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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
I just joined that thank you. It's a "pick the winner" league and not a fantasy football league so I'd like to keep the invitation going. Let me know if anyone would like to take part....
Advanced Wordsmith
I thought it would be a hoot to start a fantasy football league, a Lush Stories league. We could all use our forum nicknames and have some fun. No money just a little fun. I'd have the draft Ina couple of days. If you can't physically make the online draft time the computer would do it for you. Anyone interested? Let me know and I'll create the league and send you an invite.
Advanced Wordsmith
Putting a little oil on a chicks tits and rubbing your dick on them.... It's flat out hot.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by SexySofie
Do we really have to debase a beautiful act such as sex is to this level? If you're gay ... you're gay. If you're straight then so be it also. And also ... in a drunken state I've been fucked by a few guys and not known about it till the cum starts draining from me.

Can I buy you a beer? smile
Advanced Wordsmith
The lentgh of my dick is pretty average but I've never once had a woman say anything but nice things about it, and that spans a range of a few dozen partners. I've even had a naked woman or two laying in my bed telling me about the huge cocks of other boyfriends but not putting me down in any way. In all honesty I've been with many women who've expressed dsappointment in being with men with huge schlongs. A big doesnt count if the guy doesnt know how to use it. I never think about it until someone asks. I guess I'd feel differently if I felt like I was not satisfyig my partners or underachieving but I don't feel that way.
Advanced Wordsmith
This is not going to be a popular answer but speaking from an evolutionary position, faithful men nd women are fighting nature every day they remain faithful. The idea of a one-man, one-woman marriage is religiously and socially based and only a few thousand years old ( amere tick in geological time), compared to the many hundreds of thousands of years of human existence where the sexual drive to reproduce spanned across as many partners as people of the day could find. The desire for men to "spread their seed" has been genetically programmed for hundreds of thousands of years. Social upbringing and religious values have played a repressing role but those urges are there. Some people act on them, some people don't. But they're there.
Advanced Wordsmith
I have nothing against toys and if both parties want to use them I say go for it. Personally I'm not a fan and have never had a problem using my dick as a toy for the women in my life.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll

What if she keeps it in her mouth and then kisses you with a mouthful of cum so that you can share?

No no no no no
Advanced Wordsmith
That situation would never happen. I'm in to women and women only ! Love the gals... covet the gals....
Advanced Wordsmith
I did not mean to be disrespectful. It was more of a HOLY SHIT BATMAN My apologizes if I came across wrong.
Advanced Wordsmith
Wow, there are some really good ones here. I feel a little inadequate. Did get a hand job in a crowded movie theater onceand also fucked my my boss in the women's bathroom of the office while her husband was sitting in her office waiting for her but it was after hours, so that made it ok... smile
Advanced Wordsmith
The Perfect woman?
Looks like Scarlet Johannsen
Fucks like Jenna Haze
Is democratic
Agnostic or Atheist
Loves the St Louis Cardinals
Can talk earnings per share and price-to-earnings ratios
Can activity engage in a discussion of the origins of the universe
Knows Classic Rock as well as I

No, I haven't found her. And don't expect to. Nor do I expect that I would fill anyone else's image of the perfect match. We accept each other for who we are and move on.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by love_unrequited
My husband and I have had a conversation recently about open our relationship to other people. Meaning that it would be okay for us to sleep with other people. I just don't know how I truly feel about it. We had our son right out of high school and have never been with anyone other than each other. He wants to have more experiences and in all honesty I do as well. I wonder what it would feel like to have sex with another man or even have sex with a woman. I love my husband and am afraid that I may loose him if we actually agree to this. What is your opinion on open relationships? Can they work?

Mu personal experience with open relationships is that someone gets hurt. Either the guy can't get laid and hates that his partner can or the woman can't really pull the trigger and gets pissed when the man fucks around. Either way, I think most of them are doomed.
Advanced Wordsmith
Back in circa 1994 I took a female co-worker to the Olympic Garden in Vegas She want to go for the experience. She was very cute and the lesbian strippers latched right on to her. I found out that night my co-worker was bi-curious and enjoyed watching the show. Later that night when we got back to the MGM she fucked me so hard I could hardly walk the next day. That night was always our little secret.
Advanced Wordsmith
And why the fuck would you want to do that? You can do that if you like but for me I'll continue to spray my spunk on faces and tits.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll
However you qualify intelligence, whether it's by IQ, social intelligence, writing/communication ability or book smarts, would a woman that is more intelligent than you be seen as intimidating or attractive.

Think of the popular female images of Jessica Simpson acting like the dumb blonde, or Marilyn Monroe's sexualized little girl act, or all the giggly, pillow-fighting, "omg, I'm just a girl" hair-twirling ideal of the Playboy empire and the porn industry (in general).

Does intelligence scare or intimidate men?

Try to answer this question honestly, because I think it's easy to say "I like a smart woman," but the reality is that society often shows that we are at our most attractive when we're being cute, giggly, helpless, and girly.

Is it just a part of the caveman ideal of being the "protector and provider" or is there a feeling that a very intelligent woman would be emasculating to a guy in some way?

Ladies, feel free to respond if you have any thoughts/opinions on this topic...

Good question, DD. From a purely sexual standpoint, it doesn't matter. I've been with a woman judge, a cit council(wo)man and a woman CEO, all of them were smarter'n'me. I am comfortable in my own skin and don't mind a woman who is more intelligent than me I don't find it a turn on or a turn off. I've also been with many women who thought ping pong balls was a Chinese venereal disease. For pure short term, sexual attraction and release, intelligence doesn't matter. ZShe can be hot and smart or hot and stupid - no matter. For LTR, I prefer smart women who share my political persuasion, agnosticism (or atheism) and a bonus would be if they can tolerate an occasional baseball game ) I'm not a superfan. And again, while I could not have an LTR with a woman who I do not respect inttelectually, the intelligence is neither a turn on or a turn off.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Tayy
This is so Weird and random but it's on my mind ha do men get turned on when you all see ass crack like even a little ????

With me, it's like anythin else. If it's an attractive ass crack, flaunt it and it'll make my dick twinge. A bad ass crack needs to be hidden along with any other bad body parts. I am often really shocked at the tubby women who wear super low cut tight pants and midriff shirts. They can't think that's attractive, can they? Of course a lot of young guys thing wearing their pants around the bottom of their ass is attractive. I think they look retarded.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by MMonroe
Guys, how much truth is there to the idea that a girl thats puts out/sleeps with you on the first date is only good for a fling or fuck buddy, but a girl that holds back til say the 3rd date is a keeper and one that you'll take home to your mum??

Personally, im only asking this out of curiosity, I dont believe in 'rules' when dating, you either like someone enough to see them again or you dont. Sleeping with someone on the first date shouldnt immediately make her a slut or whore. I dont put out straight away or give it away like its going out of fashion, i like to keep a bit of mystery back but im still flirty and have had relationships with guys ive slept with straight away and it hasnt mattered at all.

So guys what do you think, do you prefer a girl to hold back til the 3rd/4th date or does it not matter at all?

Great question. I have rarely fucked a gal on the first date and it's all because of my style, which is to be relaxed and let things progress at their own pace. Many, if not most women I've met are not sexually aggressive enough to really push me and I make it point to not push them. I do remember one date in 2004 with a chick I met online. She was extremely interesting. She was overweight but atractive and really confident. She came after me hard and was suckng me off, rimming me, sitting on my face and letting me fuck her in the ass on the first night. I loved it and never thought of her as a whore or cheap or any of that shit. She ended up getting married to another guy but I sill FB with her and see her for coffee every now and then. We had sex several times after that first date but the first one was the hottest. Even though she is faithful to her hubby when we get together we talk about that night very fondly with each other.
Advanced Wordsmith
For me, it's all about being hot for hot, sexy women I wanted to fuck as I was going through puberty. As a small child I remember wanted to fuck Judy Garland from the Wizard of OZ, then Jeannie from I dream of Jeannie, then Mary Tyler Moore, then one or two of my high school teachers, the college professors, then bosses. I think it's the same for a lot of guys. Even today I look at a Kim Basinger or Raquel Welch, who are well past their prime and not as sexy as they once were, but I'd fuck both of them so hard they couldn't walk for a week after.
Advanced Wordsmith
I am about as live and let live and open as they come, but I'm a pitcher, not a receiver. I'm like Santa Claus - I love to give it.
Advanced Wordsmith
My friend with benefits loves anal with a lot of lube from a side position where I can reach around and rub her out during the anal. She craves it and I love giving it to her. It's hot as hell when done right. In her case she likes it slow and deep as I rub her pussy hard and fast. You have to be pretty nimble with her but I like pleasing her and she screams her head off when she comes. Makes me feel really good knowing it's getting her off. She says its the most intimate form of sex we have
Advanced Wordsmith
I love it THICK actually thats my deal breaker if it's not, I think it's a waste of both our time to dump all our emotions into something that will eventually not work out. So for me atleast 7 1/2" long and anything over 6 1/2" around is what I look for. Looks and a sence of humour and all the other thing I would make sure before I went to the sex thing. I would make sure was present. lol also I dont want a guy to be fat or overly muscualr height doesnt matter lol because Im very short lol

So, you want a 5-foot-5 skinny Brad Pitt looking comedian with a 7-inch long fat dick. Sit back and relax... it could take a while.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by LittleBambi
Gosh. I don't know about what the worst thing was...but here's a few sexual ones

* I had sex with a, at the time, ex boyfriend whilst sharing a tent compartment with my best friend (who was, I hope, fast asleep). I've also masturbated when she's stayed over (bed sharing) before - again, she was asleep (I hope!!). I've always felt a bit disgusted with myself for both of those.

* My boyfriend at the time was away on holiday...I was staying in his house with a few other people...I had sex with his friend in his bed, and in his shower, and on his sofa, and...yeah.

* I allowed a guy to finger me in a pub....I've always felt awful about that because it was the middle of the day - kids about etc. Icky, everything I'm against!!

* I had sex with an ex of mine that I'd gone to stay with for New Year (it was never going to go well, was it) whilst on the phone to the current boyfriend.

I could go on, I've left out some of the worse ones, but I feel as though I've made myself out to be a bad enough person already with all the above!!

Please... continue I was just getting into it....
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by HotWifeToni1
I was getting oral sex from a guy I met at a seminar in my hotel room the same time I was having phone sex with my husband!!

Whoa... you are a baaaaaaad girl... Can I get your number? :0