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What attracts you in the chatrooms?

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Here's one for you ladies:
Having been in the chat rooms quite a bit of late, I have noticed that when you ladies appear in a room, we men flock to you like vultures. Now, some of you reply to a simple 'hello' whilst others just ignore everybody. So, here's the question:
What turns you on in the Chat Rooms?
What turns you off in the Chat Rooms?
Do you check the profiles of every guy who says hello?
Or do you simply ignore them all and lurk?
Active Ink Slinger
I dont go in the chatrooms that much anymore, but when i used to, i always loved having a nice polite hello, i then would check the profile and i would most likely reply if they didn't have a blank profile.
I check out the profiles of any man that says hello and if he doesn't have any description of himself I ignore him. I also hate come on lines and guys that just want to cyber. I want some regular chat and a gentleman...if you cant be a gentleman then don't bother saying hi.. Also fill out your profile so I know a bit about the person I am talking to!!!!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I browse the profiles of just about everyone I'm in a chat room with. It's good for conversational cues as well as a good indicator of who to avoid.

As far as attraction goes, my man card is I'm not looking for anything but friendly conversation and friendship (or acquaintanceship). My immediate turn-offs are pet names of any sort. Another immediate turn off is the old, "Hey sexy, wanna pvt?" approach. Also, I hate being whispered to. I know I have an option to turn them off to anyone not on my friends' list...but as a moderator it's really important to make myself available to everyone in any capacity. With that being said, it takes a hell of a lot for me to block someone...and I mean a LOT. But I digress.

Lameness in general is a big turn off for me. Just a simple hello will do it. But when you come into a room announcing your dick size or tit size and any other asset and then demand private chat or sex chat, I'll avoid you.

I spend plenty of time in chat rooms, and I've noticed that people try different angles or reuse the same lines. That's pretty lame as well. And then there are those who come in and complain the entire time about how no one is talking to them, but I've seen them make no attempt at conversation. Conversations don't always just happen. You have to be willing to make an effort.

So to sum it up, if you want me to talk to you, come in and be respectful. Yes, I know this is a sex-oriented site, but it doesn't make us obligated to be sexual with anyone who's looking for that. So govern yourself accordingly.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I have done the chatrooms and used to quite enjoy the banter, but I find they crash too much at times so I don't bother anymore, but it is a good place to make friends as are the forums.
I'm not a fan of them
Bonnet Flaunter
I'm only an occasional user, but politeness, wit, and a sense of fun will get you a friend. Immediate smut, whispering and general creepiness will not.
Active Ink Slinger
Well I think that for me a nice profile is good, as has been said by others. Then what attracts me is someone who can write. When I say that I mean someone who writes quite fast, can put together a good sentence and is not afraid of using more than one in a post.

So many men expect me to go into graphic detail about me and my fantasies whilst only telling me how hard they are!!
Active Ink Slinger
I like A profile so I can learn what the person likes and dislikes
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nyaeve80

So many men expect me to go into graphic detail about me and my fantasies whilst only telling me how hard they are!!

And that doesn't do it for you(?!)

I'm with Nyaeve on this. For some reason, some men seem to think 'Hi' is a prelude to 'what turns you on?/I'm stroking my cock/wanna pvt?'
A bit of imagination goes a long, long way.

For me, I like to have a bit of banter with a guy. To know that he's more than just a keyboard warrior makes me want to talk more to them.
Active Ink Slinger
I've tried several times over the years to find the love for the chatrooms but have yet to figure out why people enjoy them as much as they do. I actually find it stressful trying to keep up with all the chatter and responding to everyone. I really just feel more like a fumbling idiot than anything else. Is there a secret to it?

I'm still confused how anyone really gets to know each other in there given all the distractions - just when you think you like one flavour, two more magically show up! Personally, the whole experience felt a bit impersonal to me but I know there are many that love it and have met some great friends in there so... smile

I guess we all have our avenues for making connections. Chatrooms just happen not to be mine.
When I used them i looked for people that wouldn't whisper or start a conversation with deeply personal questions.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by up4it67
Here's one for you ladies:
Having been in the chat rooms quite a bit of late, I have noticed that when you ladies appear in a room, we men flock to you like vultures. Now, some of you reply to a simple 'hello' whilst others just ignore everybody. So, here's the question:
What turns you on in the Chat Rooms?
What turns you off in the Chat Rooms?
Do you check the profiles of every guy who says hello?
Or do you simply ignore them all and lurk?

Honestly I'm in chat rooms quite a bit .
Things that turn me on or catch my attention : I love it when your username has a story behind it . Or I love when a guy is intelligent and actually gets to know me . I know this isn't a dating site but I'm a woman who wants to be wooed and known

Things that turn me off : ohhh boy. Here's a long list guys who say asl, or only want to cyber . I hate it when they find out how young I am and judge upon that.
I hate it when they are patronizing and domineering

Honestly. I have people add me and talk to them before checking out profiles. And I flit in and out of chat rooms . I'm only in there to make some. Friends and get out
Sassy scary cute <3
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BelleduJour
I've tried several times over the years to find the love for the chatrooms but have yet to figure out why people enjoy them as much as they do. I actually find it stressful trying to keep up with all the chatter and responding to everyone. I really just feel more like a fumbling idiot than anything else.

Me too, that's why I avoid them.
My brain works a lot faster than my fingers!
I think most of the guys have to type with one hand because the other one's busy!
Since I am with my love together I am not attracted to chat rooms at all.
Chat rooms are like stagnant water and attract mosquitos with limp stingers. Sad but true.
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
Chat rooms are like stagnant water and attract mosquitos with limp stingers. Sad but true.

Lol. You are funny.

Not my scene. From what I have been told a lot of drama starts there and it is rather aggressive as far as men. I have had more than enough of that and very little patience for it and absolutely no time for it.
I suppose i see chatrooms in a different light. I choose to go into the non bedroom ones that entices general chat and pics/ music. Why, because i use it as a bit of down time.
The nature of what goes on there is amusing as i can just sit and watch but as soon someone says hi and i reply politely then it seems to be an open slather. I try to at least say hi but i fall terribly behind. Then ,yes there are the creeps that whisper and share pics directed to you that is just crude and with a comment of i want to do this to you. Not interested at all in that. And i get really annoyed when you ask me questions that is answered if you read my profile, including my name!!!!!
It is nice though to stumble across someone that has the same views which leads to friendship.
I am one that checks profiles if they interest me. For me if you can engage me in a good conversation and banter it doesnt really matter to me where u are from, look like, if your old or young. Ty
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BelleduJour
I've tried several times over the years to find the love for the chatrooms but have yet to figure out why people enjoy them as much as they do. I actually find it stressful trying to keep up with all the chatter and responding to everyone. I really just feel more like a fumbling idiot than anything else.

I agree! They get too hard to keep up with everyone. That's one of the reasons I don't frequent them often.

Turn ons: people that actually wanna chat (generally) first. Learn what each other likes/dislikes.
Turn offs: people that straight up whisper or dirty talk. Ask really personal questions, and ask for pvt.

Personally myself, I do check profiles before I chat. If it's a blank profile, then I don't answer back. Unless of course they're new to lush.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Musigal

Personally myself, I do check profiles before I chat. If it's a blank profile, then I don't answer back. Unless of course they're new to lush.

Don't you find that a lot of people delete their account and sign up again the next time just to go in the chat rooms?
I'm attracted. To Dommms and Masters and anyone else I find interesting at that moment.

Very very attracted to sensitive guys. They might be my biggest weakness right now.

Biggest turnoff are lame greetings. Wassup or hey are not good greetings imo.

Oopsy. I'm not saying Domms and Masters are not sensitive. Probably the most sensitive of all.

Really trying to not be ignorant.

I mesh well with them (sensitive men or women) and melt. Like we melt together in a ball of warmth and I want it to be flung across the universe a few times.

I love to chat when I have time. I say hi and someone says hi back and we yip yap. I don't usually jump into private or whisper. That defeats the purpose of me being in the chatroom. I don't like personal questions like 'what kind of a job do you do?' - I'll ignore that. Also, I don't find all those many 'fun things to do like kiss or get under the covers with' to be remotely amusing. I'm not seeking a relationship or even cyber sex.

The reason I don't whisper is because I often convo with several people, whispering is a different function and usually I forget to switch the option, it drives me nuts. I talk about almost anything so it's not like I say more in private anyway.

Aside those two things I go there to shoot the breeze, yap about whatever the heck, and goof around. I have fun and wish I had more time sad
I hate whispering but know it has to happen with certain things being said.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by dpw

Don't you find that a lot of people delete their account and sign up again the next time just to go in the chat rooms?

I haven't so far, but I'm sure they're probably out theresmile
Head Nurse
Most of what Dani said is true for me also.

Turn offs: "hey baby, wanna pvt?" In any form. I'm not interested in going private with anyone, stop asking.
Text speak This one drives me crazy. No, I will not "pvt" with you. Ur is not a word. I could go on and on with this one. But it's an Immediate turn off.
Asking me personal details. You can talk about general things, but I try to keep a bit if a barrier between who/where I am
And lush. Don't ask me to cross that in a public forum.

Turn one: guys who talk to me. Interest me in your conversation. Read my profile, and use that as conversation clues. Be friendly, but not fake. And stop using the same tired lines on every girl.
I looked in on the Lush bedroom this morning, and it was so fast I just couldn't keep up. There also seemed to me to be a lot of coded speak which implied something much more explicit than indicated by the words when taken at face value. I suspect a) that I have a dirty mind, and read more than is meant, b) that I am too old and out of touch with the way younger people speak

Private chat, on the other hand, is much easier to follow, doesn't have to be about sex at all, although that is very nice, and is a place for openness, sensitivity, and caring, and it helps to build real relationships with some depth to them as in real life. I enjoy intimate relationships with a small number of friends, but even these are not just about sex, although at times they are, and I would feel out of my depth in a fast moving chat room with a large number of participants. I could cope with two or three other friends, and hopefully I will get round to suggesting a private chat room at some time in the future - but this could easily be to discuss interesting matters relating to the world and its problems.
Prolific Writer
I frequent the chat rooms. Sometimes, I am just looking for some of my friends. I have had lots of good times in the chat rooms.

If people start to chat with me I do always check their profiles. I do tend to chat to people who are more around my age. I am not into very young men for cyber conversations. I am not one for just jerking you off with my words.

I like very detailed chatting conversations. I do try to look for people who might want to take that journey with me.

I am not into the "Hey Baby, Hey Sexy" approach. I like to get to know you a little and then maybe embark in a sexy hot cyber conversation.

I have met a lot of wonderful people on this site and have loads of fun when I am playing here.

Of course, if people annoy or harass me I am a big fan of the block option. I think I have as many people blocked as I do friends. LOL
Crazy, depressing and sometimes funny.
Active Ink Slinger
I only go to a chat room when a friend or friends want me there, otherwise I avoid chat rooms.