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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 29
0 miles · Huntsville


My first experience with my now husband’s penis was a wholly terror. He was so very, very huge not only its length but also its girth was extremely painful going inside me those first few times even with much - foreplay and loads of lubricating.

He was my very first a couple of years before we got married.

You can read about my first time in a story on here entitled:

I was afraid when I saw that huge cock, the first time being - long, thick, and hard. Feeling it as it was being pushed inside my tight little vagina.

He did not just ram it in me, to begin with, but it did hurt me something awful in the very beginning - it took me some several different times of having sex with him before it finally got to where I totally enjoyed having him inside - fucking me.

I would finally get a chance to measure his penis in its fully erect state - using my dressmakers' tape; he measured - 28CM in length (slightly over 11 inches) and 18CM in circumference (a bit over 7 inches) measured at its mid-shaft and again close to his body. Its Corona measured 18.28CM in circumference.

I never use to wear either a bra or panties if I were in a dress or shirt from the time I was fifteen. I would only wear them if I were in denim shorts or jeans; at that time they were more or less required in order to keep from getting chafed from being rubbed raw.

I would also wear panties if I wore cotton pants or shorts most of the time. Panties were also required while on my period.

I do wear my panties all the time now if I’m dressed at home or going out while being pregnant because of excessive moister, dampness, and leakage.

Katie001; - That really depends on you … before I got pregnant I was a 34-B and seldom ever wore a bra at all any place or time. I was firm a little more on the small to medium size so I was able to do this without much trouble unless excited and my nipples poked out, visible in my shirt, blouse, dress or anything that was tight or clung to my chest so they showed through.

Now that I am pregnant with larger boobs I must wear one for support, to lift - hold up what now seems to droop, sag so-to-speak, due to gravity.

I agree with Meagananne1986 … my long legs are my most admired asset - I at 5’-11” tall must agree to them being sexy; then I’ve been told my sexy smile runs in there also.

Now that I’m going into my seventh month of pregnancy I’m at 36-D.

I am normally a 34-B until I got pregnant and those boobs began getting larger, firmer.

With my normal areolas going from about 1 inch in circumference - more pinkish in color to now a hair less than 2 inches in circumference and more brown in color.

My nipples from about the size of a number 2 pencil eraser to about the size of a nickel and about half to five-eighths an inch in length and extremely hard and firm.

I’m not sure if you want a female chiming in on this but being such I have no problem(s) personally with a man or men wearing skin-tight Speedo’s when at a public beach or pool if legally allowed to do so there.

Quote by clum

I don't think you should try to "convince her" of anything. I think you should have a mature conversation with her about it.

Honestly, why is it such a big deal for you to wear a different swimsuit? Why is it important for you to feel sexy and sensual when you're at the pool or beach, especially if it's making someone you care about uncomfortable?

Not questions you need to answer to me, but probably what you should discuss with your girlfriend.

I don't think people should be dictating what their significant other does or does not wear, but this is obviously making her feel insecure or jealous or whatever and she's had the maturity to voice that. Talk to her about it and decide if making her feel that way is a reasonable trade-off for you feeling more "confident".

I do also very much agree with clum's comment that you two need to sit down together and discuss this as two levelheaded - sensible adults and work out a solution that both can live with.

Now as for me and my husband, he often wears one as well as other types of swim trunks when required but we both do go to nude resorts and beaches where we both are completely naked and have no problem with these places.

First I do agree with all those answers already given. It really does depend on all these circumstances which will dictate what’s truly needed at any specific moment in time or place you happen to be.

There are times when only a simple touch, a soft kiss or his little smile will do the trick in lighting my fire within; then those other time when you’ve had a hard day either at work or home you just need a little more togetherness - such as a tender touch, kiss, or hug.

All those simple little things he knows or can do so well; such as a lovely word(s) a simple gesture that will definitely make it that special time between you both, lighting the fire within.

Foreplay leading to sex for both Chuck and I is a matter of what’s needed at any given moment; since we both have such high sex drives it takes very, very little to have us in bed and having sex rather quickly.

Quote by Meagananne1986
I have an exceptionally high sex drive. I want it all the time and need it all the time. My pregnancy only added fuel to an already blazing inferno. Fortunately, I'm married to a wonderful man whose sex drive is equal to my own so we're a perfect match.

I too have an extremely high sex drive as does my husband and like Meagananne being pregnant does push me hard to get and have all I can get. It's fun and makes for some real-time in bed together getting what we both not only want but also need. I too am married to the most wonderful man on earth who keeps me happy and very well taken care of - all the time. No complaint!

Well, Stormdog ...

That's right he was able to sustain an erection for this wonderful fucking of me to my having four above-average orgasms an almost reaching my fifth with him shooting a massive load of cum in that amount of time. Can you do any better?

~~ Jessica~~
I want him to continue even if I’m convulsing wildly or shaking violently as long as he’s hard enough to be felt.

I like being pounded which usually lasts through three, four even five orgasms for me.

With each being reached in somewhat longer intervals where he usually obtains two very powerful climaxes with a third sometimes being possible before he has to quit for several hours before we can go again.

Personally I’ve reached three or four orgasms to him obtaining two extremely powerful climaxes, many times and still continuing for several minutes still hard enough for me to feel him inside me. However, if he slows or stops moving in me then he’ll usually go limp fairly quickly and fall out.

I have had him go for as long as thirty-eight minutes; non-stop with him obtaining only one climax, while I obtained four orgasms, even as I switched positions with him several times.

~~ Jessica~~
In answer to your question only my husband and several friends I’ve gotten to know on Lush really know I’m on here.

For the most part my family and close personal friends - Do Not know!

Being a southern farm girl only my older brother Alan knows for sure; that’s because he’s a member and saw a picture I had posted on here at one time in the beginning as my avatar, he was shocked and told me in no uncertain terms to remove it - immediately!

Which I did!

Now as for the rest of my family they do not know and I’m sure they would not approve if they did.

My primary reason for becoming a member on Lush was so I could write some erotic stories most of which are true either of me or friends I have known, some all my life.

My husband knows I’m here and has known ever since we started dating.

He sometimes looks over my shoulder reading many stories posted on here - with me.

I’ve told him, he should get his own account; so he could comment on those stories he’d like to do so on.

I’m friends with six different men from all over the world whom I stay in touch with through our personal, private e-mail accounts.

My husband also knows this and he sometimes even adds his two-cent worth in with some of my comments to them.

Quote by RikkiSue
I have just come back from a business trip to NYC and ended up spending far more than I can really afford on everything from undies to a new winter coat. My only moment of buyer's remorse was the excess baggage penalty I had to pay flying home.

You might wish to check on the excess baggage penalty charge(s) ahead of time and if they seem excessive then think about sending all those things you just couldn’t resist buying on a splurge - via either air express or air freight by purchasing one of their boxes and ship those things home that way.

Boxes vary in size and price so pick the on that suits your needs.

These boxes are a flat price for everything you can put or pack in one of them.

This price includes shipping for only the price of the box regardless of weight as long as the items are in the box.

It’s possible your package will be on the same flight you’re on if by air express and will arrive at your front door when you return home. If on the other hand your package is shipped via air freight it will reach you the next day or within the next two-three days.

I have found this works best most of the time for me; but, either way, check it out first, seeing if you can save on shipping.

Next time, you get the urge to splurge it might save you in the long run.

It’s worth checking out, you might also check with the store where you bought these things, it's possible they will ship them to your home for free or a small charge also, it pays to ask!

Of all my 54 stories 13 are of me directly and most definitely true another 3 are mines and although in another character these are also true.

21 of the others are also true only those are friends of mine involved in these not me directly.

So as to the number of totally true stories I have posted 37 are definitely of true nature.

The biggest thing I’d ever had inside my cunt - until I met my boyfriend’s (now husband) penis; measuring 28 cm in length by 18-18.3 cm in circumference was my indexed and middle fingers, or middle and ring fingers - only.

His penis hurt; I do mean hurt something awful, hurting like everything when he would enter my vulva, stretching my vulva opening - unmercifully; until, I would get used to his huge penis deep inside me; now he feels quite comfortable and wonderful - upon entering or being inside me deep, as he does - his magnificent thing.

No, not from this one unless you remember some of my earlier avatars; but, by many of them you would definitely recognize me!

I’m comfortable with my small 34-B cup size; very firm perky nipples - when aroused and quite satisfied too! I seldom ever wear either a bra or panties!

Right ladies

Can you answer the below: Yes, here are mine …

1. How old are you - I’m 24 …
2. Location - USA the Deep South …
3. Breast size inc cup - 34-B, when I wear one …
4. Are you shaved trimmed or hairy - Varies widely but at the present with some hair; but neatly trimmed; most times waxed or shaven smooth …
5. Do you prefer to spit or swallow - I always swallow my husband’s and never spit …

Pleae answer truthfully

I was like many others on here I was about nine and in fourth grade. I wrote a story about myself, my younger brother, Alan who was a little over a year younger than me and our dog Butch on a summer’s afternoon down at the pond on our folks farm. It was for a homework assignment. We had to present it to the class by reading it aloud. Mine got a grade of B by my teacher, Miss. Wilder!

The first erotic story was written with my girlfriend, about a boy and girl getting naked together and kissing, not really all that erotic. Only the two of us ever read it.

I had written three or four that were published on another website that is no longer around. My first on Lush was a story about - ‘Almost getting caught’ under this title and can be found:

I can remember my shortest time ever was slightly more than 2 minutes.

As for my longest, it started early as we were leaving the apartment for our jobs, continuing all day until we return to our apartment when I arrived first going in getting naked as hubby came in several minutes afterward.

I had gotten into bed, waiting on him.

He quickly undressed and we started with about twenty minutes of foreplay went he finally pushed his cock inside me and began moving in-n-out very, very slowly for about five minutes.

We were building nicely as he begins moving somewhat faster for about another fifteen minutes going back to a slower in-n-out motion as we flip over so I’m now on top and in control as I increase the speed and depth of penetration for another fifteen minutes.

We continued for ten minutes more until I stopped moving on him for about three minutes, to rest before resuming my up-n-down motions on him for an additional ten minutes until we both reached massive orgasms together.

I had already had five orgasms and multiple ripples in this some almost an hour-n-a-half of him inside me.

In all, I’d say it was 10+ hours I was in a sexy state of sheer pleasure all that day.

Personally, I do because both Chuck and I have extremely high sex drives that just want quit or stop. All either of us has to do is just simply look at the other to get sparks flying and its instance getting naked to light a fire, within, starting the flames of passion burning.

Every morning of our married life thus far has started with a sixty-nine session followed by intercourse before our shower. We get dressed, out the door to our jobs.

When we get back home we’ll get comfortable by getting completely naked sometimes having intercourse before eating dinner. On those rare occasions we forgo intercourse before eating then we’ll eat first then go for some pleasure in bed afterward.

I can only remember one time we did not have some form of sex - four times in a single day after getting married. I don’t remember - why?

Chuck is one sexy dude and is always hot and ready to go! WOW! What a lover!

To me it just feels so dang good to have something that’s so, so pleasant; leaving one on cloud nine with an orgasm of pleasure…

My husband and I ever since getting married have started each and every day with the sixty-nine position.

As for us, that is probably our favorite, together …

I thoroughly enjoy each of these three positions in this order (1) Cowgirl, (2) Reverse Cowgirl, (3) Missionary but with us more on our sides facing each other.

He goes more for (1) Doggy, (2) Reverse Cowgirl, (3) Standing, with me bent leaning up against the wall and him fucking me from behind with my legs spread wide apart.

It’s really hard to say which way is most enjoyable by picking just one. We seem to like all of these ways and with him being so large I have to work hard at pleasing him without him hurting me by hitting my cervix in most positions.

Quote by Meggsy
We have on many occasions.
Why - probably because we enjoy the pleasure of it and watching can be a real turn on.

I'll agree we've done it many, many times also, while dating and still do now that we're married!

I like watching him as he reaches his climax and shoots his cum all over me! It’s just fun!

He likes watching me use me dildo too!

We do usually have sex afterward!

I am very, very much aware of this technique as it’s been performed on me many, many times by first my boyfriend now my husband. It is and can be extremely pleasurable if done in the right way. In that by using his finger(s) in such a matter, he will bring her some real pleasure. By him using the come-hither method inside her, his finger(s) will stimulate not only her g-spot but her clitoris as well in such a way that almost any girl/woman will have some extreme pleasure from him. Thus bring her an orgasm or many, many orgasms as she’s so stimulated.

It is however extremely important that he be gentle inside her most sensitive area and that he DOES NOT; I repeat - DOES NOT dig at her insides causing her unbearable pain and discomfort instead of her obtaining some pleasure so she’ll want him to play with her again and again.

Posted: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 3:26:03 PM

Rank: Forum Guru

Joined: 10/23/2013
Posts: 2,638
Location: Australia a little less ego - a lot more compassion will fix your problem.

To this I’d say, ‘AMEN’

Posted: Monday, August 5, 2019 1:43:18 PM

Rank: Rainbow Warrior

Joined: 5/15/2014
Posts: 7,781
Location: Licking County It depends entirely on the woman he is with, and whether he can cum multiple times. I cum rather quickly and easily, but a lot of women don't. When we were swinging with new and different couples, it seemed like some of the guys were trying to prove how much endurance they had before cumming the first time. During a three-hour session, guys would stay in me but not cum, and after about an hour, I was getting dry and sore. If they cum 3 or 4 times, and we rest until he can get it up again, I'm good for a whole evening cuz I stay well-lubricated. Guys who take forever to ejaculate drive me crazy!

I also agree with you, Beffer!

Posted: Monday, August 5, 2019 10:02:59 PM

Rank: Forum Guru

Joined: 10/23/2013
Posts: 2,638
Location: Australia We are all different - obviously after of reading of Beffers experience. I could not bear him to be there that long as the experience would be excrusiating for me.
I like the guys to stay until I have cum. After that they can have me for up to about 15/20 minutes to take their pleasure from me and possibly have me cum again. After that its "times up."

I agree with Meggsy also, if it begins getting dry I’m sure any woman would feel that it would be getting extremely sore and quite painful - NO fun for her or him either, by being rubbed raw…

I have no problem with my husband in that at the present we have sex two to four times daily with most sessions lasting 20 to 35 minutes usually changing positions three to five times.

I usually have two to five orgasms with him most times having one but every once-n-a-while he’ll have two.

We’ll most every time finish in unison that is having his and my last one together, making for great pleasure to us both.

I would say that 20 to 35 minutes is just about right as long as both are satisfied and no pain is experienced!

I was quite surprised at just how many of these posters - think it’s such a turn-on; being female I’d never reality given much thought to this, especially when younger!

Personally now, however, I’m not in favor of mine showing but it does when I’m in either my one-piece or one of my many bikini bottoms at the pool for a swim, more so in that one-piece suit which is much harder to adjust – discretely to hide it from view.

I try to keep my suit from becoming so tight that my camel-toe is visible, but after getting out of the water it does, for some apparent reason, becoming very pronounced and quite visible, thus somewhat embarrassing.

I usually adjust my suit as I’m getting out of the pool so that it does not show, but sometimes I get caught by all those teenage boys and those other men around the pool, which too, is quite embarrassing.

I do not attempt showing my embarrassment in front of them; instead, I just smile and walk on by!

To several that have commented as to whether it hurts when the clothes are tight and pulling into this area, I’ll say, this is only me talking - IT DOES! It is quite uncomfortable being tight or pulling in this area.

Now, after reading this thread I guess men and boys are just as obsessed in seeing us girls or women with camel-toes, as we girls and women are to notice boys or men in a tight speedo with a somewhat large bulge!

This brings up a most interesting scenario - about both the sexes… Does it not?

Think about it?

My first time was with my husband back when we dated and shortly after we had both lost our virginity to one another in a hotel room in Jackson after attending our college football team’s game earlier on that Saturday afternoon.

We checked into the hotel about 5 O’clock then went to the dining room for a meal there in the hotel before going to our room for the evening.


(You can read - if you like, my story of how I lost my virginity to him on here - entitled… “”)


Now for my very first time at giving him a BJ!

It was about two weeks after we returned to school and I was over in his apartment on a Tuesday.

By then we had, had been having intercourse several times and he asked if I’d give him orals.

At first, I said, “NO! I’m not that kind of girl.”

He did not push nor pressure me into doing something I was against.

Instead, we just had sex as normal a couple of time, then upon finishing our second time that day - he pulled out, then he did something I’ll never forget - he went down in-between my legs and with his tongue, he licked my clitoris, as he pushed his tongue into my vulva opening … WOW! What a feeling that was, I started wriggling, bucking, squirming in sheer delight from all this newfound pleasure.

He kept this up for what seemed like hours bring me to orgasm, after orgasm for my pleasure.

When he finally stopped and I was convulsing wildly in his arms - he kissed me repeatedly and I was coming back down from one tremendously fantastic high. I just could not return that favor fast enough to him - I just had to suck his cock in returning the pleasure he so wanted from me.

He was lying there on the bed with his cock in a semi-hard state as I slowly wrapped my hand around that sticky shaft lifting it as I put it in my mouth and began licking him as I tasted both his cum and my sweet nectar on there - I continued sucking, licking that sweet cock as it got bigger, thicker, harder in my mouth then started to throb when suddenly I felt his warm cum fill my mouth going down my throat as I swallowed a massive amount of his cum with some running out of my mouth either side and down my chin.

It tastes different from that, that I'd tasted earlier, saltier but still not bad, not bad at all. After that, we started doing sixth-nine which we both truly enjoy and do every morning and have since we married over a year ago.
I have never had sex in an automobile but my oldest sister Samantha, while in high school did have sex in a ’59 Rambler Custom, 4-door sedan belonging to her boyfriend’s dad.

It had bench seats both front and back.

The front seat when moved all the way forward with the seatback folded down made into a double-size bed expanding to approximately six feet in length.

According to her, this made for an awesome experience even with the danger of getting caught by anyone!
