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Over 90 days ago
Fluid Female, 34


Active Ink Slinger
C'mon girls and guys, be honest now.

As for myself I do it at least twice a day but usually more.
Active Ink Slinger
I would absolutely love to have sex with someone else while my partner watched if that was what she or he wanted but I'm not sure I like the concept that I would be her or his to share though.
Active Ink Slinger
Perhaps not my place to answer. I really should check what forum the links that appear at the top of other pages leads to before responding, but I absolutely would do it, even with a boyfriend, that would be so fucking hot.
Active Ink Slinger
Only done it with partners when we've been too far apart to meet in person or there has been some other reason we couldn't hook up physically, but I have to say that I can sometimes find it distracting to have both audio and video. If I had to choose I'd prefer to just have my partner's voice so I can close my eyes and imagine all kinds of things rather than watching someone masturbate while I talk to them.

Not sure I would enjoy it with a stranger. It seems a bit creepy to give someone you don't know the first thing about a window into your home, no matter whether you do it in your bed or in the bathroom.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by vanessa26
The first story I wrote was in the fourth grade for some contest
it was about a pig that got tired of the world and everyone's crap and just flew away
the teacher ripped it up and tossed it into the trash.

Made me think of this:
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by bria_xo
How old were you when you wrote your first story and what was it about?

I must have been about 11. It was a story about a boy climbing a tree to impress the girl next door. She had been throwing a frisbee with her dog and it had got caught in the tree.

Quote by bria_xo
What was the very first erotic story you wrote and who was the first person you let read it? Were you worried they wouldn’t like it?

My first erotic story was about two boys at school dance where none of the girls wanted to dance with them so for the last slow dance of the evening, as an act of defiance, they danced with each other and later that night they ended up having sex. It had a long build up of conflicting emotions between then before, during and after the dance.

The first person who read it was a guy I went to school with who I knew was gay. I wanted his input on whether or not the sex parts were at least fairly accurate.

I was nervous as hell he wouldn't like it but he did.

I'll see if I can find it and maybe publish it here.

Quote by bria_xo
What was the first story you had published?

Actually the first story I have made available for more than a select group of friends was my first story here:
Active Ink Slinger
With men I've found that I need an orgasm to feel truly satisfied but with women the intimacy in itself can be satisfying.
I've also found that with women I do orgasm much easier than I do with men.
Active Ink Slinger
I suppose in a sense it depends on how you define freak but Yes, I do like sex, lots of it, in all kinds of situations and locations, appropriate as well as appropriate.
Active Ink Slinger
Haven't got around to putting any on today, just a pair of comfy sweats and a t-shirt.
Active Ink Slinger
Half an hour ago before my semi-regular girlfriend had to leave to make an appearance at her parents now that she is home for the weekend. Expecting a few more tonight.
Active Ink Slinger
Just got out of bed after a lovely night with my semi-regular girlfriend who has been far far away for far too long, and sadly is leaving again come Monday morning.
Active Ink Slinger
I mostly wear them to work to help cover up my nipples, which tends to get hard a little as they want to, for no apparent reason. Sometimes for support and sometimes to lift and enhance them for those situations when I want them to really get attention.
Active Ink Slinger
More times than I can remember, could be the alcohol/drug induced amnesia, I dunno.

Have you ever had lust filled feeling towards someone you are not supposed to have such feelings for. If yes ... who?
Active Ink Slinger
Like maybe fifteen minutes ago when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Still can't sleep so I might just have another go.
Active Ink Slinger
There are few things better than long kissing sessions with a truly good kisser, entwined bodies and curiously exploring hands skilfully avoiding the obvious areas.
Active Ink Slinger
I was about to post a simple, Yes it turns me on, but then I tilted my hed and thought to myself: Dear confused, do you even remember the last time you let a man leave his seed inside your vagina?
The truth is I couldn't and that must mean it has been a while ago, and also that it is a generally rare occurrence. It's not that I don't fuck men anymore. It is just that usually their load ends up either on my breasts, or in and around my mouth. So ... How would I react if a guy wanted to kiss me after cumming inside my mouth, or for that matter to suckle my breasts after leaving his seed on them?"
Well. I do love snowballing and even if the red infantilism flag does go up if he wants to suckle my breasts It is always nice to have a man who likes to cuddle afterwards, right?
Active Ink Slinger
Honestly I'm conflicted about this.

My natural instinct is that if the person was interested in any kind of two-way, consensual relationship, whether long term or just a one time thing, they would approach me rather than stalk me. That is what makes them potentially dangerous.

Back in the days when I was at university I came home late one afternoon and found a long-stemmed rose taped to my door, which of course could be seen as quite romantic. I brought it inside and put it in a vase. The next morning when I left home to go to a workshop there was another rose taped to my door. This was less romantic since I had not left my apartment since I found the first one. In fact it was kind of creepy, knowing that someone had stood outside my door, most likely while I was sleeping, for who knows how long and without knocking or ringing the bell to leave the rose in person had simply taped it to the door. That rose went into the trash on the way down.

When I got back home a third rose had appeared and with it a note with a mobile phone number, one of those prepaid phone numbers with no registered subscriber. This time I was not alone and that was probably a good thing because I was about to call the number and ask whoever answered what the hell the idea was. My friend advised me against it and she was probably right. Instead she helped me pack a bag of clothes and some other stuff I might need for a weekend away from home and I stayed with her that weekend.

Come Monday afternoon when I arrived back home, after a long day of working on a paper that was due a week later, the rose, which we had left on the door, had withered but there were stains of semen in various degrees of coagulation on my mail slot as well as on the door handle. Inside I found two pairs of underwear I had thought got lost in the laundry, also stained with semen.

Long story short. It ended when I moved to a new apartment, after having lived with my friend while the lease was terminated and I could move into my new place. I never did find out who left me those little "presents" but I did sign up for a self-defence course and for a long long time I never walked alone after dark. I also started carrying around a can of pepper spray.

This is also why I am very restrictive with uploading photos of myself online, no matter how much clothes or not I'm wearing. It is also why I generally give evasive answers as to my location and other identifiable information.

Perhaps the roses could have been some guy's backwards idea of being romantic and mysterious but the semen he left on my door and in the underwear he must have stolen from the laundry room, (which raises the question of how he got in there since it was always locked when no one was there), was anything but romantic, or for that matter innocent. I don't want to think how it might have ended had it not stopped when I moved away.

Now in response to the the one who asked the question (which in a sense I find to be a bit creepy in itself.)

Quote by slippenol
The Stalker becomes obsessed with one person, a sort of falling in love, powerless to control his urges.

Obsession is not love. Do not even pretend that stalking has anything to do with love. It, just like , is all about power.
[Sorry to rain on everyone's parade.]
Active Ink Slinger
Oh once I get the urge for sucking cock I go all in and at times I even forget I am not the only one involved in the act (so to speak) and there is no stopping me unless the owner of the cock in question physically remove me from it, either by pulling away or by pushing me off it.

Plus as it has already been said. Tenacity sometimes pays off and you are left with a cock you can either keep sucking or ride like a Valkyrie in heat.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AshleyRedux
I'm sure anyone who has ever lived in a college dorm has. And yes I have

Or shared a room with a sibling.
Active Ink Slinger
Just now in the bath with my rubber duck and my girlfriend on speaker. Hopefully she'll be home in time for Halloween so we can have our own private costume party.