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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 50
0 miles · Little Rock


Story Teller
Thank you for all the congrats! A hearty congratulations to Tash for a most well deserved number 1 and to annie for an awesome number 3! Great work to the top 10 and all the entries. I was just hoping for a mention in the top 10, so I was amazed to see that I was number 2. Thank you for giving me a jump start back into writing again.
Story Teller

A bit of pain makes the pleasure more intense.
Story Teller
I view three's as average. Sort of like a "C" in school. Comments are great, but I don't think an average score needs explaining. I got a one on my story, and the person said it started out good, but ended up being cheap porn. That comment didn't help me in evaluating my story. Just told me that they didn't like how the story went.
Story Teller
This post actually made me laugh, which brightened my day. Gotta love stupid people.
Story Teller
Ok...all I can see in my mind is Ken (with his damn permanent underwear) and Barbie (with nothing).
Story Teller
The problem with cybering is the illusion it creates for some. When I did cyber, I seemed to fall in love easily. I did it for excitement.
Story Teller
As many on here know, I have recycled names like crazy. My first one (passionflwer) was a flowery one that made me gag. The second one (lady_Eva) got me into too much trouble during my bdsm research. Next (dreamspinner) I kinda liked, but it wasn't me. So here I am with my regular boring name, and fits me!
Story Teller
A body condom. Lol. No...seriously, I sleep in panties. I hate how shirts choke me.
Story Teller
Damn Sprite! You took the words right out of my mouth.
Story Teller
The ceiling fan, which is not doing anything to drown out my husband's snoring.
Story Teller
I have over 10 on this site, and I've only looked on the first 29 pages. Woo. Hoo. :/
Quote by MistressS
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by MistressS
I spotted a couple of stories by sprite and by ropetease form here, on that site DM just gave.

I think just about everyone on Lush has a story over there...some of the titles even have "Lush" in the name, like this one...

There is literally about 100 pages of stories taken from here...

Thankfully all those stories were put up before I joined lush and posted my stories, so mine aren't (Unless they can tamper with the dates on there.
But I'll keep checking to see if more are added.
Story Teller
Geesh. This day really sucks. I mean, really sucks. First, all the stolen stories, next bad news from my hematologist, and then a car accident. Good god! What's next?

But I agree with DM. I'm going nuts trying to find all the stories. I'm gonna need Valium.
Story Teller
So far, my stories have either been taken down...or the pseudo author blocked me. Ain't that something? I've only searched 5 out of the 50+ stories I have. *sigh*
Story Teller
You know... on one hand, it's flatter. Sick and sad, but flattering. On the other hand, it makes me sick and supremely pissed off. I wish there was some way to protect ourselves.
Story Teller
xhamster has my Alyce story and my alisha story on their site by a guy. This is sad.
Story Teller
Hey guys! Apparently this person is a twilight junkie. They stole my story "the seduction of Alexis". I placed a review on it as well. She seems to be ignoring me.
Story Teller
Woe is me! Alas...I have been plagiarized. The offending party appears to be ignoring my request for her to remove my work or at least give me credit. The offending site is not responding, as well. How do I contact their webmaster? Any assistance is cordially welcomed.
Story Teller
I have been recently thinking about leaving. Not cuz of anyone here, but cuz I lost my inspiration. Has anyone came across it in the lost and found? I miss it so. Anyway, I'm holding auditions for a new one, in case the old one doesn't come back. Any takers?
Story Teller
Why thank you! It was just another day to me.
Ex Dreamspinner
Story Teller
Now I already told you that the only boob you can bet on is the one on my back. The other two are still on loan.

Quote by thepainter
Quote by bikebum1975
You don't know what you're missing buddy lol.

True but I'm still willing to bet passionflwer's boobs that TimTams are even better.
Story Teller if flying in an airplane is supposed to be the safest way to travel, why do you have to go through a TERMINAL?
Story Teller
ew. why would anyone think that was something people would want to see?

Quote by nicola
I love the ex-wife DB. Good to see you.

Ok, but seriously, who wants to come to a sexy site, and then see a picture of some guy with his bits sliced off, with the bloody testicles lying next to the body? Even writing that makes me cringe. Sickos have plenty of "rotten" places to go.

Story Teller
Why so serious, hun? I will buy enough Klondike bars for everyone. ;)

Quote by Kyle
Recite erotic poetry while riding the wind.
Story Teller
One thing to remember, the quote "hey baby! wanna fuck?" is not going to score too many points.
Story Teller
as for the rubbing and smearing, I have lotion for that.

Quote by Gendog69
I know girls like to smear it on themselves & swallow it so if it was sold in stores would you buy it?
Story Teller
First, why would I buy something that resembles snot after the passion has simmered. GAK! I guess it is the nurse in me. Second, why would I buy something that is abundant at home for free?
Story Teller
A klondike bar is an ice cream treat, but it does sound like a lesbian/ bar in the Yukon or Alaska, doesn't it?