How much make up does a guy like on a chick?
If they are going nightclubbing and see a girl has over the top make up and obvious orange fake tan does it do anything for a guy? Would a guy think a chick is easy for make up and ugly fake tans?
What is your thoughts?
To much tan/make-up is not a good look, but I would not think a girl was easy as a result. The rest of her outfit behavuor would be taken into account on the easy front. Saying I dont like to much tan/makeup has not stop me sleeping with girl when I was single and she looked like some kind of Umpa Lompa. I round that square by pointing out Im a man and its not my fault.
Personally i don’t like too much make up. Enough to bring out her features better and to make her look sexier. But i don’t like it when a girl goes over the top.
I knew a girl that used a lot of makeup but it was the right makeup and she looked great
i knew another girl that all she used was baby blue eyeshadow and lots of it. it looked like crap
amount is almost irrelevant if it's done right, it looks good
too much tanning is kind of silly looking to me
too much tanning and too much makeup is not something I go for. what looks best is just enough tan to look healthy and enough makeup to look like you aren't obviously wearing any. I prefer the natural look.
Mmmmmm I know that the sun is bad for you, BUT I just love the beach, and the "girls of summer" YUM!
A nice amount of make up, looks good. Natural girls look good.
Too much make up makes a girl look high maintenance
Gobs of it make me think that she's covering up something, like maybe being a he-she YUK!
Just keep it reasonable. Unfortunately dingy air heads can't judge what is reasonable and what is not.
Make up never really made a difference for me. If I liked the woman then her make up didn't mean all that much to me. I did have a girlfriend in high school that wore her make up too heavily. I never said anything to her because I didn't want to make her feel bad and what do I really know about make up?
I have to admit it is very sexy when you are going out on a date and when you are picking her up you see she has gotten herself all dolled up for you.
Too much make-up, no. Fake tans, definitely not. I like extreme make-up that is exotic and interesting but only in the right settings, and a club isn't one of them.
Not much into makeup like the natural look. But if she must just enough to bring out her sexy features. Hate the ones that looked like they used a 4" paint brush to apply.
Ideally for me a woman should be natural...I dislike fake anything. When you wake up in the morning is she going to look hideous with no make up? And who really cares if she's tan or not? Beauty should come from within...not a bottle.
I really appreciate a woman's natural beauty. I guess for clubbing or certain occasions where she may look washed out, a little more makeup may be in order. If she chooses her clothing well, the colors will bring out her shape and beauty. Tans can be sexy but nothing is more beautiful than the natural pale of the a white woman anyway.
Less is more....right??!
fake tan is always bad in my eyes and make up should only used to improve the look a little on special occasions
if a girl has too much makeup or a fake tan i don't even care if she is easy i still wouldn't approach her
Make up is beautiful, but not in the sense of what it does to a woman's face (or body),
but what it does to her confidence and her attitude when she goes out to face the day.
Unless you're in a specific religion, then there's really no way to hide your face, and why would you?
So if a woman wants to hide her imperfection(s) that really stunt her self-esteem, make up allows her.
Who am I to say she shouldn't? If it's done well, all's well.
Fake tans? Whatever. If she doesn't turn orange, it's fine, but I personally don't entertain the idea that
tans are sexy, or youthful, or make you look healthy. If nothing else, I'd love it if she'd love her natural
complexion and stop obsessing over how "pale" she is.
I actually like the natural look. I think a woman is by far better looking without all the"help".
fake tan definately puts me off .. make-up I do not mind as long as it looks good and not too unnatural!
have you ever asked a girlfriend (or even somebody you just hooked up with for the night) to remove their make up before doing the deed?
Prefer the natural look - at most very light make-up. A real tan woud be nice!