By this one - No, but some used in the past very likely because several were of me at various times…
I really like that clean waxed or smoothly shaven look best and always kept it that way. It’s just so much easier, better for maintaining regular hygiene in the nether region.
I had not had hair in that area for as far back as I could remember but my boyfriend asked me to not wax, shave, or trim while at home over the summer break from college. So I left my pussy alone for the entire summer so he could see for himself just what it really looked like.
Surprised, he was with all that hairy mess down between my legs being so thick, wiry and matted together.
To my dismay, he actually liked it that way - even though I did not!
It was just horrible down there with all that itchy horror between my legs and Oh the smell coming from down there too was quite embarrassing. It was virtually impossible to maintain good hygiene down there and as for us having one thing we both did really enjoy - that of getting into or giving each other that sixty-nine position, well that came to a screeching halt with my being covered with all that thick hairy mess.
I was finally able to at least trim a little each week until I had a V-shape above, then a wide landing strip going onto a narrow landing strip and finally smooth shaven, the way I wanted all along. It was all his idea - he thought!
We were once again in our sixty-nine position after getting into the V-shape above the clitoris.
Now that we’re married I do let my pussy get some hairs down there then trim into that V-shape for him as well as both a wide and narrow landing stripes even returning to that completely bald look again. The best of both worlds - his as well as mine!
Yes, I’ve seen two of my brothers a few times years ago. My boyfriend now husband many, many times, we had done solo as well as each other and still do, and his roommate while in college. A girlfriend’s - boyfriend as he masturbated solo in front of her and me, then as they both would do themselves solo and each other too.
First, I would advise you to write your story in a word file rather than on this site.
Second, read it out loud to yourself and make sure it makes sense to you as written.
Third, correct any errors, check for spelling and grammar errors or mistakes; correct them.
Fourth, let it sit for two days then re-read it again out loud to yourself, making any corrections you deem necessary. Let it sit again for several hours then re-read it once again out loud to you.
Fifth, if it is suitable and you’re satisfied, then go to the login-in page look to your left and find a block marked “Submit Story”, click on this link then follow the instructions.
I'm adding a sixth but it really should be before going to the 'Fifth' -
Sixth, ask Literot to edit it for you!
YES, I definitely like giving my husband, Chuck, a good blowjob, while getting treated to some of the best pussy eating he has to offer. He and I both enjoy the 69 positions, me on top, and if things get a little too much while either one is engrossed in the other, the one climbing the wall is given his or her pleasure as the other slows a bit to give that one a little extra boost over the hump. Then after he or I am in the grip of ecstasy we work together seeing that we both reach an orgasm that beats the band, leaving us both totally satisfied and looking forward to the next time.
As several have already said, it’s hard to stay focused if you are reaching for that ecstasy to your climax, while giving your partner full attention, so it’s easier to get or give that extra kick to the one going over the ridge to their sexual pleasure, first, then continue on with the other’s pleasure afterward. This seems to work for us!
Since the weather in this area is usually mild to warm in both spring and fall and usually quite hot in summer it is perfect weather usually from mid-March until late October so I prefer wearing sundresses to work. I like those with a flare type full skirt, knee length, and no underwear (neither bra nor panties), more conservative with little to no cleavage, and business style heels for everyday use.
When we have a casual jeans day at work I’ll wear my faded stone-washed jeans with a western-style shirt and cowboy hat and boots.
When I’m to attend, present, or participate in a meeting involving customers I will always be in a bra, usually wearing a three-piece conservative-style business suit, complemented by tasteful jewelry. Hair put up in a conservative bun-style, very businesslike.
If going out in the evening; dress according to where we are going and/or who we will meet or be going with for the evening festivities.
At home in our apartment with just my husband then we’ll both probably be in a robe or just natural, depending on the mood we’re in. Many times when we get home tired we’ll get undressed take a shower then just sit around together without any clothes on at all. That way we’re already ready for bed after brushing our teeth, etc.
No, never and haven’t since puberty - I have worn a short nightie that covers me just past the butt but only when it’s extremely cold outside, otherwise I sleep completely in the raw - in that same suit I was born in, under a sheet!
Oh! Not for the same reason as you, but because I just like being comfortable and it’s fun too!
Personally, I was always bare as a baby’s bottom by being shaved smooth, until I found that being waxed was so much better in that it’s smoother, cleaner, and much easier to manage its hygiene, controlling odor.
My boyfriend, now husband, wanted to see just what I would look like with a full natural bush, so in order to appease him, over my summer break from college I stopped any trimming, shaving, or waxing in my vaginal region that entire summer.
Needless to say, when I returned to school in the fall it was one thick, wiry mess - all matted together much like shag carpet, a real mess and sight to behold.
Then to make matters even worse, he actually liked it - that way.
I now had - one hell of a time trying to convince him to at least agree to some little light trimming; which was out of the question - according to him!
This was becoming a real nightmare in my trying to stay clean and fresh, down there, let along stop all that awful itching taking place, as well as really bad irritation down in-between my legs.
I was in such pain and agony that I had to just get some real relief from this entrapment.
I really wanted some real relief from all this holy terror, which I was experiencing in my genital area.
I needed desperately to once again be back to a completely bare and smooth shaven state if only to maintain some normal bodily hygiene in that area, even if for no other reason.
So I took it upon myself and began slowly just a little at the time trimming slightly here and there until he took notice and began wanting it trimmed, at least a little.
When he would go down on me for his orals he was no longer getting a mouth full of hair, which he truly liked so much better, since we both truly enjoyed as well as like doing that sixty-nine position from way back when I was completely shaven smooth, clean and fresh.
Today I am once again bare about eighty-percent of the time; but I still grow some hairs down there, then trim those hairs into a nicely trimmed v-shape which he now likes, a wide landing strip, as well as a narrow landing strip just for him to enjoy now and then.
This is really, the best of both worlds for him know both of us - to enjoy.
Here’s my list of those movies that cover the way I perceive myself as my pussy yearns!
The Deep; Gone with the Wind; Jaws; The Wild Blue Yonder; Tora! Tora! Tora!; Sheltered; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; American Beauty; The Pink Panther; Night Passage; Daddy Daycare; Waist Deep; The Devil's Own; Running on Empty; It's a Wonderful Life; Heaven; The Ultimate Gift; The Great Escape; The Black Hole; The Hole; Splash; As You Like It; Every Which Way but Loose; Wanted; The Seven Year Itch; Tight Spot; Bring It On; The Gift; Freddy Got Fingered; In the Heat of the Night; Snatch; Some Like It Hot; and Taken!
I went with my college roommate to a place that was as much a surprise as a new experience for me.
It was a private, members only, seaside resort, nudist/camp that had its own private nude beach where clothes were optional, but mostly I would say that while I (we) were there on spring break from college(s) there were not any persons at the resort or on the beach in any clothes what’s so ever once checked in.
My roommate in college family was charter members so her parents supplied us with a fully furnished cabin for the week. She invited me and two other girls to all meet and share; so we’d share that resort's cabin for the week of fun in the sun.
She and I drove down together and met her two other girlfriends in the lobby where she signed us in and picked up the keys for our stay. Upon check-in, we all went to the cabin putting our things away and getting completely comfortable by getting nude.
We all got out of our clothes getting naked with only - flip-flops, sandals or moccasins on our feet. We walked over to the clubhouse for some drinks, a swim in the pool, or headed down to the beach for a swim in the Gulf or lying around in the sand soaking up some sun.
Everyone was as we were completely naked some even barefooted.
There were people of all ages - men, women, teens, boys, and girls; young, old and everything in-between was out there naked as the day they were born, having fun!
In regards to this question, I must concur that what everyone has already stated - all of these sensitive areas or spots on one’s body are of a highly sensual nature and extremely sensitive to the lightest of touches by a soft hand from one’s finger(s) or their loving tongue.
As for me, I truly want my husband touching or brushing over my naked body with his soft touches anywhere. My entire body is an erotic zone without exception, there is not a single inch of flesh that is not sensitive to touch or feel.
My total body gets goosebumps and will immediately go into convulsions, overdrive if you will and then I get super hot, wet and very, very horny wanting him to take my genitals, giving them some immediate attention, without any hesitation - what’s so ever.
A Brazilian waxing is really a part of my life which allows for the best in good hygiene. So about 90% of the time I'm waxed clean and smooth, but sometimes its shaven smooth as a baby’s butt; in between waxing.
Then there are those times I feel an urgent need to be adventurous, so at those times I might want to change my appearance down there.
I'll sometimes have a landing strip either thin or perhaps a little thicker/wider say 1 to 2 inches. Then there are other times I might go all out, having a full thick or trimmed bush.
All these different ways seem to work just fine for me when in the mood or my boyfriend now my husband wants me to be somewhat different - for his pleasure.
He and I like it best when waxed or shaven smooth. For all those times when we get into that sixty-nine position or even simply given each other orals, which we both thoroughly enjoy doing.
I’d had intercourse with my boyfriend a total of eight times in an eighteen hour period of time and orals three times in between. The next six-plus hours were spent getting some much-needed rest and sleep. After that final time, we both were very, very sore afterward. But did thoroughly enjoy that day however we won’t be having a repeat performance of that - ever again. Now it’s three possibly sometimes four but never more. I really don’t like getting sore neither does he.
On the question of whether it is better to give than receive I must state emphatically that its really better to enjoy the pleasure of oral sex mutually by giving the best you can as he’s so pleased getting something so wonderful from you that he returns unto you the wonders only a well-placed kiss, tongue, face, head going down between your legs can and does bring but only if you both are in total and complete unison at that very moment.
If you happen to have been lucky enough to find such a man, I do mean a man, not a boy that truly knows and understand that good, no great orals are not to be taken lightly nor done in haste; but, reverently for/with both pleasure in mind for both not just one’s self can bring true happiness which can be found within.
I am lucky enough to have found such a person. He and I both enjoy not only getting, but also giving those simple pleasures to one another. We get into the sixty-nine position so both are truly satisfied in the end by both having great, wonderful orgasms to boot - every time.
I read one response over on here that went something like this ---
“… thing that irks me is to see someone write in the margins or highlight some passage. One time I was in a used bookstore, and for some reason picked up a Holy Bible and flipped through the pages. Someone had used different colored markers to highlight verses and circled others. It was almost as if a little kid had used it for a coloring book.”
When I was younger, I once noticed our pastor’s own personal Bible. It had tattered, frayed, and worn pages that had some notes written in the margin also many of these same things that person mentioned - many passages in there were highlighted in either yellow or pink and even others had been circled in either black or blue ink.
So I guess you could say, that his Holy Bible had been defaced in a case like that.
I do not personally mark in, highlight, bend or fold down pages in any book I own or borrow from others. I just don't deface them!