Track, soccer, debate team, science team. Nerd - but, to those who knew me, the nerd who was fun to be with.
Fuck no!! Fireworks are awesome! One of the reasons I became interested in chemistry was the quest to make perfect fireworks! That started even before my quest to learn how to give the perfect blowjob!
And - BTW -- laying on the beach with a friend, giving a nice sensual bj while watching a great fireworks display is second only to actually being the one who lights them off.
I consider blowjobs to be like "biological fireworks" - so it all fits together....
Lol. It happens. Its funny. Queefs are hilarious. Was camping with a bunch of friends one weekend - the guy I was with just seemed to have the ability to make me queef and queef and queef -- loundly. Next morning, when we emerged from our tent, the other two couples applauded and presented us with the "King & Queen Queef" award for the day! Lol. Thank God I keep my blowjobs quiet.
As compelling an idea that it is, it is a field of landmines. I've done it a few times. Did it once in college with my best friend from high school when I was home for a weekend - while it was hot, scratched a lot of itches and completely fun for about a month - it completely ruined that friendship. Did it in college - it worked out, had a lot of fun, and he demoted himself back to friend, thankfully. Another time, driving some distance with a male best friend - going back to school after a vacation. Stuck in a snowstorm, and shared a motel room with him. After a little bit of discussion and wine, spent a good deal of the night fucking like teenagers ... we're now still good friends, and fuck buddies. That was the only time having sex with a good male friend has actually worked out. I still have a lot of really good male friends that I will not be having sex with, because I value their friendship more than wanting to experience their cocks.
Yes. Roommate in college - they didn't do the doorknob signal. I walked in, and saw her giving a blowjob on the couch. Quite an eyeful, and by the looks of it and my memory, quite a mouthful too. Made for an interesting morning the next morning. "Good morning, Jack. Sleep well? " lol.
Quote by Jaywarf
Maybe I've missed it, but I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the "gluck, gluck, gluck" sound during so called deep throat scenes.
lol. Totally agree. I don't quite understand how anyone thinks that the girl is enjoying that. And - isn't it supposed to be about watching people enjoy themselves?