Quote by curvygalore
Only just spotted this! Many congratulations Frank Lee! Hugely deserved!
Thank you, kindly, Ms. Curvy
Quote by curvygalore
Completely deserved! These beautifully crafted stories are a treat for the senses and not to be missed! Oh, and they are also incredibly steamy!! fans self
Great shout, ChrisM and many congratulations, FrankLee!
Thank you most kindly, ma'am. A kind word from you is good as gold.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Absolutely well deserved. These stories are an evocative assault on the senses via Frank's incredible penmanship. If I ever get to be half as good as this at writing, I'll be ecstatic.
If you haven't read these two, do so now.
Thanks for the kind words, WW, but you're a damn fine writer as it is.
Much thanks to ChrisM and to the EP panel for being so kind. The vote of confidence means the world.
The thing about Amazon, and yeah it was about five years ago, maybe more, is that they changed their search algorithms to filter out anything with an "erotica" tag. I experienced a huge difference in my title rankings after that happened. Since I placed some titles with excessica, I get more sales via Smashwords than Amazon, not that it's very many either way. Ebook publishing was very profitable for a people when it was a new thing, but then, as usually happens in other businesses, too many people jumped on the bandwagon and glutted the market, much of it being incompetent garbage. You can easily find a much higher quality of erotic writing, and some downright classy smut, here on Lush, so it's not easy for readers to sift through the ocean of available material on Amazon.
Quote by nicola
I'm putting the shortlist together over the next few days for the judges.
A reminder to those contestants who deliberately try and gain an advantage by voting down other entrants' stories:
I can see who's voted on every story on the site, and which vote they have given out.
I remove all such malicious voting on stories and the people responsible get filed away in my memory banks as conniving bad sports!
Quote by browncoffee
Part 2 of Everyone Wishes is now up! It features coffee (in honour of me), Summer (in honour of the season), and terribly indecent activity ( in honour of Frank Lee)
Here is the link:
Quote by sprite
decided to write a better teaser for you... (despite the fact that you stole the name Summer from me).
In a time of great stress and unheard of upheaval, only one man and one woman could save us. And that man and that woman were Hannah and Frank. Hannah, who had fought the terrible T-Rex at Chernobyl. Hannah who had fought of the Martians at the Alamo. Hannah who had braved the egg rolls at Panda Express...
And Frank, who'd been asleep the time...
So, if you're looking for a story with sizzling sex, panic and mayhem, more sizzling sex, a dessert island, and more sizzling sex... you have come to the right place. read Everyone's Wishes like your life depends on it. It just might.
an unpaid solicitation brought to you by the SBF (Sprite Broadcast Follies).
Quote by browncoffee
Wrote a new flash with Mr Frank Lee.Could we be any lazier lol, collaborating on a flash?! ?
Quote by Verbal
I alreasy gushed at leangth over on the Rump's thread about how happy it makes me so see Cyn grab the top ring of this contest. She's so good, and working in an under-valued genre for such a long time. Lovely to see her labors rewarded with a first place win. Congrats to Tangerine and Wannabe too, and to all the rest of the top ten. Nice to see Ayla break into the winners list, her writing has been on my radar for a little while now, and it's great to see her talent recognised.
This was a great contest. Nice way to start the day.
Quote by Sweet_Reese
As the author of a grand total of one story so far on Lush, I have a couple of questions for the great writers that exist here......
1) What motivates you to write?
2) How do you find the time to write?
I thoroughly enjoyed writing my first story, but between having a job and a life once I get home from that job, I find it very difficult to carve out the time to work on my next story.
Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.....
Quote by browncoffee
Got bored so I wrote a flash https://www.lushstories.com/stories/flash-erotica/-fiction-m-.aspx but I was still bored so I did a brand new collaboration with the most amazing writer ever:
Still can't believe he even wrote with me!![]()