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Advanced Wordsmith
"The launching of such a libel prosecution by a succesful and popular dramatist against a well-known peer and sporting character was bound to create widespread public interest."

The Trials of Oscar Wilde by H. Montgomery Hyde
Advanced Wordsmith
My ear. A woman kissing my ear lobe, running her tongue along the shell of my ear, breathing her warm breath into my ear and whispering to me - - instant arousal.
Advanced Wordsmith
I appreciate posted comments and PMs on my stories no matter who they come from. It is always helpful to know how a reader responded to one of my stories, whether positive, lukewarm, or even less so. And, well, it is just good to know that someone read my writing, felt something, and cared enough to let me know what they thought.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I don't think (in general) that anyone would consider 40 to be exceptionally old, or an age that carries a 'stigma' related to age.

Oh, God, please let that be true.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by RumpleForeskin

Melville, Moby Dick: (see, GE/BH) There's a reason it was a huge flop when first released. Should be approached only by Eng. Lit majors and then with caution..

Ah, Moby Dick is one of my favorites. I think it is a great novel, and there is much more humor in it than what I expected. The only parts I got bored with and skimmed over were the technical parts about the ship.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by roccotool
I started reading,"I'll Sleep When I'm Dead", the biography of Warren Zevon, and almost didn't finish it. Why? Because it was clear he was an asshole! Here's a guy that womanized, got married and had a daughter anyway, became an alcoholic who would beat his wife, had numerous affairs, and ignored his daughter. She even made a special trip to see him once and he still ignored her. So many people tried to help him (including Jackson Browne), but he never thanked them. If it wasn't a library book, I would've thrown it in the trash.

I read that book and almost wished I hadn't. I am a big Warren Zevon fan, and however much one tries to keep an artist's personal life separate from his art, it always seems to sneak in. Now, I almost try to remain ignorant of the personal lives of writers and composers whose work I admire. Learning that Zevon was such a selfish prick didn't ruin his music for me - - I still like it a lot - - but now I see it through less of a fond lens.

One fun fact from the book - - Zevon said Eleanor Mondale gives the best blowjobs he ever experienced. I am sure Walter was really happy that tidbit is now in the public domain.
Advanced Wordsmith
I would estimate about 9 or 10. The problem is my nightstand is still stacked with books I have been meaning to get around to. I am currently working through the short stories of Flannery O'Connor. Too many books, not enough time.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by LaceyChains
He was a song writer and not a poet, but I can't help wondering what other songs Jim Croche would have written if he had not died

Croce was great. Operator and I Got A Name are great songs.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by MahlerSymphony
Quote by Dancing_Doll
This is probably an unusual one for most, but I really got into Albert Camus in my first year of University.

Two of his novels, The Stranger (or L'Etranger) and The Fall, are still favourites of mine.

Love Camus, including The Stranger and The Fall. Have you read The Plague? I read a fair amount of Camus in an Existentialism class in college.

Yes, I read the Plague... I didn't like it as much though. I also read some Sartre, but those two books I mentioned are still my stand-out favourites.

Oh, God, Sartre. Being and Nothingness was an extremely taxing read.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll
This is probably an unusual one for most, but I really got into Albert Camus in my first year of University.

Two of his novels, The Stranger (or L'Etranger) and The Fall, are still favourites of mine.

Love Camus, including The Stranger and The Fall. Have you read The Plague? I read a fair amount of Camus in an Existentialism class in college.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by gypsymoth

Apart from Edwin Drood, what are your favourite books of Dickens?

My favorite is A Tale of Two Cities. After that, probably Bleak House.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by gypsymoth
Quote by MahlerSymphony
I think Charles Dickens would have a number of important things to say about the state of the world today.

No doubt, but I would hope he'd elucidate the Mystery of Edwin Drood first.

Let's give him a long second life to do everything, Drood first.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think Charles Dickens would have a number of important things to say about the state of the world today.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Thanks Mahler...

It's my tip of the day!

I know there is a pun in there somewhere waiting to be let free, but I'm just not sharp enough today.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Actually, just to seriously answer the Q..

If you have a quickie at lunchtime, or sex in public and you are wearing a skirt... a pantyliner is useful to soak up all the cum that slowly drips out of you all afternoon... helps prevent the inevitable glazing of the inner thighs... or lower ass cheeks.

The question was worthwhile just to get this answer.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Alissa

What is a female cross-dresser? I wear hubby's shirts and sweaters all the time! Some guys (including hubby) think it's sexy when I wear one of his dress shirts. If I met you at the front door wearing nothing but one your dress shirts and a pair of heels would you break up with me?

I think something would be heavily starched, if you know what I mean.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by DamonX
I know a girl that sliced the tip of her clit off when she was shaving. That's probably too rough huh?

Well, that made me physically cringe. Yikes!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll

AND... just to create more discussion: Let's say you have a girl that has a great tight body, but A-cup breasts. Would you prefer her with implants (if she wanted them), or would you prefer her to stay all natural even though she'd always just be a 'sweet petite'...

I would strongly prefer that she remain natural. Sweet petites are wonderful.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by thepainter
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Good Son

Loved the Nick Cave performance in Wim Wenders' Wings of Desire.