, and a plethora of other options. You can allow feedback on your profile and your stories or you can restrict that. You can even allow certain parts of your profile only for people you choose.

For those that don’t care about such things, I guess any other story site will do.

I’m done, though. I found and made myself a nice little home here. Maybe I’ll visit other sites, but I certainly don’t want to live there.

📜 🖋️     S e m i t a l e n t e d   S c r i b b l e r     🖊️ 📃

Confused about the rules for my Lush Stories® song titles game? → Click HERE.

I began posting to the now all but defunct ASSTR about 20 years ago. I started posting on SOL in 2003 and LIT sometime after that. When I discovered Lush about a year ago, I decided to try it. Each site has its pluses and minuses.

I don't care about scoring and, although nice, comments aren't why I write. I write because I enjoy it.

Because I tend to write long stories, I find SOL works well for me. The site allows you to access multi-chapter stories from a single pane of glass. The turn around time is usually quick.

While I like Lush, I find not being able to post stories/chapters over 10K words frustrating. I have discovered many readers here prefer short stories, rather than novel-length tales. That said, I do like the community aspect of Lush. I have enjoyed the offerings of many very good writers and will continue to post and read here.

As for LIT, I can take it or leave it. As I said, all the sites have pluses and minuses.

As a writer, I feel it's important to know your audience and your venue. My long tales seem best received on SOL.
Quote by Darkvision29
I began posting to the now all but defunct ASSTR about 20 years ago. I started posting on SOL in 2003 and LIT sometime after that. When I discovered Lush about a year ago, I decided to try it. Each site has its pluses and minuses.

I don't care about scoring and, although nice, comments aren't why I write. I write because I enjoy it.

Because I tend to write long stories, I find SOL works well for me. The site allows you to access multi-chapter stories from a single pane of glass. The turn around time is usually quick.

While I like Lush, I find not being able to post stories/chapters over 10K words frustrating. I have discovered many readers here prefer short stories, rather than novel-length tales. That said, I do like the community aspect of Lush. I have enjoyed the offerings of many very good writers and will continue to post and read here.

As for LIT, I can take it or leave it. As I said, all the sites have pluses and minuses.

As a writer, I feel it's important to know your audience and your venue. My long tales seem best received on SOL.

I've been spreading stories around on Literotica, Lush, and now SOL. I have a bit of a backlog recently, so I can go to another site instead of flooding one with too many submissions around the same time. I also have the option of rewriting old stories and posting them on another site.

This may seem a bit strange, but after 2+ years on Literotica (including the bulletin boards), I almost became too well-known there. I think they allow non-members to vote and comment, so one can get some over-the-top judgments. (I try not to care, but I sometimes do anyway.) On SOL, I can try some one-off stories that may be more experimental for me.
Quote by Enigmatic123
I find Booksiesilk a great site for writers of Erotica.

Booksiesilk looks interesting and I'll check that site out. Any idea about how many members, how much traffic the site has?
I actually currently have 205 stories on male/male spanking site MMSA which are written completely from my imagination. I started writing on there last September after my first attempt to put a story on here went awry and my stories flowed on MMSA but they are now almost at a standstill since I started putting stories on here.A few of my stories on here are adaptations of stories that I have on MMSA.
I've been writing erotica on my own blog, Sapphic Tales (blogspot) for more than 10 years.
Quote by calx86, as MicheleNylons said, will get you published quickly and has almost no content restrictions, but it can be hard to get feedback at times.

I wrote almost exclusively on SOL, and have for almost 20 years. And I have hit most of those listed in here already, but that is actually my main one.

Primarily, it is great for long stories, a feature that can be a real pain when talking about sites that are geared more towards short single stories. I just decided to poke my head in here and post a few of my stories, but probably only my shorter ones. Having to post a 700k-2.2m story in here one chapter at a time and then linking just seems like a lot of work. But I have tons of shorter stories where that is not a problem.

I also get a lot of feedback on SOL, primarily in the "Notes" that readers leave me. Of course, I am also very interactive with my readers, and on one story alone that has turned into 7 pages of comments on a single story, kind of a mini-forum.

I still post a story on Nifty on occasion, but since I rarely post primarily homosexual content, I have not posted anything there in years.

ASSTR and the Kristen Archive used to be great places. But Kristen retired long ago now (but the archive is up), and ASSTR is barely alive.

Literotica, eroticstories, I bailed from those sites over a decade ago.

I recently decided to try posting stories on xhamster, never doing that again. Tons of morons writing me emails and screaming because I was not posting things they wanted to read, so I wrapped up my experiment posting there and will not return.
Nobody mentioned
It's an enormous site for TG fiction. I haven't posted there, but writers of trans stories of any kind might like to post there.
Just an update folks...

Since starting this thread I have opened a site at Storiesonline and I have 12 stories there now - stories that you won't find here. I have learned my way around SOL enough to make it do what I want. I will still call this home, I just put my more extreme stories there. My thanks for all of you who answered the call and I hope you will drop by my page for the link to my hard stuff!
I post under the same name on Literotica first, then on Lush (as long as the story is under Lush's 10K word limit).

Each site has different readers and the differing feedback I've received has been very useful in improving my writing. (at least, I hope I'm improving )
Quote by Master_Jonathan
Just an update folks...

Since starting this thread I have opened a site at Storiesonline and I have 12 stories there now - stories that you won't find here. I have learned my way around SOL enough to make it do what I want. I will still call this home, I just put my more extreme stories there.

I guess I am kind of the reverse. I am simply continuing from now on at SOL, and probably going to not bother here to be honest.

I was aimed here by another author, so decided to come check it out. But waiting almost a week now for 2 stories to be authorized, I just realize it is not really worth my time to be honest.
Quote by Mushroom0311

I guess I am kind of the reverse. I am simply continuing from now on at SOL, and probably going to not bother here to be honest.

I was aimed here by another author, so decided to come check it out. But waiting almost a week now for 2 stories to be authorized, I just realize it is not really worth my time to be honest.

it's the end of the competition. this is norm for that. we fast line comp stories to get them in at the end of deadline so everything else takes a bit longer. soon as it's over, things get back to norm.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Mushroom0311

I guess I am kind of the reverse. I am simply continuing from now on at SOL, and probably going to not bother here to be honest.

I was aimed here by another author, so decided to come check it out. But waiting almost a week now for 2 stories to be authorized, I just realize it is not really worth my time to be honest.

I would just like to add that I have been here on Lush for over 8 years. In all of that time, I have never had a story take more than a day to get verified and posted. And I have over 500 stories here. If you have waited that long I am sure it is an anomaly.
Quote by Green_Man

I would just like to add that I have been here on Lush for over 8 years. In all of that time, I have never had a story take more than a day to get verified and posted. And I have over 500 stories here. If you have waited that long I am sure it is an anomaly.

yeah, but you also have a gold membership which does push you to the top of the list, Larry. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Green_Man

I would just like to add that I have been here on Lush for over 8 years. In all of that time, I have never had a story take more than a day to get verified and posted. And I have over 500 stories here. If you have waited that long I am sure it is an anomaly.

Well, they were finally posted.

And interestingly enough, I am tending to post my more extreme stories in here. Which is not saying much, as extreme for me is not all that bad compared to many. My usual style tends more towards long epic love stories. But I can't see posting over 50 chapters of a single story in here.
Quote by Mushroom0311

Well, they were finally posted.

And interestingly enough, I am tending to post my more extreme stories in here. Which is not saying much, as extreme for me is not all that bad compared to many. My usual style tends more towards long epic love stories. But I can't see posting over 50 chapters of a single story in here.

yeah, 50 chapters is a lot - the trend is, that unless you really work at getting a strong following, readership for chapters is going to decrease as they go, especially if there are long gaps between chapters. not that some haven't done it fairly successfully, but i would recommend starting off with one off stories or stories with 3 or less parts, at least at first.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

yeah, 50 chapters is a lot - the trend is, that unless you really work at getting a strong following, readership for chapters is going to decrease as they go, especially if there are long gaps between chapters. not that some haven't done it fairly successfully, but i would recommend starting off with one off stories or stories with 3 or less parts, at least at first.

Oh, I actually have been writing for many years now. One of my early ones over 20 years ago only had 11 chapters (long for that era).

Early this year I finished one at 34 chapters and another 18 chapters of it's sequel. Then finished a 69 chapter beast, and so far have finished 75 chapters of the sequel to that one since March of this year. I typically work on 2 or 3 different stories at a time, bouncing between them when I get stuck one one. Or just writing something completely different.

But my long ones really are quite different than what I post here. They tend to have a lot of character development and romance. But I may try posting one of my "shorter epics" here someday. I have tended to shy away from that, because many places simply do not like long form stories. I have actually completed 3 like that, and another is now 90% completed.

I could probably post a chapter a day for the next 6 months, and still be able to tell 3 complete stories.

But for me, "readership" is not all that important, to be honest. I love telling stories, and hope to make characters that are believable and others want to follow.