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Over 90 days ago
Fluid Male


Quote by curvygalore

Only just spotted this! Many congratulations Frank Lee! Hugely deserved!

Thank you, kindly, Ms. Curvy smile

Quote by AppleByBoom

This is completely deserved - awesome!!!

Thank you, my gracious friend. smile

Quote by curvygalore

Completely deserved! These beautifully crafted stories are a treat for the senses and not to be missed! Oh, and they are also incredibly steamy!! fans self

Great shout, ChrisM and many congratulations, FrankLee!

Thank you most kindly, ma'am. A kind word from you is good as gold.

Quote by TheArtist

That's so amazing!! Congratulations, Frank! 😇🎂

Thank you so much!

Quote by KimmiBeGood

I can't wait to read them! Congratulations! worship

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it. smile

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

Absolutely well deserved. These stories are an evocative assault on the senses via Frank's incredible penmanship. If I ever get to be half as good as this at writing, I'll be ecstatic.

If you haven't read these two, do so now.

Thanks for the kind words, WW, but you're a damn fine writer as it is.

Much thanks to ChrisM and to the EP panel for being so kind. The vote of confidence means the world.

The thing about Amazon, and yeah it was about five years ago, maybe more, is that they changed their search algorithms to filter out anything with an "erotica" tag. I experienced a huge difference in my title rankings after that happened. Since I placed some titles with excessica, I get more sales via Smashwords than Amazon, not that it's very many either way. Ebook publishing was very profitable for a people when it was a new thing, but then, as usually happens in other businesses, too many people jumped on the bandwagon and glutted the market, much of it being incompetent garbage. You can easily find a much higher quality of erotic writing, and some downright classy smut, here on Lush, so it's not easy for readers to sift through the ocean of available material on Amazon.

Quote by nicola
I'm putting the shortlist together over the next few days for the judges.

A reminder to those contestants who deliberately try and gain an advantage by voting down other entrants' stories:

I can see who's voted on every story on the site, and which vote they have given out.

I remove all such malicious voting on stories and the people responsible get filed away in my memory banks as conniving bad sports!

Those memory banks sound dangerous. Rock on, boss lady.
Quote by sprite

actually, by the time parts 3 and 4 go up, you could be running the place.

I shall rule with a swollen fist.
Quote by sprite

that's not what Hannah said. also, she says you snore. Like an elephant. don't blame me, i'm just the messenger!

I believe what she said was that I'm hung like an elephant. With a cold. Please listen more carefully next time.
Quote by sprite

decided to write a better teaser for you... (despite the fact that you stole the name Summer from me).

In a time of great stress and unheard of upheaval, only one man and one woman could save us. And that man and that woman were Hannah and Frank. Hannah, who had fought the terrible T-Rex at Chernobyl. Hannah who had fought of the Martians at the Alamo. Hannah who had braved the egg rolls at Panda Express...

And Frank, who'd been asleep the time...

So, if you're looking for a story with sizzling sex, panic and mayhem, more sizzling sex, a dessert island, and more sizzling sex... you have come to the right place. read Everyone's Wishes like your life depends on it. It just might.

an unpaid solicitation brought to you by the SBF (Sprite Broadcast Follies).

Hey. It was a power nap!
I'm not familiar with Bird by Bird. I've seen a few of King's do's and don'ts quoted here and there. And Elmore Leonard's, etc. Strunk and White isn't really about writing, per se, but grammar. It's the most accessible, straight-forward explanation of the basic rules of US English grammar ever written. Most others are terribly convoluted and often contain mistakes, like most online sources.

If you want to read an entire book about writing fiction, the best resource is Writing in General and the Short Story in Particular by Rust Hills. Hills was the fiction editor at Esquire mag from the mid 50s to mid 60s when Updike, Vonnegut, Heller, Cheever...and that whole generation were beginning their careers as short story writers. You could make a living at it then. Hills worked with all of them. He was a bit of a tight-assed snob, but he knew how great fiction goes together. A lot of it hits on The Poetics of Aristotle which is actually an easier read and not as annoying, so that's a good option. There's also a really interesting book called Letters to a Young Fiction Writer, a collection of letters between well-known, established writers and younger writers they mentored at one time or another.

But King's advice to just read as much as you can is the best advice there is. That, and what Izak Dinesen said, "Write a little every day, without hope, without despair."
Quote by SarahFun
Whoops, I meant to say I have given up using ball points

Same here. Mostly. Rollerball/gel pens are much more enjoyable to write with, but I do love fountain pens the most. I don't use them for carrying around, though.
My heartfelt thanks to everyone on the panel who took their time and voted. And even more so to all you who posted such humbling comments here. I really don't deserve them, but...I'm soaking them up anyway. Thank you thank you thank you.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
I researched katoptronophilia. It was for a competition story I never finished about a woman obsessed with her reflection, getting off watching herself have sex.

Now you really have to finish this story. It sounds like a great idea!
Working my way through Mr. Robot. It's great. Rami Malek is a great actor.
I'd be ecstatic if more people would read all the stories I've written that contain four letter words. However, I don't remember which ones they are at the moment.
There's a lot of great advice here. Verbal's idea to write anyway is one of my favorites. Sit down with the intention in mind of writing something terrible that you know you're just going to delete. At the very least it's gets you pushing out some words. Abigail's idea of having a routine, too. Routine will set you free, like writing at the same time of day.

But the main thing about writers' block is just to accept it and realize it's going to be part of EVERYONE's process whether we like it or not. Embrace the void.
This was actually a lot of fun. And congratulations, Ms. Coffee, for kicking all our asses.
Sorry, but episode 3 was the most boring episode of the entire series so far. All three have been pretty boring so far, but ninety minutes for what basically amounts to one scene was an indulgent choice. And they killed off Lady Mormont. WTF! Not cool. Not cool at all. She was pretty badass charging the dead giant, though.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
*adopts movie voiceover guy accent*

Your invoice is in the post

lol Can I get your agent's number?
Quote by Verbal
I alreasy gushed at leangth over on the Rump's thread about how happy it makes me so see Cyn grab the top ring of this contest. She's so good, and working in an under-valued genre for such a long time. Lovely to see her labors rewarded with a first place win. Congrats to Tangerine and Wannabe too, and to all the rest of the top ten. Nice to see Ayla break into the winners list, her writing has been on my radar for a little while now, and it's great to see her talent recognised.

This was a great contest. Nice way to start the day.

Well said. She's kind of like a soft force of nature. The kind that sneaks up on you when you're paying attention to something else. The fact that she's in such formidable company on this list of winners and runners-up only makes her victory that much sweeter.

Congratulations to all.
Quote by Sweet_Reese
As the author of a grand total of one story so far on Lush, I have a couple of questions for the great writers that exist here......

1) What motivates you to write?

2) How do you find the time to write?

I thoroughly enjoyed writing my first story, but between having a job and a life once I get home from that job, I find it very difficult to carve out the time to work on my next story.

Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.....


I write more out of habit than anything else, so probably not a very example to go by. But like most things, it's better not to wait until you "find" time. It's better if you can "make" time. Try setting aside a half hour or hour (every day if you can) and just sit down and write. But it's really important to keep from stressing about it. The act of writing includes staring at a blank screen believing no idea will ever strike your mind ever again as long as you life, or gazing out the window with your jaw hanging open wishing the birds wouldn't poop on your car so much, or getting up and walking around the room while some movie no one else can see is running on a loop in your mind. It's a good thing to accept that all of those things are just as much part of writing as typing words.

Your enthusiasm for writing is enviable, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been writing.
Quote by Liz
Did someone say crime scene?

I'm already intrigued...

Does someone have a thing for badass gingers, perhaps?