Born of the sea foam, reared on the milk of the great cow, she grew into a playful pixie who flitted about trying to make the world kinder, though her sense of humor was wicked and her teeth were sharp.
Politically, I'm sad Bernie lost--that should tell you everything. Freedom and kindness, love and understanding, these are my compass points.
I'm fascinated by how personalities develop. How we can hurt each other without trying, and heal each other without effort. My stories are attempts to work this out, to investigate how the sharp angles of individuals become soft and curved as they come into contact.
Actual biography: I've skillfully buried it in every story I've ever written. A detail here, a detail there. I leave reconstruction as an exercise for the reader.
Note, I’m sure you’re all absolutely delightful people, with much to offer any lucky partner, but I’m happily taken, so please save your efforts.
Interests Literature, World Music, Opera, Surfing, Ballet, Yoga, Bird-Watching
Favorite Books The God of Small Things, Middlemarch, the Baroque Cycle, any Dickens at all
Favorite Movies The Unbearable Lightness, Annie Hall, Bonnie and Clyde, Reds
Favorite TV Shows DARK!
Favorite Music Gosh, um... Debussy, Ravel, Beatles, Bach, Beach Boys, Bruckner, Katy Perry, Gaga, Sex Pistols, Joy Division, Billie Holliday, Miles