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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 34
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
Umm yeah a few times. I was such a tease in high school. It didn't bother me and I hope it didn't embarass any of the guys. And no I didn't do it on purpose, what I mean by tease is I'd planned on staying a virgin until marriage.
Advanced Wordsmith
Depends, obviously you know her pretty well otherwise you wouldn't be talking about marriage. How do you think she would take it? If she'd freak out no, keep it to yourself. But, maybe she's harboring some ménage fantasies, a lot of girls do. My point is if your thinking about marriage you should know her well enough that you'd know how she'd take a confession like this. Besides if she really loves you, it won't matter. A good way to break the ice, ask her sexually what's the craziest thing she's ever done.
Advanced Wordsmith
I have never passed up a nice guy in favor of a bad boy. In fact I really dislike cocky jerks. (Their is a massive difference between cocky and confident.) I like the kind of guy you'd be proud to bring home to your parents. P.S. Ladies, guys like that don't change, YOU CAN'T CHANGE THEM, and its a waste of time trying.
Advanced Wordsmith
What the generalized view of beauty by societies standards to me is ridiculous and disgusting. I have no urge to be silicone enhanced or sliced and diced. For plastic surgery in general, I'd rather work out and look good naturally than take the lazy route. Beauty to me is not defined as just an outward appearance but, sadly that's not the case in this day an age. Every wrinkle, every imperfection tells a story, so why erase it. Be happy with what you have. I also have no qualms against the way my pussy looks. Now laser hair removal is a different matter, I'd love never to have to wax again.
Advanced Wordsmith
In front of my high school in his car, in the passanger seat. Evening and raining but a pretty heavy traffic area. No age necessary, since I think high school says it all.
Advanced Wordsmith
I hate to sound superfical because how do I answer this honestly. Obviously the first thing we notice is looks. I'm a sucker for a guy with brown hair and green eyes. Always have been. But unless your Johnny Depp (yes I know he doesn't have green eyes) I won't make the first move. Its just not me. Will I apporach someone for a friend, in a second but I'm pretty shy when it comes to guys for myself. Thankfully, they apporach me quite often ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Am I the agressor no, not usually. Kinky than all the guys I've been with most definately, and probably more so than the guys I'll evenutally be with. I tend to play it safe. Have I been with an experienced older man sadly no. That's probably why I'm into the whole genre, I like pushing the boundries. (And no I'm not talking about anything incestual, ick ick ick, turns my tummy, no offense ment to anyone. Its just not my cup of tea.)
Advanced Wordsmith
Sure theirs a lot more that goes into a relationship besides his oral skills. But ladies are you honestly going to stay with someone and/or marry them eventually if they can't make you cum orally(because most of the time thats the only way we cum). Haha your nuts. Either teach him a thing or two (guys learn a lot just from watching us) or find someone else. I'd rather be sexually satified then with a 'great guy' that leaves me fustrated. So yeah I'd say its necessary, take it someone who knows what its like to be frustrated!
Advanced Wordsmith
Wow, umm everyday. Sometimes I'll wake up touching myself. I started masturbating really young too. I think I was like 5 or 6, saw a dirty movie on cinamax the girl was touching herself down there, so I tried it and have been doing it ever since.
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't mind pubic hair at all, in fact it looks kind of weird without. The only thing is if my guy wants me to lick or suck his balls, I do prefer them to be shaved.
Advanced Wordsmith
Ouch! Is all I can say. No you can't penitrate the cervix and YES it hurts like a bitch when hit. Some girls might like it pounded true but I bet they're 'ready' when its being hit. If not ladies be ready to grit your teeth and push the jackass off you, cuz honey if your not 'ready' he shouldn't be getting any in the first place. ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Haha my first time was probably the worse. Not because it hurt or anything, I felt like a complete bitch. I asked if it was in yet, and it was.
Advanced Wordsmith
Never and I wouldn't, but then again I've never fucked someone I didn't love either.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'd choose intellect over physique every time. Their is just something so sexy about a brainy guy!
Advanced Wordsmith
I'd say anything past 50 is to old for me. No, I don't have daddy issues, but I've always been attracted to men, not boys. Part of it is the stablity that comes later in life, that and most men know exactly what they want and they know a good thing when it comes there way. Most older men with a younger girl won't cheat, but anybody who's loyal is ok in my book.
Advanced Wordsmith
Thongs, boy shorts, crotchless, umm nothing at all. I'll wear anything but granny panties.
Advanced Wordsmith
I love watching a man masturbate theres something so voyeuristic about it, it almost feels naughty. Plus, its a good hint on how he likes to be fucked. I wouldn't want to watch all the time and its definately hard to sit on the sidelines after a while. And, I could think of at least three other places I'd prefer him to cum ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Who hasn't, its definately more satisfying for a guy then saying you have a headache.
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't really think hair color is a good way to judge who is the most fun. That would depend on the person's personality. I've known many blonde's that weren't actually blonde. Plus some of the smartest people I know are blonde.