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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 73
0 miles · Abilene


My late wife new of new righting. She actually read every one of them. She would say, I can see us doing this or we would get in so much trouble if we tried this. Other than that, I have one dear friend that knows and has read a couple of my stories.

Quote by garterbelt
I have jerked off while driving. My wife has sucked me off while driving and even jerked me off! It is a thrill, but you have to be careful too!!

Same here. I have jerked off while driving, many times. My wife has jerked me off while driving and sometimes gives me road head.
I don't do drugs.
Under the influence of alcohol, I tend to want to get naked (must be the exhibitionist in me).
Quote by Erosfan
I love to perform oral on my wife.
Absolutely anything my wife wants.

One more!
I love it when my wife says she wants me to strip and jerk off for her.
I never refuse or hesitate. I've told her I will do it any time and any where she wants me to do it.
Quote by trinket

I think it’s a pretty shitty thing to do to post intimate pictures of others (especially your significant other)on the internet without asking their permission beforehand. Just my opinion.

Same here. I have some really good pictures of my wife and I love to look at them.
She does not want them shared with anyone. I will honor her wishes for ever.

She has a couple of videos of me masturbating and I have told her, I would love it if she showed her friends.
I even suggested she serve popcorn.
She says she doesn't want to share that with her friends.
I have no problem with this at all. She just gave me a mind blowing orgasm with her mouth.
Of course, I am going to kiss her.
She kisses me after I get her off orally.

No worries for either of us.
Quote by ChandlerAja2
I can not imagine why anyone would be embarrassed to Masturbate in front of a person you have or will Fuck.

This really strange to me.

I agree. My wife and I masturbate for each other and the experience is incredible.
Occasionally, she asks me to strip and jack off for her. This is, by far, my favorite, because I love the CFNM thing.
I have told her I will do this for her anywhere, any time, as long as it wont lead to one or both of us being arrested.
Mine is CFNM. Not the humiliation kind of stuff.

I have had a couple of fun experiences where I was naked with my now ex and her best friend.
I was driven around one night, totally naked, by a girlfriend. When we got back to my house, she made me walk from the car to the house naked.
She didn't let me get dressed until it was time to go to work the next day.

My wife will tell me to get naked and jack off for her sometimes.
She likes to give me hand jobs when I am driving. She doesn't hide what we are doing when taller vehicles get near us.
When my wife masturbates for me, I always join in. We enjoy mutual masturbation.

Yeah, I hadnt reflected on how much I like a lady friend watch me. Maybe she'd suck a nipple, or light caress my inner thigh, as my cock swells & balls tighten.

Yep! I too, love to be watched by my lady. If she touches my nipples, I'm done in an instant.
Where ever she wants me to cum. My wife likes to get me naked and watch me jack off and cum.
I've told her, I will do it for her any where, any time.
I'll have to go with the hand job from 2 women. My wife is a master at giving hand jobs.
I have begged her to give lessons and use me to help with her teaching.
Quote by Andrew00
Hi there!
Could you list up to 5 fantasies you have. no matter you already tried it?

let's start!

Get a hand job while driving - Done
Have sex in a store changing room - Not yet
Have sex in the great out doors - Done
Have my wife give me a hand job in front of a couple of her friends - Not yet, we have discussed it
Be a naked boy toy/ waiter for my wife and a few of her friends - Not yet
Quote by Joannem310
Like Verbal above, it was Penthouse Letters, or The Penthouse Forum, whichever it was called, that first introduced me to written porn.

Same here. Penthouse Forum. I've been a huge fan of written porn ever since.
Quote by Reprehensiballs
Thanks for all the responses, General consensus seems to be no. I guess that some people might feel the need to hide their fantasies from their partner, but that's an entirely different question I suppose.

I say no. I share my fantasies with my wife. The fantasies we have experienced have been better than the fantasies ever were.
I'm lucky to have her.
Anywhere she wants.
I love to cum in my wife's pussy.
When she wants me to cum, it is going to happen and I will cum where she wants it.
Yes, I love it when my just gently touches my ass.
She doesn't have to penetrate, just drag her nails over.
A little push, as if she is going to enter and I'm done. major orgasm.
Quote by Lydia_
I feel like I'm taking over the forums!! Hmm...

Hey guys, questions:

1. Do you like to cum on/in the women (or men, if you so prefer) that you are with?
2. Why?
3. Where?

Ah, curiousity.

lol This one's funny.

Anyway, happy posting!!

I love to cum in and or on my wife.
A real treat for me is when she tells me she wants me to get naked, jack off and cum on her tits.
The last time we did this, she wanted to do it on our deck and we did. It was about 5:00 in the afternoon.
After I had cum on her, she told me our neighbor had watched us through a gap in our fence.
I asked her why she didn't stop me and she said she enjoyed him seeing her tits and me jacking off.
Quote by BethanyFrasier

If you see a merge sign, with a long line of cars in the right lane, and choose to pass 75 cars in the empty left lane just to get ahead of everybody who's been waiting in line, you're an asshole!

I couldn't agree more and when it comes down to it, I'm not letting them cut in front of me.
Quote by hayley

Thanks for the PSA. Way too many people have no idea what that special device is used for.
It has gotten so bad here in Texas that I was wondering if the auto makers had started offering turn signals as a very expensive option.
I use my turn signals, always.
Oh HELL YEAH! I absolutely love it and I love to make her cum with my tongue.
Quote by janet_haney
Yes a few times. I think it is hot to be watched

I want to, I think it would be hot to be watched.
Public or outdoor scenarios, experiences with past lovers.
Lately, my wife stripping me naked and giving me one of her tantalizing hand jobs with a couple of her friends or her sister watching.
Quote by Guest
Have not done this...but it does sound like it would be hot/fun.

My wife and I have discussed this on numerous occasions. She says she would have no problem doing it.
We just haven't done it yet. Maybe now that it is getting colder........
Many years ago with my first wife. took a naked stroll on the beach at night.
There wasn't anyone on the beach but us. It took some convincing on my part to get her to agree to get naked with me and walk down the beach.
We actually became quite comfortable and walked a long way from our car.
We began our walk back to our car and when we were about a 1/4 of a mile from it, we heard a noise all of a sudden and the beach lit up like it was daytime.
It was a Navy helicopter from the base in Corpus Christi.
We were shocked and scared and ran as hard as we could to get to our car. When we got in the car, the lights went out and the helicopter went on.
I'm sure the flight crew had a good laugh on us.
We dressed and went home. We never tried that again.
Completely naked, outdoors with my wife watching and/or directing me.
Quote by bonscott11
I love it when my wife plays with my nipples. It absolutely drives me crazy. If she wants me to cum fast that's her go to move. I don't have any nipple piercings but I think it would be nice to have one

Same here, I love it and if she wants to take it up a notch, she knows I'm going to cum almost instantly.
She says she has never known a man with such sensitive nipples.