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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 41


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LeFabuleuxDestin

Oh, and: No dogs please.
Unfair generalisation, many dogs do please.
Someone needs to learn how to use a comma.

lol You're right. I never noticed this one before, but now I'll think of it every time I see a sign.
Active Ink Slinger
Halfway through a bottle of Jack's finest and I'm serene as a duck pond in Heaven.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mistress_of_words
There is a difference between believability and "suspension of disbelief."

If you read a story about werewolves it is in no way "believable" but, if the author tells their story well, you agree to join them in their fantasy, to suspend your disbelief and just accept what you are reading. It's a trick that involves creating rules which govern your scenario/world, presenting the unbelievable as normal through the actions and reactions of the characters, and finding ways to associate the unreal with the familiar.

Do I care that a story is believable? Absolutely not, well, okay, maybe a bit when it comes to the physically impossible. Do I care that the author tells their implausible story in such a way that I can suspend my disbelief? Yes I do.

This is what I stand by as well. I don't care if a story is written about something that isn't 'real', but if it's well written, the unreal becomes believable. I've read stories where there is a lot of unreal, unbelievable stuff, and the author's writing doesn't support it. If there's no set-up, no platform, no explanation of how or why the unreal is believable, I stop reading. I'm not going to double my mental effort at picturing a story by figuring out just how the unreal stuff should work, and trying to convince myself that it's possible. The writer should have convinced me already.
Active Ink Slinger
Baking muffins then sneaking out the best looking one from the tray before the rest disappear.
Active Ink Slinger
I think you need to make an intriguing first impression.

Stories start to blend into each other and look similar after perusing the list for any length of time. What makes one stand out from the rest is a good title and an intriguing first line. Otherwise, what you've posted blends into the rest. It takes practice... (I'm still practicing for all I'm worth )

As a personal rule, I skip any story that has a generic title when I'm the reader. I don't want to read a generic story, I want to be engaged in something unique and interesting. If the story has an interesting and unique title, or at least just interesting, I'm more tempted to read the first line. The first line will determine whether or not I actually click on the story to read it.

That's my opinion though. I know there's many factors for pulling different types of readers in.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by mazza

Male: "So, wanna go back to my place?"
Female: "Well, I don't know. Will two people fit under a rock?"

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MajPaddy

Wall of Awesome

Paul (MajPaddy)

That was great! Very informative and easily approachable tips.
Active Ink Slinger
Would you buy a self published book by someone you didn't know personally?

It would depend on whether or not there was a sample I could read before buying. I would never - ever! - buy any book, self published or otherwise, without taking a peek to see if it's something I might like. I've gone through a few book sellers online just to see what they had, and I have read both amazing and abysmal previews. Thank goodness for those! Any book without a preview, I have skipped it entirely without question.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
On the floor / rug /carpeting sharing a bottle of swill?



My husband and I are separated atm so the best way for us to sleep together is to not. lol When I do sleep with someone, I like a snuggle at bedtime then my own sleep space, but close enough to be able to touch him/her if I wake up in the night.
Active Ink Slinger
I like a guy's hair to match his face. Some guys don't look good with long, some don't look good with short.

But I am attracted quite heavily to guys with shoulder length... ;D
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by rockstar81
Sure, I've been to several. The last one I went to had a few games. One of the games the host would hold up a flash card with a letter of the alphabet on it and we'd yell out a sexual word associated with that letter. Which ever answer she heard first got the card. Whom ever had the most cards at the end of the game got a prize. Another game was "Sexual Chairs". You move places if you've done the specified act. If you make it around the room and end up back at your own chair first you win and get a prize. If you need more game ideas hit me up. Have a great time and good luck.

I wanna play!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MRH

Continually and continuously used to mean two different things, they don't any more.

What did they mean before? I'm curious.
Active Ink Slinger
Sorry I don't have a picture of it, but...

It's comforting to see supper leftovers packed away neatly in little containers in the fridge, if someone else did it. Is that strange? It's strange isn't it... Maybe it's because my mom is always so neat and tidy about everything, packs her leftovers away so neatly, and sometimes brings me tasty things in little containers. Neat little containers of leftovers = being loved and cared for. LOL
Active Ink Slinger
Bacon sizzling and coffee brewing...

Christmas carols! They make me all warm and cozy inside.

The snapping of a campfire. <--- uber fav

The sound of someone taking a shower or doing dishes.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Buz
The poorest people are the fattest! What is up with that? It is actually the best way to tell what class a person is in in the USA. If they are huge they are probably poor, if they are trim and in shape they are probably well off.

Oddly enough, vegetables are more expensive than junk food. Where I am, a head of broccoli will cost an average of 2$, where a bag of chips is 1$. A box of snack cakes is 1.99$, and a bag of carrots is 2.99$. Hamburger Helper? Sidekicks? All cheap compared to frozen vegetables.

There's several factors that go into it, everything from cost to the drug-like effects of junk food. All the advertising says the stuff is good and PERFECT for busy lifestyles. It's easy to give in.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ziptie477
I am surprised that no one mentioned the infamous animal, alot... instead of the correct use " a lot" ..

It's been my understanding that both are correct, depending on where the writer hails from. My writing program spellcheck has no problem with alot, but when I post something to the site here, my browser spellcheck tells me it's wrong. When I was in grade school, my teachers taught that Canada (where I am) uses the British spelling, and the US uses their own new-fangled approach. Or something like that. smile I've just gone with it and adjusted when it seemed polite.

More examples along the same line:

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadySharon
just to get at that nasty smelling cooch of hers

How do you know it smells nasty?

This whole thing isn't something I'd condone, but I couldn't condemn it either. She does look happy, and she's not killing anyone but herself. Hell even her husband looks happy. If this is what they like, well... there's worse fetishes out there, in my mind.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
Note the fact that this was "Not tested on camels"...

The cougar version is scary...

Wait... it's microwaveable?! [-o&lt; And I was totally doubting this thing until I saw you could hold recipe cards in it...

Sold!! :d/
Active Ink Slinger
How about something on sentence structure? I can't remember seeing anything in this section on that... And if there is and I missed it, sorry in advance.

I'm not even sure how to elaborate on what I'm talking about, that's how backwoods I am on the subject.

Here's an example, though. You know those paragraphs you sometimes come across that read like a list?

She walked into the room. She found the couch and sat on it. She took out her deck of cards and began to do magic tricks. She liked how the cards were flat. She was suddenly transported into another dimension by underpants gnomes who had been hiding beneath her skirt the whole time.

That. How do people fix that?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MissyLuvsYa

Honest, decent, genuine, funny and faithful are very important

I'll second that!

a guy that doesn't require more mirror time than I do.

Any way I can vote for that one more than once? lol!

six pack? I just want him to be healthy and clean.

six hundred horse power car? Something that won't break down every hundred kilometers is good enough.

six figure income? A gal can dream, but if he's not out spending the pittance he DOES get on drugs and alcohol and hookers and other tasteless things, then I'm happy.

six feet tall? Also nice but I'd love a short man who treated me nice and knew how to take care of himself more than I'd love a six foot tall asshole.

six inch cock? A guy with agile fingers stands a better chance with me. ;D
Active Ink Slinger
They've meant the same for myself as well, and as for using them, it depends on the voice of the writing. Whilst is definitely more archaic and if I was writing something that should sound as though spoken from an era gone by, I'd use it.
Active Ink Slinger
It's not your computer - you need 20-21 posts on lush before your links will show. ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I'd love to learn Gaelic too, even if it only helps to keep it alive. smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lisa

You could even find people who have the electorate and commentators badges on their profiles and read their work. They're more likely to return the favour.

I'll second that. I know it's true for myself - I'm always curious about who liked my work and I dig a little deeper to see if I can find anything to help tailor my next addition. This often leads me to read what they've posted.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jillicious

I'm pretty positive that Leonhard Euler would destroy Walt Whitman in a no holds brawl.

I'd bet on that.

... no I wouldn't. That's way out of my league, lol. Who is Leonard Euler?
Active Ink Slinger
I usually don't crave anything after sex, but if I do, it would be water.
Active Ink Slinger
I know to each their own, but this all hits me as disgusting. Chop off parts of your cooter? Wut?? Why?! It's uneven? HA! Men better start whittling away at that testicle that hangs a little lower than the other, then.