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A question about masturbation

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Sending you a pic in the attachment which i have taken a snapshot of from a porn movie. As you can see she is being masturbated but see how the guy's fingers are placed at the lower end of the vagina. So the guy is jerking her with his fingers inserted at the bottom of her pussy. I have seen this in porn many times and it seems she really enjoys it. The lower end of the vagina is masturbated very intensely after inserting two fingers by the guy. Are you
aware of the specialty of this technique of masturbation in reality ? Can you provide any information from your own personal experience? Does it usually give a lot of pleasure to the woman?

Nope - that is not her ass he is fingering although it may appear so in the image . In the video its very clear and

obvious that he is jerking her pussy

Assholes are people, just like you and me, except they remind us that we all need to self-reflect once in a while!
I am very, very much aware of this technique as it’s been performed on me many, many times by first my boyfriend now my husband. It is and can be extremely pleasurable if done in the right way. In that by using his finger(s) in such a matter, he will bring her some real pleasure. By him using the come-hither method inside her, his finger(s) will stimulate not only her g-spot but her clitoris as well in such a way that almost any girl/woman will have some extreme pleasure from him. Thus bring her an orgasm or many, many orgasms as she’s so stimulated.

It is however extremely important that he be gentle inside her most sensitive area and that he DOES NOT; I repeat - DOES NOT dig at her insides causing her unbearable pain and discomfort instead of her obtaining some pleasure so she’ll want him to play with her again and again.
