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roadway exasperation

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If you are in the left lane and you are getting passed by driver after driver.. Get the hell out of the left lane !

Any other "advice" you would give to oblivious drivers?

What are your driver peeves?
You Florida drivers should learn to use TURN SIGNALS.
Honking won't make me walk across the crosswalk any faster. Thankfully, this doesn't happen too often.
Quote by MissBehave
If you are in the left lane and you are getting passed by driver after driver.. Get the hell out of the left lane !

Any other "advice" you would give to oblivious drivers?

What are your driver peeves?

You see, if you drove on the proper side of the road like we Brits do you wouldn't have these problems
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
Quote by nichols_10
You Florida drivers should learn to use TURN SIGNALS.

I wish it was just Florida drivers. Far too many people here (London, Ontario, Canada) think it's optional to signal lane changes, especially when doing them at the last minute directly in front of other cars.

Racing yellow lights, thereby preventing people from completing lefts until after the light has turned red. There are major intersections in London where turning left on a red is the norm, not the exception.

Entering the intersection on a yellow and turning on the red. This happens so often here that we've nicknamed it "the London left".
Left lane cruisers drive me to distraction! People think it's the texting lane or something! My cousin's wife does this, and I asked her why, and she said the right lane intimidates her because of merging traffic from on/off ramps, and I asked her if all the cars passing her on the right didn't also intimidate her, and she said no. WTF??

Another thing that drives me crazy is false courtesy. When 2 lanes of crawling traffic have to merge into one because of a road obstruction, and people race past the long line of stop&go cars to get ahead, and then bull their way in at the head of the line, and people let them in, thinking they're being courteous, but they're just being DIScourteous to all the people stuck behind them, as that lane moves slower and slower to make way for all the fucking jerks who cheat!

American drivers should learn to drive like German autobahn drivers! Only use the left lane to PASS, and then get back in the right lane!
Quote by KatieElizabeth
People that dither at roundabouts and pass gap after gap to get onto the roundabout, while everyone sits in a queue behind them huffing!

Roundabouts are starting to catch on here in my part of Canada (I know they are old hat for you Brits) and some people aren't grokking them so I feel your pain.
Quote by BethanyFrasier

Another thing that drives me crazy is false courtesy. When 2 lanes of crawling traffic have to merge into one because of a road obstruction, and people race past the long line of stop&go cars to get ahead, and then bull their way in at the head of the line, and people let them in, thinking they're being courteous, but they're just being DIScourteous to all the people stuck behind them, as that lane moves slower and slower to make way for all the fucking jerks who cheat!

Actually, that's roughly how it is supposed to work. You are supposed to use both lines right up to the merge point, then alternate in (car from left, car from right, car from left, car from right) rather than merging early.

Minnesota DOT explains it well:
Quote by seeker4

Actually, that's roughly how it is supposed to work. You are supposed to use both lines right up to the merge point, then alternate in (car from left, car from right, car from left, car from right) rather than merging early.

Minnesota DOT explains it well:

If you see a merge sign, with a long line of cars in the right lane, and choose to pass 75 cars in the empty left lane just to get ahead of everybody who's been waiting in line, you're an asshole!
Yes "left laners" as I call them like to ride without any concern to traffic backing up behind them. If you see that someone has been moved into the "K" rail between the sides don't be surprised if its 1lush who moved them.
Quote by MissBehave
If you are in the left lane and you are getting passed by driver after driver.. Get the hell out of the left lane !

Any other "advice" you would give to oblivious drivers?

What are your driver peeves?

"Drive Right" is the way it should be. Left is for passing damn it.

Quote by BethanyFrasier

If you see a merge sign, with a long line of cars in the right lane, and choose to pass 75 cars in the empty left lane just to get ahead of everybody who's been waiting in line, you're an asshole!

That is the correct way of merging though. You greatly reduce congestion that way.
“If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.”
Quote by BethanyFrasier
Left lane cruisers drive me to distraction! People think it's the texting lane or something! My cousin's wife does this, and I asked her why, and she said the right lane intimidates her because of merging traffic from on/off ramps, and I asked her if all the cars passing her on the right didn't also intimidate her, and she said no. WTF??

Another thing that drives me crazy is false courtesy. When 2 lanes of crawling traffic have to merge into one because of a road obstruction, and people race past the long line of stop&go cars to get ahead, and then bull their way in at the head of the line, and people let them in, thinking they're being courteous, but they're just being DIScourteous to all the people stuck behind them, as that lane moves slower and slower to make way for all the fucking jerks who cheat!

American drivers should learn to drive like German autobahn drivers! Only use the left lane to PASS, and then get back in the right lane!

I agree TOTALLY with your sentiment. However, "legally" that driver in the left lane has the right to be there till the "point of closure"...according to state trooper in NC when I asked this specific question. Often trucks will team up to do a "rolling roadblock" of the construction lane to allow it to clear ahead so that traffic can get through the narrow pass w/o stopping. I understand that process, but IMHO creates problems also. The wise / safe thing to do is get in the proper lane ASAP after seeing the lane closure ahead signs and be patient. It's a scary world out there, folks!! Be patient and stay alert and courteous and SAFE???
Quote by seeker4

Actually, that's roughly how it is supposed to work. You are supposed to use both lines right up to the merge point, then alternate in (car from left, car from right, car from left, car from right) rather than merging early.

Minnesota DOT explains it well:

I agree with this, but unfortunately that would only work in a "perfect world" out there. I have seen that scenario work but it's few and far between.... too many arseholes that are too self important to take a moment to be safe(r) and courteous.???
Quote by BethanyFrasier

If you see a merge sign, with a long line of cars in the right lane, and choose to pass 75 cars in the empty left lane just to get ahead of everybody who's been waiting in line, you're an asshole!

You SAID IT girl??? just need to add those that use the road shoulder to pass on the right. That's illegal and highly unsafe and I've used my big rig to block those scumbags more than one time??? ... did it by straddling the line and could easily move over for emergency vehicles. Gawd did I hate those drivers?????
Merging drivers who will hit you if you don't swerve into the left lane ... can't they read the YIELD sign!
In the UK, I never hear people talking about "left lane" and "right lane". They generally use the terms inside and outside (where you pass on the outside lane). Then you can talk about these things no matter what side of the road you drive on, with no confusion whatsoever.
Quote by wiseowl
Merging drivers who will hit you if you don't swerve into the left lane ... can't they read the YIELD sign!

Quote by LadyAnnWest

Is that you Ann driving? You traded your hat for a helmet ... oh wait, that's Michael Dukakis!
Quote by clum
In the UK, I never hear people talking about "left lane" and "right lane". They generally use the terms inside and outside (where you pass on the outside lane). Then you can talk about these things no matter what side of the road you drive on, with no confusion whatsoever.

We have bigger roads.
“If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.”
Getting caught speeding.
Many states have enacted inside lane (left lane) laws for interstates and expressways. If you are in the inside (left) lane and someone comes up behind you, whether they are speeding or not, you are required to get over into the outside (right) lane. This is to ensure that the inside (left) lane is 'The Passing Lane'.

That is the law in Georgia as well as many other states. And many more states are probably going to be passing that law soon.

So left lane pokies can get ticketed and fined. hahaha And in Georgia, the cops are certainly doing that. The county mounties and city cops are out on the roads to raise revenue for their municipality, so they are NOT going to give you a break. The Georgia State Patrol is not noted for giving many breaks either. So the slow pokes can expect to pay the fine if they don't get their pokie asses over into the right (outside) lane.

Quote by BethanyFrasier

If you see a merge sign, with a long line of cars in the right lane, and choose to pass 75 cars in the empty left lane just to get ahead of everybody who's been waiting in line, you're an asshole!

I never in a million years thought I would see these words coming from me; Bethany, I agree with you a hundred percent!
For me its the motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic, not even using a lane but just squeezing in where they can to get ahead of the cars. This is incredibly dangerous but I see it all the time. For some reason, some motorcycle drivers think the rules of the road don't apply to them. I'm not talking just about traffic laws but simple road etiquette too.
Quote by hayley

Thanks for the PSA. Way too many people have no idea what that special device is used for.
It has gotten so bad here in Texas that I was wondering if the auto makers had started offering turn signals as a very expensive option.
I use my turn signals, always.
Quote by BethanyFrasier

If you see a merge sign, with a long line of cars in the right lane, and choose to pass 75 cars in the empty left lane just to get ahead of everybody who's been waiting in line, you're an asshole!

I couldn't agree more and when it comes down to it, I'm not letting them cut in front of me.