Sex, Astronomy, Porn, Mathematics, Computers, Wanking, Science, Skiing
Favorite Authors
I've read most of Tom Clancy (good writer but very US jingoistic). Other than that I don't get a lot of time to read fiction.
Favorite Movies
Matrix, Toy Story, Avatar, Ice Age, Eragon, Shawshank Redemption. Lots of Sci-Fi, Political Thrillers, good Animations. Hate Westerns, especially those with John Wayne (my aversion is explained by the fact that my Father watched them all the time when I was young). Actresses I like: Judi Dench, Jessica Alba, Michelle Pfeiffer, Katherine Heigl, Maggie Smith, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Garner, Gemma Arterton, Nicole Kidman Actors I like: George Clooney, Jonny Depp, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise
Favorite Music
I don't listen to much music. I like some Alanis Morrisette and Elton John's Melbourne tour was great. Most classical music is good too. BIG fan of Tom Lehrer! I much prefer listening to BBC Radio 4 (the UK's premiere talk channel), it's on in our house all of the time.