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CumGirl's DOUBLE Celebration!!! August 7th Birthday + 100 Stories!!

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There are many reasons to celebrate CumGirl – but two of them stand out!

More than a century of stories (that's number, not years), quirky, eccentric, inventive, and amazing stories – plus it's her birthday on August 7th!

Please join me in celebrating one of Lush's most…intriguing…authors, whose perky, pokey, cuntilicious stories have rammed more words into the English language than anyone since Shakespeare!

Happy Day, CG!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Simple Scribbler
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!!
Primus Omnium
Congratulations. Have a wonderful birthday.
Sexy Seductive Siren

Congratulations! 100 stories is huge accomplished and something to be celebrated.
Partner-in-Lust / Cummunist
First things first

And of course, congratulations and many thanks for having treated us with...

amazing stories!

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Sensual Hobgoblin
Congrats on both! Hope your B-Day is super fun-filled!

I just published a new story, It's a Flash with a humorous twist and, of course, hot sex. So quick, fun read. Hope you enjoy!

Then there's A wife is home alone when two criminals break in to rob her. She's afraid and that's when it gets interesting A super story full of great sex, with a BDSM slant, that will hold your interest.

If you enjoy either, please comment. My ego needs a boost, ha! Thanks.

High Lord of Darkness
A joyous happy birthday to you CG. I hope its full of...well, cum really.

I do hope your cunny is itching nicely ???


I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!


Have a great birthday, CumGirl! And 100 stories is a real milestone. Congrats on that.

Easily amused
Congrats on your birthday, and on the big 100 stories milestone. I've read several, loved them, and look forward to more.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Love Bug
Hope you have an incredible birthday and congratulations on your accomplishment!!

The Linebacker
Happy Birthday, Cumgirl! And congrats on 100 stories! Have a great weekend!

Happy Birthday CG!

Bonnet Flaunter
Happy Birthday and story centenary CG!

Southern Gentleman

Happy birthday!
Tony and Lilly
Active Ink Slinger
Happy Birthday!!!! You naughty naughty, naughty magician {}
My Stories

No Ordinary Gal

Fucked and Taken

That Special Evening
Attention Whore
Quote by JamesLlewellyn
There are many reasons to celebrate CumGirl – but two of them stand out!

More than a century of stories (that's number, not years), quirky, eccentric, inventive, and amazing stories – plus it's her birthday on August 7th!

Please join me in celebrating one of Lush's most…intriguing…authors, whose perky, pokey, cuntilicious stories have rammed more words into the English language than anyone since Shakespeare!

Happy Day, CG!

For fucks sake, James. You complete and utter bellend. You know full well that I'm a computer bot and all the stories have been created by random word generation.

But thank you very much for highlighting what will be my last ever birthday, because I'm not prepared to acknowledge any more.

If I'd really had my act together I'd have published my 11,500 word 'Dear Cum not very spectacular Omnium Spectacular' just to ruin everyone's day.

Maybe tomorrow.

Thank you very much for the gingerbread paw doctoring flight seat belt you tandem.

Oopps! Programme on the blink again.
Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"

Whistling on my journey
your library of sexy stories grows and grows

And Happy Birthday too

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Active Ink Slinger
Which one's CumGirl again?
Flummoxed by forums
Active Ink Slinger
As my one and only co-author - wishing you a wonderful Birthday - go CuGirl! X
Isolation - A Tale Of Star-Crossed Lovers
hartclass & CumGirl

Active Ink Slinger
Way to go CumGirl! Today, I will read one of your stories, in your honor!
Active Ink Slinger
Congratulations on the incredible accomplishment and Happy Birthday!

Gentleman Stranger
Happy Birthday, cg, and congrats on the 100-story milestone! I note you also recently passed your 10-year Lushiversary and got your Decadent badge too, so another milestone passed. With all these goings-on you must be exhausted!