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High Lord of Darkness
Another competition so soon...Nicola, you're running me into the ground.

I will enter this one, I've written a piece already. Then I put it away and rewritten about a fifth of it. If I put it away again I may rewrite about a tenth and so on, and so on.

I think I'll do a new one. But not until I grab a beer if I may and while I'm here can I get Kasia one as well. I'm hoping the bribery will open the minibar for Verity.
High Lord of Darkness
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

That's it, I'm taking them to court over that - don't they know my name is copyright. They're not the only one using it, apparently there's a Cyber Crime unit dragging my name into the gutter as well. Hang on, what do you mean I'm always in the gutter?

Anyway, thanks for bringing it to my attention, James, but before I get mixed up in legal matters - any chance of a coffee please with a couple of cubes of brown sugar and warm milk - preferably with one of those nice biscuits on the side. A nice large one would be lovely.

Coffee is the best thing for me at the moment. have to keep myself awake for those After Dark sessions with the neighbor's daughter.

I have to admit, I'm glad somebody had the forethought to clean the coffee machine out. That's normally left to the faery's in my house.
High Lord of Darkness
Congratulations to the Podium Winners. I predicted you three would be on the podium and wasn't surprised to see you there. I did have a slightly different order though.

Well Done WannabeWordsmith, Jaymal and Tams_back_yay.

Well deserved. I'm doing my best to catch you lot up, but like Lewis Hamilton, I need to bump a few of you out of the race first to have a chance. And well done to all the runner ups and entrants. This was an unusual competition for me because I wasn't going to enter.

Thanks to Nicola and all the mods for putting up all these first-class entries though. Great team effort.
High Lord of Darkness
Quote by KimmiBeGood

That is gruesome. If I met you, I'd have to squash your titties from the side first just to make sure there are no creepies lurking inside. That image is giving me the shivers.
High Lord of Darkness
Sorry, but I'd like to go back to the time of coal forests and then the time of the dinosaurs. I'd love to see them for real.

And if anyone says I'm already in the time of the dinosaurs because I'm so old, then I'll send the boys 'round.

On the way back from that trip drop me off in 1992 or thereabouts.
High Lord of Darkness
Wishing you all the best on your special day Tonya. I hope you have a great one.

High Lord of Darkness
Congratulations to the top three, excellent stories all round with lot's of different takes on the theme as always.

That's the nice thing about competitions - coming up with something that you may not think is exceptional but the judges do.
High Lord of Darkness
Quote by curvygalore

18th-century dresses had capacious pockets, Luca. Handy for stowing useful household objects and a mobile phone...

And there was me thinking they used to write tiny words onto tiny pieces of paper and then let them flutter to the floor for the person they wanted to TEXT to pick it up as they followed behind!

Out would come the eyeglass and a smile would appear on their faces.

Of course, the next text would then take a day or so.
High Lord of Darkness
It's mid afternoon over here at the moment and this pub is still open. I'd love to have one of Kimmi's donuts with a coffee as I congratulate her on her recent success. Well done you! Yer a pwoper riter now.

I'm still struggling to make ends meet, money is tight and the kids have to go without food and all because the scores are low. I don't know what's happening with the world.

I hope everyone is C free, or if not, have all got over it and are feeling much better. I'd recommend the beer in here - it kills all known germs (and viruses) - DEAD! And that's a good thing.

Hope your all lined up for a fun day and night - we'll be having a BBQ tonight - first of the year! The steak will be sizzling, the beer flowing, the chicken browning and the sausages burning. Just me of course, everyone else is 2m away.
High Lord of Darkness
I don't know whether anyone else has asked for this in the past, but can we have more flexibility in the way the "My Stories" are presented for a logged on user.

I'm thinking of filtering it so that I can see the unpublished ones only. Every time I go onto that page I have to scroll through 300+ stories to get to the ones that I have uploaded that are ready to be published. They are always at the bottom. Sometimes this is a pain on a smartphone.

I'd also like to see just the ones in a particular category while on this page, because often I have written something and would like to check what was in a similar story but I have to wade through them all looking for the one I think it is. I have done this so many times.

Maybe also filter by year of submission or month if possible. Even the option to show all stories that are RRs, or have 30k view tags, or stories that have more than x comments or more than y scores.

I would like to have that functionality on the My Stories page if possible.

Thank you for listening.
High Lord of Darkness
A wonderful Happy Birthday to two wonderful Annie's.


Dare I ask, what's the combined candle count?
High Lord of Darkness
A huge congratulations to the three podium winners, Tamara, Jake and Mags. Well deserved, I did comment on Tamara's entry when I read it and said it was a sure podium spot - I was right.

Congratulations to all the top 10 entries too and a huge congratulations to all that entered - it was full of fun-filled and debauched entries - that's for sure.

A big round of applause for the judges - it couldn't have been easy. I guess it never is.

I am truly honoured to be among one of the ten runners up. Thank you so very much.

High Lord of Darkness
I have just tried to publish a Flash story. the word count on the editor indicated that the story was 1000 words. Yet, when I came to hit the publish button, I was informed that the story was 1008 words long. I had to remove 8 words which brought the total in the editor to 991 before it was accepted.

The funny thing is, I also added the story as a series, not a chapter series, but one that I wanted linked as being part of a grouped story. The title of that was 8 words.

I don't know whether that was the cause of the problem, but is the system counting the series title as part of the word count? Should it?

Thanks for listening.

High Lord of Darkness
I've just come in from the rain. Can I have a pint of mist with a strawberry in it please.

Yes, I know that's odd, and strange, and confusing, and ludicrous.

But so is this election - I have one question - Has anyone actually won yet?!?
High Lord of Darkness
This is just for fun. Not my real entry...

The Roman's got it all wrong...

I came over her fruit loops
I saw him in a banana hammock
I conquered by spanking her kitty

I wasn't expecting her to eat the fruit loops though!
High Lord of Darkness
I really wanted to write a 51 word entry. I've never been paddled!
High Lord of Darkness
I couldn't help myself on this one. I had to...

In shock, I dropped my spoon into the fruit loops. They scattered everywhere. Jeremy's sudden entrance in his gold banana hammock shouting TaDa had flummoxed me.

On noticing the wooden ruler in his hand, my knickers were off, my kitty bare and I was pleading with him to spank it.
High Lord of Darkness
Quote by Liz

This doesn't make any sense at all. Story scores aren't supposed to be representative of how many people read the stories. It's about quality, not popularity.

If no one has to "push a button" then whatever metric it is you're envisaging isn't actually a score, is it? Why would the site want to change "scores to reads" if there is already a 'views' metric on stories already?

I have written an account of some analysis I did, I have sent that email to the contact us email address as specified. Hopefully, everyone On the Lush panel of representatives can read it, if and when it gets distributed. I'm not going to explain everything here because I don't want to create an issue out of something that may get rejected anyway.

However, you have indicated above that the scores are about quality - they are not. Mistakes are made when they are used. They can be used in a bad way to mark down stories, they can be ignored when everyone gives 5s, they are only ever used by friends of authors and some discerning people that bother to use them. They are not indicative of quality.

The views metric, and I may be wrong (Gav could correct me on this) is probably not representatives of reads either. I would assume it measures the hits on a downloaded page.

Measuring a proper read of a story is subjective, but reads are more indicative of how popular a story is. It's a different metric but probably a better one. Megananne1986 is correct in that it records the total reads and a mathematical approach would be needed.
High Lord of Darkness
I'd love to see the story scores improved or changed for the better. They are not representative of how many people read the stories. I have done some analysis on this and will send Gav my findings. I think you can change scores to reads and make it automatic as well so that no-one has to push a button or push a wrong button.
High Lord of Darkness
The Big Bang happened on 5th August, a long time ago (the date does take into account the change of calendars).
High Lord of Darkness
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Rumple (that's me, wrote the following last night but now it's on the previous page, at least on my 'puter, and since it's about Dark Side's new story and he just showed up today and didn't even ask for his free beer, well, that's why I'm reposting it. So there.

Just a quick story suggestion. All would-be authors and anyone else who just likes to read fine filthy fiction, should check out:

A Way With Words, by Dark Side

It so impressed me, DS now has a standing offer of a free beer the next time he stops by. ;)

Which reminds me -- who the hell wants a drink or coffee or tea or some fine lickers?


I'm blushing and honoured of course. My very own advert in Rumps bar. I'll have that beer now, Rumps. To calm my nerves. Thank you. You have a way with words too.
High Lord of Darkness
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Greetings to all Moanday mourning early risers and those of us who didn't sleep at all last night.

That's because you were at that bar last night trying to talk dirty to the woman in the bomber jacket. I did tell you she's already taken...

I'll have a coffee and a doughnut, please. I haven't had doughnuts in ages.

I don't know how you keep this bar open. Everything seems to be free. But you have the thumbs up from me. I may be back later for something stronger.
High Lord of Darkness
I love this place.

I found it by chance. I read a few stories which just sparked the desire to write my own. I found an outlet for my past sexual experiences and so I wrote. I met a lot of great authors. I read, I learnt, I developed.

I never really used the lush chat or forums that much. But I have made some great friends on here. Not in real life, not yet anyway. But never say never as they say. Some people I admired long ago have become friends and have now left. I miss them.

I admire and respect the Lush admin team and all the people that verify stories. They do a great job. I wouldn't want to do it.

I hope that by now, I've massaged myself into a mediocre writer. I love thinking up new sexual scenarios and applying them to different genres. I can't see myself stopping, but I have to one day.

This is my mind's sexual outlet...enough said.
High Lord of Darkness
I had an impure thought for a moment but definitely...

High Lord of Darkness
Anastasiya Berthier - apparently 34 KK boobs - I wouldn't mind going to lunch with her ?

High Lord of Darkness
Because you're so special. I bought you a Monet. Well, what else could I do.

Happy Birthday.

High Lord of Darkness
Congratulations to Mags...

and to everyone else that were mentioned as the runners up.

There were some wonderful stories and I read and scored every one of them. I don't know how the judges managed to separate them all.
High Lord of Darkness
Happy birthday Tonya. Hope it's as special as it can possibly be.

High Lord of Darkness
Congratulations to Hannah, Mags and Luca for topping the winning podium.

A big high five to all the others that had the honourable mentioned. So many excellent writers.

It was a great competition with lots of diverse and wonderfully written entries.