I noticed there are a couple of topics about negative feedback on stories we've written but how about positive?? Call me an optimist but I think this calls for a thread celebrating the nice comments we've received.
Sure it's not nice to boast but why not have a mini-boast here and post the ONE favourite comment you've ever had, privately or on your story page, about one of your stories?
I've only written 2 stories and am basically unknown around here so not got much feedback but my favourite is as follows:
I just read A Young Man's Beautiful Boss, and I have to tell you I think it's the best story I have read here. I haven't read a huge amount of stories here, most of them bore me but yours was so descriptive and unhurried it kept my interest through the entire thing.
What I was most impressed with, was the detailed description of her, what she was wearing, right down to the detail fo her makeup. Guys just don't usually notice that sort of thing.
It was also on the more 'romantic' side, rather than just run in, bang her, run out lol."
One and only one comment each. Don't want egos inflating all over the place! And this isn't a competition to see who has had the nicest feedback, just to celebrate your favourite!