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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 66
0 miles · France


Along similar lines to you, I love to wrap the string/gusset of a g-string/thong around my balls and stroke myself. There is just something yummy about having my balls tightly constricted!
I have a particular like for a couple of bands round my cock and balls...I use fairly thick ones, the kind that you buy asparagus bound with. One round the whole ensemble and a slightly smaller one just around my balls. The feel of my clean shaven balls being really tight, combined with the extra firmness of my cock, as the base is quite constricted is exquisite. Also, being uncut, this has the added bonus of holding the foreskin back, so gives great sensitivity to my cock head. Just love stroking it like that, or wearing sheer or satin panties/thong just adds to the sensation when stroking through them! When it's so sensitive, a few firm slaps is also quite nice...?
Quote by carlyhughes2018
am i the only one who thinks that when a guy undoes your bra with one hand that he is quite experienced

It took some practise, but got there in the end and became quite deft at it! It leaves the other hand free to do all sorts of other lovely things!!!
My wife is a squirter and I absolutely love it! Found the technique by reading a section in a 'lad mag' purportedly written by a lesbian, whose mission was to make her male readers better worked and my wife loves it. Personally I Swallow as much as I can catch and lick my fingers clean too! I love the taste, as others have described, sometimes warm or even hot, taste can be quite bitter. Sometimes she gets a little too carried away and pees as well - that's OK with me and it gets the same treatment?
Hi Leah, may be a little late in the day, as you probably found some you like already, but......
I have tried all sorts, clothes pegs are great, but a little bulky, especially when you need such a level of pain that you need to clamp the peg on your nipple with another to make it bite harder, I call them propeller nipples, but twisting them is sooooo exquisite! Tried a couple of different clamps, that were less than satisfactory, then I came across these, you can make them as tight as you can stand, they are just divine, can also be twisted and they also have these little bells on, so the more your tits are jiggling, the more they jingle!

Like NaughtyG and others here - it's a toss up...I just love Star Wars (originals, of course - saw Ep 3, as it is these days, at the cinema when it was new!!!!!) and Indiana Jones (maybe its the family connection - Mother's side), Back to the future (or, given the dateline, back to the past!!!), Bourne trilogy (Quadrilogy, in for the purists)(or does the fourth one count if you are a purist? :-) ), the Jason Statham remake of 'The Mechanic' and, most things, that have a lot of ass kicking in (Liam Neeson, Bruce Willis etc.)...that said, love a bit of humour - Brit cinema is good: 4 weddings etc, but try watching some of the old Ealing movies 'Oh Mr Porter', 'The Titfield Thunderbolt' and the original 'Ladykillers' (sorry Lord Tom of Hanks, you are an effin brilliant actor, but it just can't be bettered!) they make I larf - that said so does 'Ensign Pulver - must be something to do with my upbringing - or having served 100 years or so in the navy (Her Majesty's of course - is there another one????)

Seriously? there are just too many to mention which ever side of the Atlantic you prefer (and further afield, of course)

Just enjoy watching - I know I do ;-)
The artwork on just about any Yes album is pretty amazing. One or two plain outside but again the amazing artwork of Roger Dean on the inside

Quote by MasterJonathan
Ok one more Golden Oldie...

Got a 1950s one that has been tweaked to work on a digital line. Not long after our teenage son asked how do I redial!
Bandy legged, same colour eyes and I still bite my nails, trying to curb it at it looks bloody awful, I know, but a 50odd year habit is effin hard to break!
I'm surprised by the lack of support thus far. OK, I know it's not everybody's cup of tea...different strokes and all that, but come on you ladies who say you like this sort of thing...where are you?

Clearly I do like to wear them and my wife even buys them for me. They certainly feel great on and as a number of the ladies have intimated stroking oneself with them is hot (as is stroking oneself through them while wearing), but not as hot as having my woman do it for that is a whole different feeling!
Quote by Milik_The_Red
No one wants to make a true war movie. There is no glory, honor or heros, there are only desperate people fighting for their lives, blood, death and loss. It is an excerise in futllity and the men in the trenches would rather be anywhere but there.

How true Milik. The majority of movies have many inaccuracies in order to make them watchable - like probably the least accurate of them all U571!

BoB and Pacific are very close as they are based on factual accounts as is We Were Soldiers. The Battle of Britain and Dambusters are pretty accurate in many aspects but have stories woven through them. Some portray a number of unrelated events woven together to form one story (633 squadron for example).

To my mind one of the best is 'The Longest Day', a very good portrayal of one of the most momentous events in modern soon forget that it is in black and white!
This is a very popular genre. As some have already said, there is more to wife lovers than just cuckolding and I believe more to cuckolding than fits neatly into the wife lovers category, so it's a yes from me.
I have a 4x4, extremely reliable and very practicla for hauling big stuff around.
Dream car - Aston Martin or Maserati.
Love the old Citroen Traction Avant, complete with suicide doors, just a very stylish old motor!

Sorry SnS...However, strip away the CD slut exterior to reveal the sensitive, sexy guy beneath...

In for a penny, yes to below
Been shaving my balls ever since I had my vasectomy years ago, just love the feel of 'em all silky smooth, especially in a nice pair of sheer panties!
These are a couple of pairs from my own collection, both 6 inch favourites of the moment. Got them in the sale at Spring, when I saw them I just had to have them!