Im writing this on behalf of my freind who is sat next to me...............Yes she would, If she ever got round to buying one......
Goodness yes i love it, My friend wears a latex glove she puts a few drops of baby oil on it and eases her finger up my bum, If we are having sex she can feel my cock grow even longer and thicker,
I have never seen a woman on web camera . [ the msn, type thing ]
Goodness...............fuck ............[ i hope you dont mind me saying so ]
To my work place...
Nudist beach..........or clothed beach.......
ooooooooooooohhhhh yes..........but i cant tell to many of you on here .but yes yes yes yes yes
Ask him to come camping with us .
Oh yes many times......My friend is partialy sighted .However we turn up the volume so every sexy word ,sigh , noise , and scream. Can be herd by us while we fuck. This is so erotic listening to the film in the dark but not seeing it.
Its so amazing what you find behind the sofa........
She is a sexy erotic looking woman,........She has boobs and the body of miss world....wonderful
Well this is Praise from my freind and i to all of you that have writen such amazing stories, Praise allso to those that have mailed us,As for those of you who have chatted to us . Pluss i suppose praise to the people that have made Lush Stories a great place to be. You have all been great and we hope this continues for ever ,To be the greatest site on the web.....
Are you male or female? Male
How old are you? 48
How many times a week do you masturbate? At least 5 times
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? Once
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Yes
In the shower? Yes
In the bath? Yes
Outdoors? Yes
At work? a couple of times, Somtimes i have
Every room in the house? I think so over the past 5 years
In a car while traveling... ? Oh yes and on a coach
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? Nope
A friend? Yes as she is sat here lol
A friend's spouse? Yes
A stranger? Yes
A student? yes why not lol
A member of the same sex? oh yes a bisexual boy i new
A past lover? Yes
What position do you play in:
On your back? Yes
Standing? Yes
Kneeling? No
Sitting? Yes
Lying on tummy? yes if its going to include my bum being played with
How do you play:
With left hand? Pulls on my balls and uses a dildo or bum plug
With right hand? I squeeze my cock
With a toy? Yes
With water from bath? Yes
Written erotica? Yes
Pictures? Yes
Movie clips online? Yes
Videos? Definitely
Something on TV? Yes
What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? This is ok
Gay or lesbian sex? Oh yes indeed love bisexual sex to
Group sex or orgies? Yes
Blow jobs/oral sex? Yes
Cumshots? No
Anal? Yes
Interracial? No
Age play? No
S&M? Yes
Role playing? Yes
Kinky? Yes
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Yes this morning
A chat room dialogue? Not really i do get hard now and then reading chat rooms....but its mostly hi, hello how you been
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? Yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? Both Male and female
Masturbated for the same sex? Yes
Masturbated in a group? 3Some yes
Masturbated for a photo? Yes
Masturbated for a webcam? Yes
Masturbated for a video? Yes
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? Yes
Insert something or play with your ass? Yes my bum plug
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Not realy no
Use pain as a method of playing? Mild nipple twisting pain
For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? Yes but not all the time
When was the last time you masturbated? This morning at 06.30am. 27/6/12
Are you wet or hard now? Yes my cock is hard
Are you going to masturbate now? Certainly will do once ive finished typing
Are you a masturbation addict? Yes i adore it
What is the most you have played in one day? 3 times is about average ..Depends though who im with or where i am
certainly......if a female watches porn then she is among the normal people .she will be sexy,happy,calm, but most of all ,out going and open. which is what a fella really looks for in a woman,
I enjoy drinking pineapple juice with ice , my freind likes to drink coffee, all kinds of coffee......
The sex pistols......great rock n roll swindle.....oh the memories
Not been paid.....but did pay to watch a extreamly erotic show in a hotel.....
What would you like to own......[ if money was no problem ]
Hot Hot Hot.......Once when i saw some-one do it. I thought id broke a bit off .lol But its so dam sexy .yes its hot
Red heads......Beautiful,sexy,erotic, Every person ive ever met male or female. that is a red head has been blessd by beauty. They certainly rate very very high on the sexy score board lol.
Anywhere really........i have in the car, at work, in my friends bedroom,bathroom. But mainly its on my bed xx
It makes me want to go to the gym....he has huge muscles lol...
Oh my goodness certainly..........and yes we allready have lol.