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6 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 52
United Kingdom


Apologies if this has been covered somewhere. An author I follow has recently published a new story and I didn't receive a notification.

Is this because this aspect of the site isn't functioning correctly currently or. ??? 

Thanks in advance for your reply. 



Red heels and trenchcoat

Buttonless. Wrists belt tethered. 

Exposed flesh windswept

Quote by Fluttered

My haiku are shit

My micro not much better 

Poetry not bad 


Leather's harsh caress

Deep biting in love's restraint

Cowering blissful 

Depraved dalliance 

Alley doorways dark at dusk

Skin, brick abraded

Lips wet, stretched wide
Appreciative gurgles
Sticky thighs parted
Dribbled drops descend
Ball gag inconsiderate
Splattered flesh heaving
Apologies to everyone but I missed this.

So thank you everyone for your kind words, I truly appreciate them.

And may I wish you all a Happy 25th August, or any date you like if another date feels more suitable.

Thank you.


Chaos butterflies
Descending in lust spirals
Rampant and vengeful
Old man trousers fall
Silent appreciation
Delphiniums nod
I was hoping to be able to write this yesterday, but it has had to wait until today.

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments. It is all most flattering and appreciated. Unfortunately it has given me an opportunity to self-reflect and self-indulge, which I'm not going to pass up.

Lush has been my creative home for over a decade and I must thank Nicola for creating this site and giving all us wannabe writers the opportunity to express ourselves. I've had a little look and I believe there are about 1,000 still active members who have been here longer than me. To all of them I want to say hello and wish them happy lushing.

In my time here I was the first recipient of the Attention Whore badge and one of the authors chosen to be included in the very first Lush publication. Both of which are things I'm very proud of. But more importantly Lush has provided an outlet to express myself and make friends. I'm not sure I would mentally have survived the UK's 2nd Covid lockdown without it. So, thank you Nicola for helping to preserve my sanity.

As an author it is an honour to be one of only 64 who have written 100 stories and today, which is why I didn't post this yesterday, I became the 25th author to complete the Omnium.

So thank you, James, for this lovely Forum post. Thank you to everyone for their kind messages and an extra special thank you to all who have read, commented or communicated with me across the last 10 years. Thank you all very much.

Best go now, more stories to write.



Quote by JamesLlewellyn
There are many reasons to celebrate CumGirl – but two of them stand out!

More than a century of stories (that's number, not years), quirky, eccentric, inventive, and amazing stories – plus it's her birthday on August 7th!

Please join me in celebrating one of Lush's most…intriguing…authors, whose perky, pokey, cuntilicious stories have rammed more words into the English language than anyone since Shakespeare!

Happy Day, CG!

For fucks sake, James. You complete and utter bellend. You know full well that I'm a computer bot and all the stories have been created by random word generation.

But thank you very much for highlighting what will be my last ever birthday, because I'm not prepared to acknowledge any more.

If I'd really had my act together I'd have published my 11,500 word 'Dear Cum not very spectacular Omnium Spectacular' just to ruin everyone's day.

Maybe tomorrow.

Thank you very much for the gingerbread paw doctoring flight seat belt you tandem.

Oopps! Programme on the blink again.
8 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin

My sweet little whorish Nora,

I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your cunt, you little depraved blackguard. I hope you will surprise me some time when I am asleep dressed, steal over me with a whore’s glow in your slumbrous eyes, gently undo button after button in the fly of my trousers and gently take out your lover’s fat mickey, lap it up in your moist mouth and suck away at it till it gets fatter and stiffer and comes off in your mouth. Sometime too I shall surprise you asleep, lift up your skirts and open your hot drawers gently, then lie down gently by you and begin to lick lazily round your bush. You will begin to stir uneasily then I will lick the lips of my darling’s cunt. You will begin to groan and grunt and sigh and fart with lust in your sleep. Then I will lick up faster and faster like a ravenous dog until your cunt is a mass of slime and your body wriggling wildly.

Goodnight, my little farting Nora, my dirty little fuckbird! There is one lovely word, darling, you have underlined to make me pull myself off better. Write me more about that and yourself, sweetly, dirtier, dirtier.

My Funny Valentine

My funny valentine is Four Seasons Total Landscaping; a tarmac plot of suburban mundanity trapped between porn and death. 

My funny valentine is random piss splatters in the snow brazenly extolling its own creativity. 

My funny valentine is shrivelled raisin scrotum, mangled, kneaded, massaged in the hope of a single glistening droplet. 

My funny valentine is putrid cunt discharge smeared across virgin paper luminescent beneath the spotlight. 

My funny valentine is a never-ending circle jerk; cocks and cunts exposed in self congratulatory display. 

My funny valentine is halitosis words, vacuous and sacharine, masticated and spat out; bubble gum dregs to be devoured. 

My funny valentine is pavement pizza spewed forth on a Saturday night, gratefully gobbled by uninitiated acolytes. 

My funny valentine plays ring o roses; fingers embedded in sopping snatches as it dribbles its vanity. Skipping and rubbing. Rubbing and skipping

My funny valentine is scissor sisters conjoined and grinding blissful in reflected valediction. 

My funny valentine is a hand held mirror, cum splattered and besmirched, its tongue smeared rose tinted vista the only true image. 

My funny valentine has pustules decorating its cock, seeping puss as it plays trains. Cock in arse, cock in cunt. Busy, busy tongues buried deep. 

My funny valentine is naked when clothed. Paraded before us with oblivious footsteps and blinded eyes. 

My funny valentine is cuckolds and cuckqueans revelling in the propaganda of their own pleasure as they're passed over and ignored. 

My funny valentine is a juice scummed vibrator, batteries flattened and cellophane shredded, buzzing and whining in self gratification. 

My funny valentine is doing as your told, unquestioningly compliant as your kept safe and secure in your clamps and bondage. 

My funny valentine is a spittle sheened ball gag pushed deep between stretched lips, tongue flattened as gurgled nonsense dribbles in incandescent silence. 

My funny valentine is old men fumbling with their flies in a corporate uniform breeze block hotel as they shower nubile flesh in rose petals. 

My funny valentine is always gloom and grey; sunlight stripped days illuminated only by its disingenuous beacons. 

My funny valentine is getting caught in a shower in a summer frock as golden droplets bead on self righteous cunt lips and trickle from flaccid cocks. 

My funny valentine is rubbing, stroking, caressing over and over and over and over. Edging to pleasure always denied. Edging to release all so contrived. 

My funny valentine is fantastical creatures frightening all with grimacing grins and spiteful smiles. 

My funny valentine is an undistressed damsel atop it's tower, flowing locks flicking at all that dare enter its presence. 

My funny valentine is a tarnished knight; rusted sword hand stroked as it strides about all it surveys, empty cod piece thrusting malignant. 

My funny valentine is delovely. I know this to be true. It's oft repeated enough. 
Over in my small dark corner of Lushland, a place not dissimilar to Eyeore's home in the 100 Acre Wood, there is a conversation occurring about the slightly 'contentious' issue labelled UnErotica. You may, or may not have noticed a sudden surge in Micros with this label. For those uninitiated I have copied the currently published ones below:

Several months ago I posted a Flash Erotica called 'Ugly'. It was a personal manifesto and expressed what I wanted from my own writing and what I wanted to read from other authors. A few people read it, many didn't, but it did strike a chord with some authors and ripples of what it said can be found in many stories. If you wish to read it can be found below (as long as I'm actually doing this copy/paste thing properly).

A little while later I wrote a piece called 'My Funny Valentine'. I was angry and frustrated about some things and used 'erotica' as a means of expressing those feelings. It was rejected and I decided to share it with my friends/followers and moved on.

*Edited by moderator. Don't post PM extracts in the forum*

I settled down to writing my 'Dear Cum' Series. If you haven't read it, which obviously you should, it is an Agony Aunt pastiche that takes a humorous look at erotica and erotica writing. For me, it is most enjoyable when another author sends me a letter and I have to create a reply. Recently, the lovely daisychained sent me a letter for the category Medical (I'm trying to complete the Omnium). I wrote the 'Dear Cum' bits, thought nothing more of it and submitted, so I was a bit surprised when it was rejected.

*Edited by moderator*

After various discussions, some heated, the story was amended and appeared as 'Dear Cum - Dr Flappyduck'.

Unerotica, the Micro Series is the outcome of these events, so what is the conversation about?

Please understand I am not Moderator bashing. The moderators do an incredible job and we all benefit. Without them there wouldn't be a Lush Stories as we know it. However, whenever issues such as this arise the conversations that occur take place amongst a select group of people with no direct reference to the wider writing community. Yes, the Moderators are all authors but, if I can put it overly simplistically, they are poachers turned gamekeeper.

I do feel there ought to be some conversation about what erotica is. Is it simply the writing of stories to create sexual arousal or is it an art form that can communicate aspects of the human condition through sexualised writing (obviously, I sit in the latter camp) and in either case, what is acceptable in terms of topics (beyond the clear limits already communicated in the general submission guidelines), and what is and isn't acceptable language.

Thank you all for taking the time to read, I would love to hear the views of other authors about this.


Quote by JamesLlewellyn

OMG – IT IS! Folks, we have a CELEBRITY amongst us – the Agony Auntie "Dear Cummie", whose wit, wisdom, and wise-assery have astounded, confused, and um, flummozed us for months now! And she has dared…I mean deigned…to grace us with her presence.

Welcome, CumGirl, to our crumbling abode. Can I get you something? Coffee? Beaver's Breath brand brandy? Some new readers?

And now that you mention it, this place could use some new strippers. But I'm going to let someone more capable of judging female pulchitrude ass-ess who would make the best choices for a classy joint like this.

Why would I want 'new readers', James?

You know how I feel about readers pawing all over my lovely words with their grubby fingers, thinking that because they've learned to read that they're entitled to an opinion, and that the best way they can express that is with some single digit number somewhere between 1 and 5.

Besides, I've only just managed to train the ones I've got.

Anyway, I mistakenly thought you said something interesting earlier. Parochial, but interesting. But being as no one else has picked up on it, I guess it was probably an error of judgement on my part.

As for strippers, I'll just point out that it is a non sex-specific word and I would hate to think that Rumps wasn't an Equal Opportunities Employer.
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Who the hell was THAT?

If I didn't know better, I'd say it was… NAHHH. She'd never wander into a dive like this…it's too classy for her!

Couldn't really let 1776 pass without a British intervention.

'Go Redcoats'

Jeez, when was this place last redecorated. What look were you going for? I've been in more tasteful East End dives. And at least they had lunchtime strippers.
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

But you spark a thought: I think most of us have a story that we feel was under-appreciated. Perhaps someday we'll have an "Unappreciated Story" contest, with each of Rumps Regulars submitting a favourite story that they feel was overlooked, and then the group voting on it. No RRs or EPs, maybe fewer than 1,000 views, at least a few months old… I dunno, I'm making this up as I go along, so I'm open to ideas.

Wanders In

Plenty of ideas about this.

Wanders out
And whilst I'm on this forum...

Can I request that the Competition Entry Guidelines are updated to include the restrictions regarding story publication for related stories. I've found this particularly frustrating and would be a bit more sanguine about the matter if that information had been made available prior to me submitting a competition entry.

Quote by PhilU

Every once in a while, I ponder setting up a group or forum where everyone is encouraged to thoroughly rip into each other's writing (with membership entirely voluntary), but a) I don't have time and b) I imagine it wouldn't end well...

Pick me. Pick me.

Nothing I like more than a little slash and burn through someone else's hard wrung words.

Actually and seriously I would not be averse to this. All of us could benefit from some quality, constructive, critiquing from time to time.

I've provided direct feedback to a couple of authors on a casual 'what did you think of this' basis and raised issues that they probably hadn't given much thought to. Sometimes it is just a matter of a different perspective.

And I have no issue about the same being done to my scribblings. Certainly, it is preferable to unexplained scoring.

Quote by LucaByDesign

I suppose what makes a piece of writing great is more than just technique, knowing the rules. This can all be learned with time, as can learning how to knock out an engaging, presentable story that has all the right bits — I am a case pinpoint, though some might disagree. But I think some writers just have that certain extra spice wired into them from . . . I'll be fucked if I know where from!

Whilst I might agree with your general statement I think you do your own writing a diservice.

In my humble opinion your story was one of the highlights of the competition (Mr Wordsmith's being another) and I'm looking forward to reading more in future.

Ohhh and by the way, I've finally finished reading all the entries so I might have to have a slice of cake as a reward for good behaviour.

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

Scoring is tricky, especially in competitions. If any story receives 'fair' or 'poor' then we're probably not doing our jobs as moderators properly because any sub-standard (technical grammar, or plot) issues should have been returned to the author for rework.

Got to love the Lushland voting system:

It's a 1 to 5, but nothing deserves a 1 or 2.

So just Average, Good and Excellent votes please, and not too many 'Average Votes' or you'll end up on the naughty step.
Quote by LucaByDesign
Phew! Managed to read them all. There are two stories I feel guilty about not getting to sooner as my late vote would have meant them getting the qualifying amount.

I know the three I personally would chose as worthy of podium places. It will be interesting to see which the judges decide -- I would be willing to put money on which one is awarded first place.

Congratulations and well done.

I still have four to go, but have my provisional Podium and Top 10.

My opinion rarely coincides with that of the judges (not that it necessarily should) so I won't be placing any bets.
Quote by StarBelliedBoy
I can confirm from recent experience both sides of the fence that if all you're doing is updating inter-story links and series names then it does not require mod intervention - it doesn't even go in the queue.

Thank you, SBB.

That's good to know.


Quote by RejectReality

If all you're changing is the series links, it should be only a few seconds worth of review for a moderator. They have a "track changes" type of thing that will let them see all you did was tweak the links. I can't recall for sure, but I believe some of mine went through without even hitting the queue when I grouped some of my series a while back. I know for certain that not all of them did. Check after hitting the publish button to see if the one you just edited is approved or awaiting moderation. If it clears automatically, may as well keep going until one goes into the moderation queue, and then try not to overwhelm the mods. Even though it should be a quick and easy approval for them, they don't know that initially. All they likely see is the number of submissions awaiting approval, and dropping another 10 in there might be just a bit anxiety inducing. LOL

Thank you, RR.

The ones I've done seem to be just updating automatically.

I've probably got about 40 to 50 on all to do because most of my writing is episodic. The whole series functionality didn't exist when quite a few of them were written and the others I've messed-up because I didn't understand the system functionality.

I'll try my best not to cause any more Mod anxiety than is absolutely necessary.


Quote by Jen

Someone asked me about this recently, so I've copied and pasted my reply to them in case it helps, and cos I'm lazy

The series thing is really designed for a 'normal' series with chapter 1, 2 etc, but I've used it for my After Dark series, which are interconnected, but standalone. That being said, I would work out the chronological order you want for them, because really you have to pretty much set them up as a linear series.

Once you have your order, add the series name to the first story and tick the checkbox for connecting future stories. That's all, but if you have any other stories linked on the 'continue reading' bit, then remove them.

For the next story in the line, you don't need to add the name, or check anything. All you need to do is link your previous chapter from the drop-down. Again, if you have anything else linked, remove it.

For chapter 3, all you need to do is link chapter 2 in the drop down, and so on

Jen, Jen, Jen.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I've had a little play around. Worked out what's going wrong and now I've totally Mary-Joseph-and-Baby-Jesused it.

Going to have an absolutely fun-packed day sorting out all my Series now.

Just one additional info question, when I update a published story do these go into the Moderator queue? Am I clogging up the system by doing multiple updates on old stories? I've been writing little notes tti the Moderators on each submission because I don't want to be wasting their valuable time.


A number of my stories are missing from their assigned Series even though the section has been completed on the story. They usually have the Series tag but on the 'More Stories' listing are not appearing under their designated Series listing.

I'd quite like to get it tidied up to help readers navigate through them should they so desire.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Quote by KimmiBeGood

Oooo, I heard a whip cracking.

Me, me, me, please! Kimmi needs to be whipped into action too

A little bird told me that you require a firm hand, Kimmi.

A firm hand, fingers extended and pressed together almost like a paddle.

A paddle for paddling pretty proffered posteriors that refuse to wriggle their way down onto their hardwood workchairs and get on with their story writing.

So that those botty cheeks know to behave themselves and focus on being dedicated, productive authorly buttocks.

Does that help, Kimmi?