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5 days ago
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Colorado Springs


Rookie Scribe
My x and I had a code would for it. I usually asked for it when we were driving long distances. Like to family gatherings. I did get turned down a few times but more often not.
Rookie Scribe
Have you ever connected with another member (not just cyber) You enjoyed hearing how their day was good or bad? Then real life separated you. Drop their username hopefully you can reconnect.
Pop tart (Michelle)
Rookie Scribe
I do compete in local 5K’s and short runs. I usually just run by myself. My first competitive run I told myself I was just going to take it easy and enjoy it. But apparently I’m a little bit to competitive just to sit back and do that I finished third in my age group
Rookie Scribe
I ran into a former girlfriend awhile back. We chatted for a while. Started texting back and forth. Our conversations always turned to sex. I said something about i wouldn’t mind trying something different. She said she had a girlfriend that wants to do a 3 sum with her but didn’t have guy picked out and wanted to know if I was into something like that. ( what guy wouldn’t be ) so we going to try to set something up. We’re not a couple so there shouldn’t be any jealousy just fun. What do u think?
Rookie Scribe
Came home on leave from a deployment. Made it to the parking garage at the Airport before me and the x wife got it on. Then got road head on the way to the house