I have met someone from lush for sex. It so good I went back again. Still wanting more from her. Third time a charm perhaps. Grins.
I enjoyed your forum post. It touches on a great deal of observations I've made in chat rooms and on sites as well. I have learned many lessons from those "poor form" observations, as well as when it's done well. I agree whole heartedly with all you've said, and thanks for sharing. The quote from the Spider-Man movie, "With great power comes great responsibility" comes to mind. The responsibility is huge and the basis everything rests upon. The power is granted conditionally by the sub. How responsible you are wielding that power is a condition. There is a trust that the gift will be used properly and as agreed. In any relationship, roles, responsibilities, and boundaries are negotiated. It think it would be tough for two strangers to know each other's needs and desires, but it's not to say fun can't be had in cyber chat. Great read. Be well.
8 and about 5 around at base
This morning, gotta get your one a day lol
70. I wonder if they took points away for flirting at the funeral??? HEY wasnt MY funeral or hers, give a guy a break.