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Smart over Hot

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So Stormblue thinks that no single women would choose a super smart, if somewhat less physically attractive man over a super hot man with a head full of rocks. Well, it got me curious so i thought I'd ask..

Which would you pick?

For me its Smart over Hot any day of the week.
Yeah I'm the same. Definitely.

I doubt Mr. Super Hot will still look super hot at 70...
Whereas Mr. Super Smart will always have his intelligence, if anything he would improve with age.
Intelect, Manner,Humourous,Respectful,Non-Smokin,Well presented dress sense, Out-wieghs Numb-nut muscle god, YUK
Id rather have Smart over Hot if your talking about for a relationship. But if it was just a casual sex thing, then Hot wins out. But either way, I cant deal with a total airhead!!
I'd choose intellect over physique every time. Their is just something so sexy about a brainy guy!
Quote by ForbiddenEden
I'd choose intellect over physique every time. Their is just something so sexy about a brainy guy!

I completely agree. I need someone I can have a conversation with. I've suddenly found very, very attractive men less attractive once they have opened their mouths and started speaking. Brains really do add to sex appeal for me!
Does common sense fall into the smart catagory?
I value intelligence over a dumb hot piece of ass...I grew up and my priorities changed. I'm not saying that I don't drool and perve over hot men(I'm only human) but I really love a guy who challenges my mind.
Smart over hot always win in my book. If he's hot and smart.....

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if the smart guy was super ugly then i would not go with him! hot guys are only worried about themslelves, and not the woman
Isn't the answer obvious? I would much rather have an ugly man with a brilliant mensa mind. It's soooo superficial to consider good looks as an important factor!!

Uhmm... wait! I accidentally drank the wrong PC brand of kool-aid!

Seriously though... a really hot man that is dumb as rocks isn't going to interest me... BUT... there is a threshold of attractiveness that has to be met. Physical attraction is just as important as intellect. I would much rather go for the less attractive guy (the 7 or 8 out of 10) that has intelligence, wit, and personality over the a guy that's a 10 but whose mind is a shallow bungalow of simplicity and stupidity... but the basic level of attraction has to be there. An ugly smart guy would fit nicely into my "friend/buddy" category though.

It's the ugly and dumb ones that I feel sorry for.
a smart guy no doubt...a hot guy is great to look at, but if that's all you have to offer don't expect to get too far with me.
having a convo with a rockhead is only entertaining for so long, after a few laughs i just get annoyed lol
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I would much rather go for the less attractive guy (the 7 or 8 out of 10)

its always been hard for me to attribute numbers to people. Intellect is what gets me hot hands down. if youre smart, youre cute.. pretty much end of story for me. years and years ago i used to sleep with a guy who called himself King of the Geeks. He's probably a "4" maybe a "5" on the number scale but mmmm OMG that man could make my body feel things no one else ever has..and it was solely due to the fact that he started in my mind. the brain is the best sex organ after all smile
Juuuust a sec...
Quote by stormblue
Yes, well, hrm, there's what a person says/thinks she wants, and then there's what she really wants. How many truly have an accurate self-image?

ugh. storm silly
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Isn't the answer obvious? I would much rather have an ugly man with a brilliant mensa mind. It's soooo superficial to consider good looks as an important factor!!

Uhmm... wait! I accidentally drank the wrong PC brand of kool-aid!

Seriously though... a really hot man that is dumb as rocks isn't going to interest me... BUT... there is a threshold of attractiveness that has to be met. Physical attraction is just as important as intellect. I would much rather go for the less attractive guy (the 7 or 8 out of 10) that has intelligence, wit, and personality over the a guy that's a 10 but whose mind is a shallow bungalow of simplicity and stupidity... but the basic level of attraction has to be there. An ugly smart guy would fit nicely into my "friend/buddy" category though.

It's the ugly and dumb ones that I feel sorry for.

Sorry we were asked to express our opinions. I don't care if you think I'm being PC about it. I dated too many people in the past for the wrong reasons - looks,status or because I thought they were the type of person I should be dating.

I think it is a maturity thing. Looks fade (fact) Mr hot right is going to lose his looks. As will I and every woman here. Attractiveness for me right now is not the physical qualitites of a man. It's many things humour, intelligence,kindness etc. It took me many years to grow into my skin and like who I am.

I live by the maxim 'I like what I like' I never read trendy magazines,books, go to trendy bars and clubs to be seen,wear trendy clothes(in fact some of the fashion trends today make me feel a bit ill),trendy music etc. I find something I like and wear it/read it because I like it etc because I'm comfortable enough with myself to not be swayed by public opionion...

One day you might change your mind about what you find attractive but at least I respect your decision /opinion right now. We are all different as feck! That's what makes us such an interesting little community...
(This is not a direct response to any one person, especially LoisLane above me here, who was posting at the same time as me, so I had no idea.)

Yes, well, hrm, there's what a person says/thinks she wants, and then there's what she really wants. How many truly have an accurate self-image?

Now, let's see if I can cut the arguments off at the pass.

If there wasn't a disparity between what women think/say they want, and what they actually want, then we wouldn't all immediately 'get' the joke here:

People may have a different view of 'what is attractive'... but attraction is critical.

You can respect someone's mind and intellect but that doesn't mean that the physical has nothing to do with it.

If it's all about personality/intellect, then that means we should not care about age or looks.

Yes, I know it's easy to dismiss me as young and superficial because I'm just being honest about physical attraction being important. Yet how many people on Lush (for example) or an internet dating site or even someone who has gone on a blind date be willing to go for someone based solely on what you know about their personality/intellect without having any clue as to what they look like or how old they are?

If I said... "I have this great guy I want to set you up with. He's genius smart!"... would you green-light my suggestion without ever asking "what does he look like?"

I'm the first one to say that look alone do not impress me at all. I'm very much about the package deal... But if I found a guy visually unattractive at first glance, it's unlikely that finding out he is smart is going to suddenly make me lust for him. That's what I meant about a certain threshold of attractiveness. Intelligence definitely makes anyone hotter (regardless of what they look like)... but the combination of looks/smarts has to hit that threshold of acceptability. Eg. Bill Gates is very intelligent. But do I want to fuck him? No.
I prefer humorous men. I've noticed a truly quick wit is always accompanied by intelligence. I find both of those characteristics hot, so I guess I go for the hot, smart, funny guy.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

If I said... "I have this great guy I want to set you up with. He's genius smart!"... would you green-light my suggestion without ever asking "what does he look like?"

i would ask..but if you said..meh...not super cute no. i would think ... ah nuts. but i would still go, cuz its the genius smart that hooks me.

Quote by Dancing_Doll
I'm the first one to say that look alone do not impress me at all. I'm very much about the package deal... But if I found a guy visually unattractive at first glance, it's unlikely that finding out he is smart is going to suddenly make me lust for him.

see thats exactly what happens to me. if i start talking to him and hes smart and funny and nice he DOES become more attractive.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
People may have a different view of 'what is attractive'... but attraction is critical.

You can respect someone's mind and intellect but that doesn't mean that the physical has nothing to do with it.

If it's all about personality/intellect, then that means we should not care about age or looks.

Yes, I know it's easy to dismiss me as young and superficial because I'm just being honest about physical attraction being important. Yet how many people on Lush (for example) or an internet dating site or even someone who has gone on a blind date be willing to go for someone based solely on what you know about their personality/intellect without having any clue as to what they look like or how old they are?

If I said... "I have this great guy I want to set you up with. He's genius smart!"... would you green-light my suggestion without ever asking "what does he look like?"

I'm the first one to say that look alone do not impress me at all. I'm very much about the package deal... But if I found a guy visually unattractive at first glance, it's unlikely that finding out he is smart is going to suddenly make me lust for him. That's what I meant about a certain threshold of attractiveness. Intelligence definitely makes anyone hotter (regardless of what they look like)... but the combination of looks/smarts has to hit that threshold of acceptability. Eg. Bill Gates is very intelligent. But do I want to fuck him? No.

Ahhh DD, your brutal honesty is refreshing. I admit that sometimes it's as refreshing as a bucket of ice water in the face. Many times our viewpoints are in contrast but I know that what I read from you comes from your own personal truths. My own replies are often quite diplomatic, your's are straight to the point. However, boys and girls.. in today's lesson I agree with my friend the Doll.

None of us wants to be with someone with the intelligence of a hammer. Seriously, who here is going to admit that they only want to date/screw gorgeous people that have no brain? This is Lush and we are all pervs in some degree, but most of us know the biggest sex organ is the brain. But to think most poeple are or should throw out attraction completely is kinda naive.

There are exceptions to every rule. LMB has spoken of the "King of the Nerds". I'm sure most of us have seen "Saved By The Bell", I recall Zach and Slater getting alot more girlfriends than Screech. We all have things that are physically attractive to us. We all have things that are NOT attractive to us. Of course I want someone who is intelligent. But I also have a couple things that I don't want. Call me superficial but I don't want a woman who is 350 lbs that wears spandex. Wanting physical attraction does not mean that I am looking for Megan Fox or Olivia Wilde (although both are welcome to apply).

I'll give an example. I was set up on a blind date by some youth that I worked with about 15 years ago. The girl and I spoke on the phone several times before we ever met. She was funny, smart, witty, and sarcastic as hell. We got along great. I'll never forget going to her apartment to pick her up for our first date. She opened the door and good god! The woman that opened that door was a younger version of my mother. My jaw dropped. It was like saltpeter. There was absolutley NO attraction for me. NONE.

One the 1-10 scale, I'm about a 5 (at least I hope). So i'm not looking down my nose at anyone. But i'm not going to be dating anyone with yellow crisscrossed teeth, a bush that's grown since birth, mohawk sporting, body odor having, armpit hairy, 400 pound woman that happens to be brilliant. If I have the choice between a 9 that is not the sharpest tool in the shed and a 6-7 that is intelligent and can carry a conversation... I'll take the 6-7. But if on my personal hotness scale, a rocket scientist that is a 2-3.. nah I'll take the average intelligent 8-9.

We all require some level of base attractiveness. Unless of course he/she is super rich. Then all bets are off!

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
An attractive personality definately outweighs physical aesthetics for me.

I believe wit, humour, intelligence and a compassionate nature, in themselves, are qualities that make someone attractive - personalities grow on you, and in my experience looks become less and less important as the attractiveness of that personality becomes apparent.

That being said - we are all human, so I'd probably draw the line at a Shrek lookalike (just!!)
A woman who is not afraid to be sexual is very exciting to me, I like strong women who know what they want and aren't afraid of judgement. "Slut" in my view can sum up these attributes and I mean it as a compliment. Big tits, little tits, they're all fun in the right lets get slutty

Oh oh, I just realized that this was in "Ask the gals" being that I am a dude, I guess I fall into the pretty but dumb category
Good point Lafayette,

This question has brought out many excellent views on the matter.

Personally, When I first meet a person, male or female, I'm sizing them up
interior as well as exterior simultaneously.
I think we all rely on physical attraction to some degree for a starting point.
I also have different standards for different occasions.
If it's just a date, plenty of looks, along with a few brains is good.
When I chose my wife, I went for looks combined with, intelligence, compassion, humor, thee ability to be a little
trashy, yet act like a woman, most importantly, sincerity.
Other words, is this woman capable of loving me through thick and thin.

If you don't mind me saying: I feel I might be in the mid range of both the attributes were talking about here,
But I can be moody, happy, angry, somewhat of an asshole all in the same day.
I needed a woman that can withstand all that.
All the other trivial shit can be worked on as life goes on.......
Agreeing with Dancing_Doll here, mostly.

I say mostly because I have been with someone who I found extremely unattractive (nigh on repulsive when I first met him) however I found that, over time, I became attracted to his personality and thus to him; physically. I also found in the last month or so of us being together I began to find him more and more unattractive again as I began to lose my attraction for his personality.

Since then I've set my sights pretty high and have decided to live, and enjoy, the single life until some attractive, tall, nice, intelligent guy comes along.

There is a middle ground, I've always been happy to lower my sights physically if the man has proved himself to be interesting, humorous and caring. That sort of thing tends only to be found if you already know the guy or if you have been introduced to him, if you're just out and about then, quite simply, a guy you find unattractive isn't going to get a second look from you. Let alone a chat, number and a date.
There has to be a certain threshold level of "non-repulsion" on the physical level in order for the possibility of a relationship to develop at all. However, it's certainly possible for someone who seems not that attractive physically at first to become more physically attractive as you get to know them because they are smart and funny. Sexy is not always paired with a classical "handsome" look. On the other hand, there are some types of "smart" fellows who have plenty of intellect, but their intellect does not add to their attractiveness, perhaps because it is paired with egoism.

Personally, it helps if the guy thinks you are really, really, really hot. Attraction is reflective to some extent.
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
Where were all you enlightened ladies when I was a strapping lad?
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw