DavidChirko7 16 Dec 2024 Mystique Is A Softly Dropped Heaven Mystique is a softly dropped heaven with its intimate brushing the notes of the wind will spin a soul of a woman driven full with roseate hushing smooth like honey-ice within For it is only the breeze and she mothering those who feel her ribbon of dainty flame etched in each silken melody where a fluorescent whisper hovers the abode of her name
DavidChirko7 12 Jul 2024 Black Pearl A chanteuse proves the stentorian can be silky. Darkness is bright, as she spreads her fleshly shadow, Like whispers in the evening, greeting ecstasy’s pillow. Eyes are childlike wishes, when her buttocks dare, Thrusting, so delicately, her message of glitter everywhere. She’s the challenge in front of a mountain of horns and strings; From the sensuous syrup of her mellow pipes, as she sings.
DavidChirko7 23 Dec 2023 Fantasia On Venus Alienation in an envisioned Venusian wonderland. What are the things most desired and fought for by more than just some? What aspires the thoughts and feelings that bind all hope and expectation in harmony? Like all men I yearn, waiting and anticipating the rare, most precious moment to come, When she will fly out in all her vibrant glory, playing the most sensuous melody. From time to star, captured - then released, we all seek to become. Their sometimes tawdry sight h...
DavidChirko7 17 Dec 2023 Blue Rose Her transient ardor for him segued into a jaundice. Your heart grows in Spring’s bleak night; Cringing somber whirlpools begin to coo, Like a bird to its mate in the evenlight, From his “beautiful brown eyes” that now woo, Down from your ceiling’s untouched bright. An empty living room in your life will loom, Where he worshiped you, kissing all that he saw - Praying to dine with you in ecstasy’s room, So you and he could find the beauty of the raw; The mystique in “his lip...
DavidChirko7 4 Jun 2023 Viento Espanol Don't go fighting a rapacious bull for some woman’s love; you might get more than you expected. Through white brick buildings, blisters the warm blowing air, Ravishing the deserts, where all my thoughts and feeling Polish and bellow against the sun’s sage ceiling, Whose wicked showers crackle the hillsides, bare. Like an Armada, with treasures floating away; Over the horizon, sail the footsteps of my years – In the blue beyond, of shattered visions and tears. Still, I’m a conqueror, in every unexplored new day. In t...
DavidChirko7 10 Nov 2022 Demimonde Fantasy promulgates desire to forgive class. A pillow that comes so much alive, When grasped it soaks the meadows, deep, Whose evening’s dreams will always thrive On rushing currents, whose desires leap, Like thirsting sheep, whose tears won’t revive. Brush the cattails that weep in sorrow For fountains to spurt the golden sin. Graveyards of truth that hide the morrow; Lonely leaf finds its sanction in wind. As forever you’re blown to feel the tomorrow. Nights have...
DavidChirko7 12 Jul 2022 Survival We both wanted what never came to fruition Like the mountains’ majestic caress of the skies whose vales are an unforeseen, but sacred and eternal, whisper, I came so close to being so deep within you. While down your cheeks the aches stormed, but our touch weathered memories’ gales; each moment pouring when our flesh was without distance. I await the lifting of sunset’s blanket once enshrouding the…the time it will happen – our hands and souls no longer imprisoned...
DavidChirko7 15 Jul 2021 Viola A teenager's unrequited romantic feelings for a girl attired in his cherished colors Violets bloom in spring, they say; Girl, I knew no other way, I was shy and scared that day, Guess that’s why you strayed away. Little girl in black, walk on, Depressed, like me—the colors gone; A smile, so soft, I’d grown so fond, A frown, so cold, like death had dawned. Little girl in black, you’re healing A broken heart on my mauve ceiling, That reflects on you my sad feeling And jealous thoughts I was yielding. ...
DavidChirko7 4 May 2021 Flaming Angels Of Spring A woman's body encapsulates his wayward eye that seeks an elusive love. Flaming angels of spring weave a pastoral tapestryO’er the sleepless, meadowed minds,Entreating the burning softness of summer;Freedom, resurrected in its breath,When warmly winds lick the searching facesInhaled ‘neath the rapture of its tongue. Passion seasons fruit for its victims,Nestled in pain of unrewarding sympathy;Passion is pain when my aching visions ripenTo capture a beckoning of soft-winged flight,In a galaxy,...
DavidChirko7 3 Nov 2020 Pearls Of A Winter’s Day A feminine snowflake transmogrifies into an algid lapis lazuli Pearls of a winter’s day plash gently on open hands, Each snowflake a gem of melting opulence, Garnishing season’s moods with opalescent sheets. Purity celebrated in perpetual variety, With polished faces of ivory radiance; Their tender and alluring eyes abounding everywhere. Shades of winter relax not in the hue of hope; Where love is blue sadness seeks sympathy, But blue is livid in my fleeting fantasies Where no warm...
DavidChirko7 4 Oct 2020 Tawny Breezes Of Autumn The fall season is encapsulated by a woman Tawny breezes of autumn enchant maple glitter, Embellishing each leaf of platinum velvet; Whistling its ariose aphrodisia Where’er winces are efflorescent, ‘Till fall’s rains sweeten their florid fires, As my blood throbs ‘mid each downpour. Dropping into a roadside stream, russet is rife Swirling with careless abandon; So goes the vicissitudes of vibrance, Like my life, that escorts their swim ‘Till I find myself with...
DavidChirko7 3 Jul 2020 Nightingales Of A Summer’s Evening Mendelssohn’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” took me to a manor gallery, showing her invisible presence Nightingales of a summer’s evening descend upon twilight moments, With whispers of sombre starlight found In every cup of even dropped off their heels; Collecting in my dreams, its dew is a prayer, Like rain-kissed berries awaiting eager hands, Blessed by myriads for each cherry dropped. Summer is the vessel where my hopes are baptized – Each thought poured, a relentless stream, Dissolving in a drop of fantasy, whose pa...
DavidChirko7 25 May 2020 “Magnifique” Why is it that Rodin’s masterpieces are still the idols of artistic awe Because his touch has become the prototype found in all beauty Like in the sculpted dance of a priceless angel Where we’re both inside her every movement Because her movements are like Brahmsian symphonic tides As she dashes up like a fleeting gazelle Then disappearing into a whirling watercolor of grandeur Dropping again so that I may worship her fin...
DavidChirko7 22 May 2020 Life’s Nothingness If yesterday’s failures were relived again, I could go back to make each a success, Then there would be something to live for each day, When I’ve awakened the answer that slept with my pain. Autistic thoughts stole the past that it tore, And going back only empties my future, With its lost years that are never redeemed; Life is nothing, when everything I deplore. Soap opera afternoons and window shopping to no end, Or...
DavidChirko7 19 May 2020 Bestowed On Me You walk by Swallowing the sky, Where it’s not at And neither am I. Lick my wounds Where overhang, The bloodless battle Whose victory rang. My thoughts I’ve squandered Where no one hears, Pain is so silent - Grant me your tears. Laugh at me Whilst I might try, And though it’s cruel, Could you care why? Look at me, As I am bound To your ignorance, You’ve not yet found. Touch my eyes That blankets emptiness, And g...