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Here is the explanation of the judging process as it worked previously.

Quoting Nicola --

"Typically the top 20 - 30 stories (depending on the # entries and story lengths) based on highest average score, are then read by myself or someone deputizing for me if I do not have the time.

- That list is whittled down to a Top 10 which are then sent to a panel of judges."

Will "highest number of Likes and Favorites" now substitute for "highest average score" in choosing the "top 20-30 stories" from which the comp winners will be chosen?

That is my concern.

Quote by CallmeJayne

As opposed to the most unpopular authors you mean?

Isn't it likely that the shortlist will be drawn from those stories that meet the qualifying level of votes, favourites, likes et al?

In other words, no change.

I'd say it's quite a change, Jayne.

Previously, assuming a comp entry received the required minimum of 10 votes, it was the average score that determined the finalists. Total number of views and votes factored into it less, if at all.

Naturally, the more people who read a story, the more "Likes" that story will receive. And the more friends and followers an author has, the more people are going to read their story.

Now we'll be able to see how many readers "Liked" a story; but with no subjective scoring, there's no indication of how many other readers may have found the story less than a "5", by comparison.

And instead of a writing challenge, the competition becomes little more than a popularity contest among the most well-known Lush authors to accumulate "Likes".

This is going to discourage new and lesser-known authors from entering comps.

I can't believe no one has asked this yet, but --

How will the new system work with competitions? Will the stories with the most "Likes" (which is going to correlate closely with the most reads) become the finalists?

This would seem to give a major advantage to the most popular authors.

There is still one place this bug didn’t get fixed. It's the "Latest" tab under "Audio Stories". Just re-loads the first page when "Next" is clicked. It's impossible to see any Audio stories earlier than the most recent 30.
I'm sure I remember reading on here (quite a while ago) that, once a story has received 20 or more votes, the lowest score is dropped when calculating its average score. I guess this was put in place to filter out a vote that might have been based on a personal grudge or something.
There's no longer going to be a feed of latest forum topics at the top of the stories page? Forum participation is sure to plummet, particularly on the non-game threads.

To fully view all the categories on a profile page now takes about a dozen separate clicks AND a ton of scrolling. Who is going to bother with all of that? Everything used to be visible on one page at a glance with much less scrolling needed, since it was in two columns.

Where is the "online now" link we had before, to see all the members who are currently logged on and set to "Visible to All"?

The ONLY change that I've seen so far that I like is having the story categories hidden unless clicked upon.

I, also, will be reverting to the old desktop view if that's an option.
A very late brunch at IHOP, the last week of February. Had a big combo of breakfast food, even though it was nearly dinnertime.
My first TV crush was Burt Ward (Robin on the original Batman TV show).