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Over 90 days ago
Female, 29
United States


Hey ! I'm a young lady hoping to explore my submissive side online! I've had a couple only doms and they've mainly ended because they didnt have time for me. I'd prefer someone who is intelligent and fun. I'm open to males and females . Message me for more info or to apply . Thank you!
Quote by tashitasha
1. I act very tough but I'm very soft inside and that's a side I don't allow people to see easily.

2. I never trust people easily.

3. I used to lack confidence in myself because my father enjoyed belittling me in front of everyone and called me names like useless, never going to achieve anything in life, stupid and the list goes on. I feared him a lot. I actually had started believing it and tried to do everything he would expect of me because I wanted to make him feel proud of me. Thankfully I realised that I should do what I want instead of being the robot my family expects me to be and I'm much happier now.

4. I never thought that one day I would be writing erotic stories.

5. I'm addicted to cheese.

Your first three are things I have too. Thank you for sharing
I have a few things to confess and I thought why not create a topic to do so . That way others can too. These don't have to be sexual or anything super deep. Hell think once a lot of people realize that a lot of mine aren't about sex they'll stop reading.
Anyways here I go
1. I am a bisexual ( congrats lush world you guys know first!)
2. I am the bastard daughter whose father abandoned her
3. I am fighting depression it's a hard battle but I'm trying
4. I'm a virgin! For those of you who know me that'll be hard to believe but I honestly am
5. I'm petrified of talking in front of people or really even talking to a lot of people.

Well those are my top five. Please comment or share yours.

I love the Spanish language as well as Gaelic and Russian.

I love the Russian and Scottish accents
I shoot guns and archery. I camp, bike and do lots of things that are male things lol
Quote by up4it67
Here's one for you ladies:
Having been in the chat rooms quite a bit of late, I have noticed that when you ladies appear in a room, we men flock to you like vultures. Now, some of you reply to a simple 'hello' whilst others just ignore everybody. So, here's the question:
What turns you on in the Chat Rooms?
What turns you off in the Chat Rooms?
Do you check the profiles of every guy who says hello?
Or do you simply ignore them all and lurk?

Honestly I'm in chat rooms quite a bit .
Things that turn me on or catch my attention : I love it when your username has a story behind it . Or I love when a guy is intelligent and actually gets to know me . I know this isn't a dating site but I'm a woman who wants to be wooed and known

Things that turn me off : ohhh boy. Here's a long list guys who say asl, or only want to cyber . I hate it when they find out how young I am and judge upon that.
I hate it when they are patronizing and domineering

Honestly. I have people add me and talk to them before checking out profiles. And I flit in and out of chat rooms . I'm only in there to make some. Friends and get out
Quote by LasarDaddy
Thank you Mazza!

That describes how I've felt about my wife for 43 years. Not by rote, just those feelings and thoughts that I've lived by with her. Now her memory is going away and it's the saddest thing in the world. She doesn't remember me asking her to marry me or our wedding. I would not have missed a single moment of it though, even the rough times, because every one of them made us what we are and now each is a memory for me that I cherish and hold close.

And, yeah, sometimes I lay awake at night and stare up into the dark and remember her and cry. She's still with me but it's progressing and it's getting more difficult to take care of her. When I can't any more I don't know what I'll do. She has been my life for all that time.

I hope I can keep some of these memories as mine go away too. I can feel it start with new small things to remember and it's very frightening. If I can't i do not want to continue.

Lush is actually helping me with that. Several young ladies have adopted me as "Grandpa" and I love it. I offer advice and caring and treat them like my kids. Soft where needed but harder when that's needed. Others have given me pictures of themselves and talked about sex with me and I love it. I'd pretty much given up on that when my wife did. One has offered me even more in many emails. If I ever get to meet her I think I'll love her like I did my wife.

I am so sorry about your wife , my grandmother is going this way and it breaks my heart. She no longer remembers me asking her permission to ink my body with a cancer ribbon to honor her struggles and she no longer remember who I am
As much as I want to smack a certain person on this post path and tell them to enjoy their life of loneliness and porn I'm going to move on from that.

I don't think that I want to hear all of those. Yes I want honesty and respect , but if I'm gonna be a bitch (which ladies let's be honest who isn't every once in a while) I want my guy not to fall all over him self but to go "what's wrong?" Or " and your problem is?" And help me

I think if I heard all of those from a man I'd think he cheated. Maybe I'm a cynic .
Seduce me with intelligence, make me laugh and be confident .

An insecure guy won't get much pleasure out of the act and neither will the girl
I don't like to feel like I'm with wolverine on a date. I don't mind chest hair but if I'm gonna do anything to you I don't want hair . Lol I'm weird I know
Have I done anything bad lately? Answer: probably
Which one am I getting spanked for?
Quote by 1nympholes
This question is confusing. I thought that is what soft sweaters or sweater dresses were made for.

As long as you have protruding nipples and breast that giggle just a bit and not bounce a lot, I love the feeling and the look on other females too.

Lol with 42ddds naturally I feel a bit too heavily breasted to walk around in public like that
Usually naked unless my teams (kc chiefs and San Fran giants ) are playing and then bring out the jerseys!

Anyone care to explain the whole naked is healthier thing?
I love making a guy moan and groan. I love the slight moment of control when he rolls his. Eyes back into his head and bucks in pleasure , teasing him until he can't resist cumming
I love unbuttoning my shirt or wearing low cut shirts so even my coworkers look and more than once someone has reached out to grab them
That and i had an ex that would pul his cock out and I'd stroke it under the table until the waitress would notice and believ me they noticed
Quote by Legsman
I would say that most men think it does..............but as you're on the receiving end, so to speak, what do you think ?

Honestly I agree with some of the above posts . However I am thinking of it from the oral stand point . I love oral and for me the thing that I think can lack is the width . I don't care how long you are if you are a pencil. That leaves me nothing to suck on width wise.

Probably should not have answered while in a dirty mindset but there's my opinion
Sex : I hate it when a guy bites or sucks or pinches my nipples To the point of pain. It kills my mood instantly. I hate no having some form of foreplay.

Life: no jobs or goals, smokes , ummm hmmmm hanging out with girls all the time
Quote by Maggiecat
The West Wing

I thought everyone else had forgotten west wing!!!!! Ummm also leverage
Honestly I think it's different based on the person. I'm a girl with daddy issues. My real dad wasn't around and tries to be now and I'm not ok with that. I'm my step father verbal and emotional scapegoat . I know when he's stressed out because everything I do requires a lecture and a crying session.
However not to say that it's not all false I do admire a man who is active with siblings and work and who is a good man. My stepfather may not be the best for me but he makes my mom happy and if so than I'd be lucky to be with someone who makes me as happy as he makes my mom
Honestly I think it's different based on the person. I'm a girl with daddy issues. My real dad wasn't around and tries to be now and I'm not ok with that. I'm my step father verbal and emotional scapegoat . I know when he's stressed out because everything I do requires a lecture and a crying session.
However not to say that it's not all false I do admire a man who is active with siblings and work and who is a good man. My stepfather may not be the best for me but he makes my mom happy and if so than I'd be lucky to be with someone who makes me as happy as he makes my mom
I love strong arms and chests . Eyes and smiles . I love it wen guys have a habit of messed up hair and I love cocks!!
For me it's the confidence that a man has in his uniform. When he has worked hard to achieve that uniform and when he finally feels he's earned that it becomes a turn on.
It not the uniform it's the man who puts it on in the morning to do wha we can't and is proud to do so. That's what's hot to me
I know this was meant for guys but my ex told me once that he wanted to watch as it dripped down my face and on to my tits because that's where he'd clean it up.
Lol I dunno tho.
My best friend just came back from army basic training and he wants to start a friends with benefits relationship with me. I like him a lot and I trust him with my life but I'm nervous because I like him and want an actual relationship. Also don't want to loose his friendship. Any ideas or suggestions?
Honestly I love it when men clean but that's because I'm lazy or when I clean I heavy duty clean. But for me I love it when a man reads an actual book or is playing with dogs. For me I love a man whose comfortable in who he is.
I love a man who cooks
If it's a day that's bad enough to make me cry I'd come home and snuggle with my baby brother or I talk to my mom or best friend. Sometimes I bake or take a bath, but probably ill end up reading or watching episodes of bones or just crying. I tend to sleep really well after I cry.
Verbal play. I love it when a guy can compete with me mentally and verbally and in the heat of an argument being kissed as a way of shutting me up is too fun !!! Lol