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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 41


This sounds like something you might want the doctor to check out as well. Although I couldn't tell you what the diseases were off the top of my head, I do know I've read before about women going in to get checked after sex became uncomfortable and finding out they had something.

Especially if the pain is a new thing, and those positions didn't hurt you in the past.

Otherwise, yeah - hitting too hard against the cervix can be painful.
Quote by Slow_Curves_Ahead
Anything involving children, animals, feces, or kin . . . anything else is open for discussion.

That sums it up for me almost perfectly. Would need to add mutilation to that.
I want one.

I absolutely love small space dwellings... partly because it's such a challenge to make them function AND aesthetic, partly because cozy=win, and partly because small=easier to keep clean... Bigger space = more junk to have in it = more shit to dust.
Quote by castlequeen
and recently hubby came up with a new one where he got the stuff from a shoestore and set up about 20 pairs of my shoes in their boxes and was one HELL of a salesman...

Oh my.... how creative!! =d> Sounds like a really great game with alot of possibilities.
Relax, breathe through it, and don't let a few rejections get you down. Success doesn't mean never failing, it means getting back up after you've failed. And when you're less concerned about being rejected, having more confidence should follow right behind.
Quote by IceDog
Indiana question. An associate of mine in Bangkok seems to think I resemble him a bit. I think he looks like Jackie Chan. We both probably need eye exams.

Some of mine are already mentioned, but can't forget.... Jessica Rabbit - Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Loved Eddie too in that one... well, loved everyone really.
Quote by Yahtzee
Quote by ArtMan
1. micro digital cameras
2. UV detection powder
3. Tele-Data Guard Tap Detector & Privacy Module
4. micro transmittable microphones
5. portable voice changers for phones
6. Covert Bug Detector in a Usable Pen
7. Pocket Lie Detector
8. night vision goggles
9. GPS surveillance gear
10. binoculars

sounds like James Bond ......

yeah really lol

Mine would be...

1. simple machines
2. soap
3. stand up comedy
4. movies
5. paper
6. ink
7. things to smack spiders with
8. justice system (even if faulty, some better than none)
9. indoor plumbing
10. ... what to put in the last spot..... oh, alcohol. Duh.
Quote by clum
Quote by Jingle
Why not pirates?

Mild phobia. They're all... swash-buckling and what-not. *shudders*

Please don't be upset if I lol about that but it's the cutest phobia I have EVER come across...
Quote by clum

Pirate porn is off limits, too.

Why not pirates?
Quote by Olivia
Quote by Jingle


more stuff

Maybe a better way of posting the idea would be to say 'ease him into it gradually - it's a better idea to not drop your feminine mystique all at once' than to say 'hide when you do it because it's embarrassing and gross'.

I can certainly understand not suddenly exposing all the cracks under the foundation all at once, but can we please not act like it's a strange fetish if you don't care if you see someone use a nose hair trimmer?
Do Not let him see you partaking in embarrassing female-behavior. If your regular maintenance involves bleaching your upper lip, plucking your chin hair or squeezing pus-filled bumps on your face, please do not half-hazardly allow him to witness these things by leaving the bathroom door open or doing it in front of him. He knows that you aren’t perfect and that strange grooming rituals go on, but he doesn’t need to watch it all go down and have those images burned into his psyche forever. Nor does he need to secretly worry that you might be sprouting a full femme-beard in 30 years just like your Aunt Edna.

Some guys don't care. Some guys have strange grooming rituals of their own.

Something like this makes me think girls out there will be developing self-esteem issues because they're worried their significant other will see them taking care of normal, every day, mundane shit and be horrified about it. Having a chin hair shouldn't mean hiding away; pluck the damn thing, stop being shallow and get on with the rest of your day.

I actually resented this part of your post. My husband has seen me pluck that rogue hair, and I've watched him trim his nose hair. Our sex life is still fine.

Why act like the human condition is an embarrassing disease?
Is it bad that I always look at how clean the tub is before I look at what the person in it is doing...
clum's got alot of good points, and I'm gonna emphasize the learn by example one. One of the best things a person can do as a writer is read alot. It exposes you to many kinds of voices, many kinds of techniques, and you may find yourself picking up alot of it through osmosis.

Another thing you can do is get an avatar. Say wut?! Avatar. People with no pictures feel like fly-by-night-ers, anonymous strangers who aren't here to stay. I know that doesn't mean their work will suck, but I've known alot of people (and myself) who have a tendency to avoid people with no avatars. There's a difference between being a blur in the crowd to being a person with a presence, and the difference can make itself known in views and more of an inclination for people to read your work. Writers these days have to market themselves to get readers.

If you think your writing needs work, one of THE BEST things you can do for yourself is get some writing friends or friends who are also enthusiastic about the subject you write about. I've got two friends with me on who I bounce ideas off of, and when I finish writing a piece, we have a story night where one of them will read it for us. It's insanely helpful to hear someone read your work out loud, especially if they're reading it cold (i.e without having looked at it first). It's better than reading it out loud yourself.
I got that message too. smile

My guess is that he hasn't read your work. ;)

And if people are writing about far-fetched ideas or scenarios that could seem unbelievable, the best thing in my opinion is to MAKE them believable. Give ideas some groundwork or a base to stand on. Make the reader think to his or herself, hey that's crazy but I can picture it.
It would depend on the preferences of the people you invited.

If it was my kind of crowd, we'd have fun sex games to play, maybe some contests, just to warm up, then retire to a comfortable, well set-up place to play out the rest of the night. When things reach a natural lull, refreshments or new toys could be brought out to pique interest or change the pace, like drinks and fruit, or kinky toys and gear.
Some stories describe everything in numbers - his cock was 7.5 inches long, she was a 34C, he was 6'7" tall, she was 42 years old.

Some stories describe everything poetically - his cock was long and slim as a snake, her breasts were round little apples, he was taller than I was and forced me to look up to meet his eyes, she could have been as old as my mother.

My question is, which one do you prefer? Which one is more erotic? Which helps your mental movie more? I prefer the latter; when people list numbers as details my mind just skips over them. I'm not very good with numbers to begin with.

If you like the latter too, can you remember what your favourite description was?
Chocolate makes me want to eat chocolate, not have sex. Luscious, ripe fruit, however, is a good start on the road to hours of fun.

For me personally though, food isn't as big of a turn on as being stroked like a cat from my neck to my bottom. I'm incredible tactile and my husband has callouses on his palms from hard, hard work... It's a deliciously stimulating thing; makes my skin come alive and and supersentized to pleasure.
It IS a possibility of a (very strange) terrorist attack when something like this happens - hell, maybe even a disgruntled hillbilly dropping anthrax infected banjos, who knows - so perhaps the mobilization wasn't bad, but after you find out that it was some old lady who after years and years of good behavior happened to forget to turn her radio on, common'. Just slap her on the wrist and get her to bake some apology cookies.
Oh my goodness... They couldn't just let her off with a warning?

That is funny and sad.
I write for the reader. I take what I like and what I know and try my best to write it in a way that other people enjoy. Because I want my work to be a pleasurable experience for other people, I have incentive to keep working on my technique and style.

Incoming rant! Take cover! Ohhh the humanity!!!

Think of it like a Christmas present. Most people buy Christmas presents according to their own tastes, by which I mean they'll be in a store, see something interesting, and because they like it, they assume the recipient will like it too. After years of terrible gifts that have wasted time and money, this is something I keenly understand.

When you post a story, you ARE giving it to someone. People are going to read it and the amount of effort put into it's writing shows.

People will say things like 'well if it's not your style, just move on', but what about the people who do like that sort of thing? Wouldn't you want to give them something of quality? I do pick and choose through the different categories for something that I will like and I do avoid the subjects I dislike, and I am always disappointed when something I should like was given so little love and attention in its creation.

If you write for yourself, why post? Because you want to share. Sharing means caring, caring means editing. If you write for yourself and then decide to share it, I would assume that you would tidy it up and make it presentable.

Here's a great example that I just thought up: you buy panties for yourself, little pink ones because you like little pink panties and to you they're sexy as hell. When you get home you decide to share them with your Panty Enthusiast Club that meets that night. When you whip them out during the meeting, did you make sure they were clean and presentable or did you just leave them wrinkled and skid-marked? Yes, you did buy them for yourself and your pleasure, but when you choose to bring them to a public forum, there is a certain amount of decorum that must be observed. Edit those things on 'delicate' then tumble dry! Same with writing. Someone who writes for themselves and doesn't bother to clean up their work before presenting is the person who brings nasty panties to the Panty Club.

There are people who write for themselves and then post their work after making sure it was presentable. To them, kudos. It's really a wonderful thing, like bringing your favourite toy to show and tell, wanting to share something you love with people who love the same kind of thing. If the toy were scruffy and dirty, it would show that the person didn't care about it, and if they don't care, why should anyone else care about it? And if no one cares about it, why bring it in?

This is a forum for people passionate about erotic writing, isn't it? Passion means caring. Caring means editing. Love means continually striving to be better. If you don't love your writing, other people won't either, because you've given them nothing in it to love.

I guess this is mostly a rant about people who vomit their 'writing' into our laps and use the 'I just write for myself, I don't care what you think about it' slogan as an excuse to avoid putting in the effort to make their work presentable. It's a rant against people who blunder in, expecting praise, and when none is given they pull that 'for myself' card out as a 'get out of jail free'. They're abusing the community.

Insensitive jerks giving thoughtless gifts!

blahblahblah insert more ranting blahblah *storms off muttering*

(And this doesn't mean that people shouldn't post unless their work is perfect, it just means I have seen writers who are truly attention whores, and today they're pissing me off. I am really enjoying lush, and people who abuse the site as a means to get attention make me sad.)
This hadn't occurred to me before as part of the self-promotion writers have to do these days... Thank you for posting. smile Marvelous idea.
Quote by MissyLuvsYa
HA I'd like to pee on a particular ex-boyfriend!!! LOL He'd hate it!

Quote by rockstar81
Since you have a big of a voyuer streak, what about doing it in front of a mirror or a camera?

Now there's a good idea. smile

I wouldn't feel rejected either, but I'd be pretty confused. I've been told I give good head... and if what I'm doing isn't producing any reaction, I'd start questioning my skill.
'Morning' - Adam Hurst in one tab, and a rain soundtrack in another tab. Separately, both very beautiful. Together, mind-blowingly beautiful.
Quote by rockstar81
Quote by Jingle

My worst fear is something happening to my child. I had nightmares for the first two years of his life about stuff like that, the kind of things you'd see on CSI and other gorey 'entertainment' shows. There's a good reason why I don't watch CSI.

I have the CSI/SVU dreams too. I would wake up screaming. I would have to check on my daughter to make sure she was breaking. I would sit there holding her sleeping body for hours silently crying.

I can relate to that. One night my little one was in a very deep sleep and had kicked the blanket off, so when I touched him to check on him he felt cold and dead. Not the greatest night of my life. He probably didn't like being woken up so rudely either when I picked him up in a panic, lol.
I have a debilitating fear of water. If I'm walking in the water's edge at the beach with my family, I need to keep my eyes on the sand. If I step in a cloudy puddle on the street, there's a intense feeling of vertigo as though the puddle has no bottom and will pull me right in.

My worst fear is something happening to my child. I had nightmares for the first two years of his life about stuff like that, the kind of things you'd see on CSI and other gorey 'entertainment' shows. There's a good reason why I don't watch CSI.

It's surprising how many people here are afraid of snakes. Of all the things there are to be afraid of, why are snakes so common?
That sounds like tons of fun! I'd go for it if you trust the guy. Maybe hide a tazer in your sock just in case. ;)
Quote by Yahtzee

Practise makes ..... orgasms easier.

^--- perfect smile

Don't give up, either. For some women it takes a long time to reach orgasm. When I started having sex, it took... a long time. But, practice does make perfect. ;) It's not so hard anymore, but I still don't compare to the stories that go bangbangbang-OMGimgonnaCUM!!!. If only it were that easy.

Some women come easily and repeatedly. Others build slowly but go off like volcanoes when they get there. The best thing any woman can ever do is keep trying different things, different touches, different sensations.