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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


Try this one on for size. The power to control probability. Like for instance the probability that I'm going to win the lottery or the probability that when I hit you even if its a weak hit it will still knock you out. My fiance came up with the idea and I haven't found anyone who could argue with that being the ultimate superpower.
Quote by overmykneenow
To be honest, the very first thing any guy notices about a woman is that she's female. After that it's a checklist of things as to why she WON'T hold your attention rather than the other way around - this is pretty much done in the blink of an eye on a subconscious level.

The more noticeable you are (ie the more skin you show off) the more likely you are to get attention - the sort of attention you get is, of course, in the eye of the beholder.

You may get some responses from men on here saying that a woman's personality is the first thing they notice. Just so you know, these men are all disingenuous liars of the lowest order and cannot in any way be trusted.

I am honestly inclined to disagree with you. It may be hard to believe but there are those of us out there who, when we were looking for a woman (I have one now and I am very happy with her) actually did notice other things besides her body first. Not all men look at women like pieces of meat to be done with as they please... There are those of us, though we are few and far between, who actually like having an intelligent conversation with a woman no matter her appearance. As far as noticing she's a female first in most cases that is rather obvious. I, for one, am rather insulted that you would call anyone who says that he notices a woman's personality before anything else a liar. I think the fact that you notice or know that she is a female is implied in the question so that is a moot point. As far as maybe not being able to tell her personality from a distance, an observant man would be able to look at how she interacts with her friends or other guys who go up to her and be able to tell whether or not she is friendly or a snob.
Telepathy and telekinesis. I am thinking about going into criminal psychology so that would be an amazingly helpful ability. In high school it definitely would have been invisibility though. I was a horny virgin all 4 years.
Sorry dude if you have to ask you're fucking stupid... If the spouse of this person is down with it then I'm indifferent but if not then don't be stupid and cheat on the person you married or ask the other person to cheat. I'm guessing whoever the spouse in this triangle is wouldn't approve which is why you're asking but your still fucking stupid for asking. So I would say NO. I apologize for for the language but stuff like this pisses me off.
Quote by Nikki703
Loser has to go to work with anal beads or a butt plug in his/her ass and keep them in all day. Would he go for that?

Sorry but no... I wouldn't.
Quote by HunterNoel
Mine are all really me in the ones for everyone only a small part of my face is showing but there is an album for my closer friend that I talk to more often and it shows my face and everything else. It took a lot to put up nudes of my self and I still feel weird about having them up for people to see at times. I think many profile pictures are the ones that are mostly fake but it is easy to tell with that
I love the nudie pics you have up. I like everyone knowing how hot and sexy my future wife is. ;)
Okay everyone my girlfriend and I are looking for some fun bets to make with one another when we are together playing video games. The problem is neither of us can think of anything the other wouldn't be open to. (no anal play of any kind for either of us) We are looking for advice from impartial sources about what we should do. We are going to be together in December Michigan. I mention this incase is inspires ideas for what we should do. Hope you comment. smile
I would return with my girlfriend Hunternoel and watch her walk around the beach naked. Maybe start up a game of nude or strip volley ball.
I could take the role of body guard as long as I dont have to become a eunuch. lol
this has probably been said before but why choose just have both at the same time. ;)
Quote by Butterfly
I have no pissed off fashion peeves to include, just wanted to comment on a couple from others;

Those jeans are hot, I like them...lose the panties though cause that just looks like shyte!

The doggie carrying things or pet purses or whatever ya call em...just ridiculous!! I agree with DancingDoll let em walk ffs!

Just a guess but I think the "panties" are part of the jeans lol.
I hate baggy jeans that hang down past a guys ass. I wonder if any of the idiots who do that know where that whole thing started... I bet that if they did know they would stop doing it.
Quote by sprite
Quote by cherryrebel

All I can say is ouch... Well for some guys. My girl is happy with me. ;)
Most definitely eyes. You can find out so much about how a person is feeling or what they are thinking simply by looking at their eyes. I dont know who said it but someone has said that eyes are the windows to the soul which is absolutely true.
Quote by nicola
Somebody doesn't read the instructions on the tin.

You're all smart alecs!

I didnt answer I just gave a clue and laughed. Yes I am a smart ass for the picture I posted but I couldnt help it I thought it was funny.
Quote by mal0003
I guess it means you're only going to show me part of your lovely butt!!

ha ha ha good one...
She is mine but she did this last night and I talked her into letting me share. Hope everyone enjoys.
you are right and the reason we are so uncomfy in VS and other places like that is because we dont want to be seen as perverts. That is a guys biggest fear when he walks into VS is that if he takes his eyes off the ground in front of him he will be seen as a pervert. I actually got to go undie shopping with my girl and I picked out the ones I liked but I made her actually take them off the rack. I dont know why its just a guy thing I guess.
I have to apologize on be half of the guys who do that to girls. I dont like guys who do that and I put blinders on as well when I am with my girl. I love her and I am sure she knows that even if I look at others, that I only have eyes for her. She is too beautiful for words and too sexy to for even the most loquacious person to describe.
I clicked so I better post. I met an amazing girl on lush and I cant wait to meet her in person and someday marry her. smile Ive never been so in love.