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Authors - when did your love/need for writing start

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Saucy Little Minx ♥️
How old were you when you wrote your first story and what was it about?

What was the very first erotic story you wrote and who was the first person you let read it? Were you worried they wouldn’t like it?

What was the first story you had published?

BTW since I have your attention thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us!

Her Royal Spriteness
i was... not sure. like 9, maybe? it was a hobbit adventure. it was very short and really really bad (hey, i was NINE!) but, at the time, i thought i could do better so kept at it and so... here i am now, writing rather non-hobbity adventures. smile

the first real ass erotic story i wrote was... hmmm... a long time ago? lol at one point i started writing bdsm stories cause that was the only way i could get any safe and sane bdsm in my life (i'd had a bdsmy relationship when i was 20, but it wasn't exactly a safe nor sane one and let's just say it ended badly). mostly i just wrote them for myself. eventually i let my (now) wife read some of the less... ahem... over the top ones (i tend to have extreme tastes, at least in print. actually, IRL too ) than i started posting a few on smaller websites, gained a little confidence, and posted a couple on lush (my Dangerous Games 2 parter which is still up here) and the rest is history, as they say.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Primus Omnium
Writing an actual story did not start until I joined Lush in 2012. I had never written a story before then. I had, when in my twenties, written some deplorable poetry. It no longer exists.

My first erotic story was my first story on Lush. It has been reworked. It was posted in 2012 but the latest version was posted 2014. This is it now:

It's the first in a series of stores that have all been revised over the years.

If anyone wants to see a fairly accurate history of my writing career simply go to my profile and select My Stories. Starting from the bottom there is a complete list of all of my work here on Lush. The same is true of StoriesSpace where all of my non-erotic works reside.

Internet Philosopher
I've loved to write since I was a kid. in those days I would write stories or poetry on paper and then lose them within a few weeks. It wasn't until I got my first computer that I started to keep them. I started writing erotica because I was reading adult novels and so many of them were so dry a mechanical that they did nothing at all to arouse me. I felt I could do much better. It was then I realized that even if I could tell a hot story, being able to actually write it well was an entirely different skill. It took a long time but I think I finally have it down, sort of anyway.
I started writing when I opened my bookshop and started a "reader's club." One thing led to another and I started scribbling my thoughts down on paper.
living dead girl
The first story I wrote was in the fourth grade for some contest
it was about a pig that got tired of the world and everyone's crap and just flew away
the teacher ripped it up and tossed it into the trash.

Then when I was about twelve I started writing poetry on this site that no longer exists
then I stopped writing for years until I joined here.

I started with poetry again then wrote Tasting the fruit 1-2 ( Stillundecided was the first person who read it as she edited it ) I wrote it for someone though and I was worried she wouldn't like it.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by vanessa26
The first story I wrote was in the fourth grade for some contest
it was about a pig that got tired of the world and everyone's crap and just flew away
the teacher ripped it up and tossed it into the trash.

Then when I was about twelve I started writing poetry on this site that no longer exists
then I stopped writing for years until I joined here.

I started with poetry again then wrote Tasting the fruit 1-2 ( Stillundecided was the first person who read it as she edited it ) I wrote it for someone though and I was worried she wouldn't like it.

That kind of arrogant, cruel and emotionally damaging entitlement is why I have so little respect for teachers today. There were for too many like that when I grew up. Tenured to the point they could not be fired and totally incompetent with their ability to be a guiding force in a child's life.

I'm not putting down any present educators. I went to school half a century ago and times most certainly have changed.
living dead girl
Quote by Milik_the_Red

That kind of arrogant, cruel and emotionally damaging entitlement is why I have so little respect for teachers today. There were for too many like that when I grew up. Tenured to the point they could not be fired and totally incompetent with their ability to be a guiding force in a child's life.

I'm not putting down any present educators. I went to school half a century ago and times most certainly have changed.

There are a lot of bad teachers out there, But that is because they aren't having to pass any psychological examinations so they literally can just be putting a crazy person with your child.

I had a lot of great teachers also though, I try to remember them the most.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by vanessa26

There are a lot of bad teachers out there, But that is because they aren't having to pass any psychological examinations so they literally can just be putting a crazy person with your child.

I had a lot of great teachers also though, I try to remember them the most.

I am afraid that as long as tenure is allowed and powerful unions are in place that protect the deranged ones, my opinion isn't likely to change. All I hear in the media in California is how 'wonderful' our teachers are. My personal experience was anything but that. The overall failure of our schools to teach effectively and their ongoing thirst for more and more funds that never actually improve the situation indicate to me that problems arent being dealt with. But, as I said. I had some pretty horrible teachers that made several negative impressions on me in several different ways. My opinion is probably badly skewed by that.
I have been an avid reader since childhood and did my first (non-erotic, obviously) creative writing in elementary school. I remember writing an s-f piece about going to Mars in Grade 4 or so. Basically, I loved reading so it just seemed natural to write stuff similar to what I liked to read. Nothing more dramatic than that.

Later in high school and university, I began writing stories in between homework and writing adventures for roleplaying games (e.g. D&D). Somewhere in there, I wrote my first erotica. Can't remember what it was about, just that I distinctly recall writing something smutty on my old Commodore 64, which clearly places it somewhere between 1983 and 1988 (17-23 age wise).

I kept writing on and off in early adulthood, again including some erotic stuff. The only surviving story from that period, and my oldest surviving story period, is Voice of Ice, which is posted over on Storiesspace now, after originally being published in a different form on a webzine site run by a buddy. The first version was written on a snow day c. 1994 or 95. It has erotic elements but is primarily a cosmic, somewhat apocalyptic, horror piece. My oldest surviving erotica is One Beautiful Morning, which I wrote shortly after joining Lush and later revised into its present form.
Active Ink Slinger
I haven't written a new story in 16 years, but back when I was younger, I enjoyed sharing my real life experiences. I wanted to try everything and pretty much did. Now being a mom of 4 , I still have my fun, but the time it takes to write a good story takes to much time.
Force of Nature
Quote by vanessa26
The first story I wrote was in the fourth grade for some contest
it was about a pig that got tired of the world and everyone's crap and just flew away
the teacher ripped it up and tossed it into the trash.

That is despicable.

From my father I learned to love music and language. My first memories of writing were age twelve. I have had a computer since 1976, and have written almost every day since. My husband, to whom I have been married for twenty years, is a much better writer and far more prolific than I. I try to keep up.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

"the Great God (snicker)" - James 'Bear' Llewellyn
Quote by vanessa26
The first story I wrote was in the fourth grade for some contest
it was about a pig that got tired of the world and everyone's crap and just flew away
the teacher ripped it up and tossed it into the trash.

Shit! Absolute shit! The real pig was your teacher!
They really need a proper [hug] emoticon here.

I think I've always enjoyed writing at some level. The first story I wrote that wasn't school work was when I was about 10. I showed it to my teacher, who took it and read it and gave it back... marked.... It took 30 years to share my writing again.

A little over 10 years ago, during a dark time in my life I wrote a number of poems. Still not erotic, but I shared these with some close friends.
There are also a few longer stories that have been started but not progressed. They may get a review now I'm getting my teeth into it again.

The first piece of erotica I wrote was Reading Beth and Tracy off the back of Beth and Tracy Chapter 2 of 3 By Brookell.
Brooke was the first person to read it and it was her that pushed me to publish it.

It took a few months and a story I wasn't happy with the ending of to do more. I wrote an additional chapter and sent it to the author, rawraw25, who took it worked it into a chapter and published with me as collaborator. There were a bunch of comments after suggesting I write more, which I point blank thought was a no goer, until I published my next piece a few weeks later.

Now you know who to blame.
All said, I do thank everyone for their contributions to the site and for the ongoing support I've received from the people here.

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

Mana wahine
I've been writing since I was a kid. I was always 'that kid' in class who wrote a story/recount and it was way longer than everyone else's. I can't remember what I wrote as I was a child in Primary school when I started, but I can only imagine the quality.

I came to Lush in 2014 as a Uni student and then a day later left and didn't come back until 2016. Busy life and jus forgetting the place existed kept me away. Once I remembered about this place though, and the writing itch that needed to be scratched, I've been here visiting regularly ever since.

My writing has improved immensly since I first started submitting stories. Writing is one of those things where you have control over everything; setting, timelines, characters, genre, apperances, etc. I've learned enough in my time here on how to work all those things and make the best sories I can. How to unlock the full potential of setting and characters within the Lush categories and the word limits (when appilicable)

Writing is by far my favourite hobby. I just love it.
Simple Scribbler
I always had a creative spirit. Drawing was my creative outlet in my youth. Later, while struggling from a humiliating divorce, a counselor suggested I write my feelings down since I was still trying to overcome shyness and couldn't discuss my feelings with others. We discovered, once I wrote down a negative feeling, I could release it. So, writing healed me from a painful divorce. Then, a block of time followed where I was stifling my own needs to care for another. Once this other's needs were met, I started writing again to "reawaken" myself ... and this "reawakening" is still in progress. The arts are powerful!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by bria_xo
How old were you when you wrote your first story and what was it about?

I must have been about 11. It was a story about a boy climbing a tree to impress the girl next door. She had been throwing a frisbee with her dog and it had got caught in the tree.

Quote by bria_xo
What was the very first erotic story you wrote and who was the first person you let read it? Were you worried they wouldn’t like it?

My first erotic story was about two boys at school dance where none of the girls wanted to dance with them so for the last slow dance of the evening, as an act of defiance, they danced with each other and later that night they ended up having sex. It had a long build up of conflicting emotions between then before, during and after the dance.

The first person who read it was a guy I went to school with who I knew was gay. I wanted his input on whether or not the sex parts were at least fairly accurate.

I was nervous as hell he wouldn't like it but he did.

I'll see if I can find it and maybe publish it here.

Quote by bria_xo
What was the first story you had published?

Actually the first story I have made available for more than a select group of friends was my first story here:
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by vanessa26
The first story I wrote was in the fourth grade for some contest
it was about a pig that got tired of the world and everyone's crap and just flew away
the teacher ripped it up and tossed it into the trash.

Made me think of this:
Sitting in the Midwest during a snow storm and being bored out of my mind. I remember thinking, "I can do this" and just got started. The first stories were really basic and things expanded as time went on. Now, I have completely shut down
Weaver of Words
Quote by vanessa26
The first story I wrote was in the fourth grade for some contest
it was about a pig that got tired of the world and everyone's crap and just flew away
the teacher ripped it up and tossed it into the trash.

First, I agree with the others... that teacher was a piece of crap. A better tack would have been to sit down with you, perhaps after school, and go over it with you explaining how it could be improved or where you may have gone wrong and encouraged you to rewrite it. Or perhaps if the whole concept was just bad, suggested a different topic.

As for me, other than essays I wrote for school, the only writing I did was some (bad) poetry in high school. However, I made up stories for my younger sisters at night when we were in bed, and I did make up cards for my parents birthdays and anniversary, probably starting around age 8 or 9. I also took journalism my senior year, so did articles for the school paper. As I got older and started working, many of my jobs entailed writing, albeit more technical than fiction. I wrote training material, software documentation and functional specs. But other than that, I did no writing for fun.

That changed in January of 2011, shortly before I joined Lush. I woke up one day with a story in my head that would just not go away. I thought about it day and night for 3 days and finally decided I just needed to write it down to get it out of my head. 2 weeks later, I had a trilogy of roughly 150,000 words, and it turned out to be erotica to boot, which is not what my original idea was about.

Over the next month or so, I wrote another erotic story of about 60,000 words, then a murder mystery of about the same length. I started looking online for sites to sell or post my writing, and bookmarked several, including Lush. The first book is still in a rough draft, and I periodically go back and do some editing. The murder mystery is in a fairly complete version and one of these days I will publish it. The other story I started posting on another site, but their approval process took weeks for each chapter.

In March of 2011, I lost my SO, who was the 3rd major loss in 7 months. I became deeply depressed and locked myself up in my house, not talking to anyone and only going out when absolutely necessary. I was not ready to face people, but knew I needed to start interacting with others, so I went back through my bookmarks and eventually joined Lush.

After a short time, I decided to repost the story from the other site on here. I posted the first 6 chapters, then on part 7, Lush decided they "did not like the direction the story was going" and deleted all but one part. They never really told me how to fix the problem, and I was so discouraged that other than a few poems, i did not write for nearly a year. I finally figured it out, reworked the story and posted it as my Angela series.

Until that point, I had only written very long stories. When I was challenged by a friend to write a short story, I was not really sure I could, as I enjoy the details. But I did, and it turned out ok. Since then I have not looked back, and I think my writing has improved through the years. My stories still tend to be long, so are generally multi part postings, though I have managed some standalone stories and even a couple of flash stories.
Wild at Heart
About a decade ago I was secluded in a log cabin in the mountains for about two months for reasons I will not disclose at this moment. I just had a few books and my laptop. If I rode an ATV to just the right spot I could get a sliver of the network on my phone. So of course porn, YouTube, and most everything online was out of the question. The one thing I could do was copy and paste new reading material into emails and send them to myself. I’d Load them up before riding back to the cabin so I could read them without a connection. Some of the reading material was sex stories. I had never read any before but I was desperate. Most of them were bad and I felt I could do better. I couldn’t at first of course but kept at it for about a month and somewhat figured out the bare minimum. I honestly started writing out of pure boredom and necessity.
I didn't write stories until a few months before joining Lush. I wrote a couple stories specifically for someone in particular. When these last-ditch efforts were not appreciated and less than enthusiastically received, that relationship finally died a long-overdue death, and I started writing for me on Lush. At the time, there was a creative void in my life, so I began cooking and writing.

Prior to that, I had only written technical documents such as contracts and purchase agreements, bylaws, terms of reference, and scathing Canadian-style letters of complaint.

The earliest recollection I have of writing anything creative was in grade four, so I must have been nine or ten. I remember because my teacher wanted me to know the words iconoclastic and antidisestablishmentarianism. I wrote a story in haiku format entitled, Little Boy. It was a lovely rhyming story about that nuclear bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan on August 6, 1945.

I did write romantic poetry for a few unlucky ladies until one of those ladies broke my heart. That was almost thirty years ago. I stopped writing poetry for anyone until I started writing again for a muse I met here a few years ago. I don't see any more poetry writing in my future, but I am working on my first movie and television series scripts.
Devil's Advocate
Quote by bria_xo
How old were you when you wrote your first story and what was it about?

What was the very first erotic story you wrote and who was the first person you let read it? Were you worried they wouldn’t like it?

What was the first story you had published?

BTW since I have your attention thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us!


"You ask so many questions
What answers should I choose"

Somebody name it and I'll give you a thumbs up.

My love of writing began long ago, before the dark times, before the empire. I was but a bald-faced boy and was bored with the books available to someone of my tender years so I snuck a much higher grade book from the library shelves and it blew my mind. I saw the name and remembered it from watching School House Rock during saturday morning cartoons so that's what piqued my intrest in that particular book. Not only did it challenge my understanding and comprehension, but it was a wonderous tale of adventure, discovery, and travel that took me along for the ride.

I could not put it down so it had to be taken away by a librarian who noticed how out of place it looked in the hands of one so young.
Her comment that I couldn't possibly understand the book was met with my accurate explanation of what I'd read so far which she ignored, the shrill Nazi automaton.
She took it from my curious hands and replaced it with another book which, A. I'd already read, B. was a lower grade level than I was then, and C. Pissed me off. I yelled "Fine, then I won't read anything!". (I was prone to temper tantrums back then) I stormed out of the library and stormed my unhappy ass home.

I understood the book, but I understood something else for the first time. I felt insulted that I'd been judged negatively even though I'd presented evidence to the contrary. Besides the insult, I was afraid. If presenting the truth didn't make things right, what hope was there? (Welcome to life, Carlos)

I was about 10 and the book was Sacajawea, by Anna Lee Waldo

Fast forward 4 years and I'd been sent to Southern California Military Academy, a private school in Signal Hill (Read Long Beach, Ca.) where they could discipline the orneriness out of me. (They failed) I'd been in so many fights that they kicked out of every junior high school in the area (temper) so this was the last option before moving somewhere they'd never heard of me.
The military school's curiculum included a reading class and I'll give you 3 guesses as to what we did there. Somewhat disinterested, I perused their surprisingly varied selection when I saw a familiar book cover. You may use 1 of your 2 remaining guesses as to what that book was. I devoured it immediately.

Amazingly, the first erotic story I wrote was for the fetish competition here on Lush just a few weeks back. I have written things before in several genres, but nothing I ever considered 'finished' so I never allowed anyone to read them. My first work on Lush was a poem and it wasn't 'erotic' per se, but it was the very first thing of mine to be published. So that means that the first person ever to read my erotic work would probably be Curvy Galore when proofreading my fetish entry.
She approved.

I guess I something of a late bloomer because the seed germinated for nigh on 4 decades till I broke the surface of the dirt amongst the rest of you, basking in the warmth of glorious sunlight.

Holy shit, the muse is uopn me! I'd better get to the stories I'm stumped on immediately!

That which did not kill me didn't try hard enough
Rainbow Warrior
I wouldn't exactly say I've ever loved writing any more than I love exercising. I started keeping a journal at age 12, so I've been writing most of my life, but it wasn't until Melissa Kara and I started writing our Sapphic Tales stories together that I really started enjoying it. That was in 2008. So that's as close to a specific date that I can give you.

Edit: (with specifics)

How old were you when you wrote your first story and what was it about? I was 28. It was a sapphic mythological tale about 2 immortal priestesses of Aphrodite, sent by the Goddess to rescue and revive her previous incarnation Innana from death in the Sumerian underworld

What was the very first erotic story you wrote and who was the first person you let read it? Were you worried they wouldn’t like it? Desire: A Poem For Aphrodite. Our friends on MySpace were the first to read it, and everyone who read it, liked it.

What was the first story you had published?
Force of Nature
Quote by bria_xo
How old were you when you wrote your first story and what was it about?

What was the very first erotic story you wrote and who was the first person you let read it? Were you worried they wouldn’t like it?

What was the first story you had published?

BTW since I have your attention thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us!


I do not remember my first story.

The first erotic story I wrote was here, last year. I was not worried.

The first work of mine which was published was a series of light-hearted but useful computer guides for beginners in the early 70s. The first fiction was published here last year.

You are very welcome. If one person enjoys each story it was well worth my time.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

Active Ink Slinger
I've always liked reading from when I was a kid. I always had a good imagination. it wasn't until I found Lush that I could express myself with words. it was just going to be one story. Well, it's been more than that now and I have more stories planned. I just need to find the time to write them all down so I can share them with all my Lush friends and fellow authors.
Saucy Little Minx ♥️
Quote by Carlos2112

"You ask so many questions
What answers should I choose"

You should have seen the rest of them I had to stop myself before it became a test ?
Saucy Little Minx ♥️
Thanks everyone for commenting really enjoying them
Quote by bria_xo
Thanks everyone for commenting really enjoying them

Thanks for a good topic for us to comment on.
Advanced Wordsmith
I was like many others on here I was about nine and in fourth grade. I wrote a story about myself, my younger brother, Alan who was a little over a year younger than me and our dog Butch on a summer’s afternoon down at the pond on our folks farm. It was for a homework assignment. We had to present it to the class by reading it aloud. Mine got a grade of B by my teacher, Miss. Wilder!

The first erotic story was written with my girlfriend, about a boy and girl getting naked together and kissing, not really all that erotic. Only the two of us ever read it.

I had written three or four that were published on another website that is no longer around. My first on Lush was a story about - ‘Almost getting caught’ under this title and can be found:
