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Active Ink Slinger
What do ladies think about stalkers ? Are they all dangerous ? Have you been stalked ?
The closest I've been to being stalked was when a man stood behind me in line at the supermarket checkout, leaned in and sniffed my hair. He followed me out to the carpark and 'hid' behind a tree that wasn't even wide enough to cover the width of his body. He peeked at me from behind it while I packed the groceries in my car. I was torn between laughter and worry.

Luckily, I haven't been properly stalked. Dangerous or not, it's not something I want to experience.
Quote by slippenol
What do ladies think about stalkers ? Are they all dangerous ? Have you been stalked ?

My psycho alert just went on full tilt.

Rookie Scribe
Anybody try and stalk me and they gonna git some of this...

Mr Nobody
Quote by weewullie
Anybody try and stalk me and they gonna git some of this...

Well!!! You have frightened me off ..
Mr Nobody
Quote by slippenol
What do ladies think about stalkers ? Are they all dangerous ? Have you been stalked ?

My wife has been stalked twice in the last five years
one was harmless and got the message.
The other was not, even after a prison sentence, he continued

The solution was a final one.
I was once. It's scarey.
Moved half way across the country to get away.
Lush Legend
Yes I do think they're dangerous. I have been once and it was horrible.
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Active Ink Slinger
I was stalked once, very scary. Yes they can be dangerous.
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks for your interesting replies . Is'nt stalking sexual harassment at a distance ? Where do you draw the line between persistant pursuit with sexual intentions and stalking ? The Stalker becomes obsessed with one person, a sort of falling in love, powerless to control his urges. The pornographer becomes obsessed with all females, not for him a cherished one he stalks them all in pictures.
Mr Nobody
Quote by slippenol
Thanks for your interesting replies . Is'nt stalking sexual harassment at a distance ?

No ..its usually up close and personal

Where do you draw the line between persistant pursuit with sexual intentions and stalking ?

When they take no notice of the second NO. they become stalkers

The Stalker becomes obsessed with one person, a sort of falling in love, powerless to control his urges.

That would be a correct definition IMO

The pornographer becomes obsessed with all females, not for him a cherished one he stalks them all in pictures.

I would have said a pornographer was a person who produces pornography for financial gain
I think that says it all. When he/she doesn't listen to the word NO!
If NO doesn't work one of these might to scare them off

Problem is that now I would use it. No scare involved. Then I'd be in jail
Yeah, but at least you would be safe, Chef. I agree that No should be No. Any action on the stalker's part after that is stalking.

Nice piece, Bike. Is that a .380 or a 9 mm.?

Slip, if I might ask: how does someone stalk a picture? Isn't viewing pornography personal enjoyment of erotic images in their own home?
Quote by roccotool
Yeah, but at least you would be safe, Chef. I agree that No should be No. Any action on the stalker's part after that is stalking.

Nice piece, Bike. Is that a .380 or a 9 mm.?

.45 caliber nice nock'em down in one shot
Active Ink Slinger
Your quite right not the correct use of word stalk,I was thing of the obssesive nature of pornography. From personal experience I have a job to leave it alone, it distorts the brain and prevents real one to one contact.
I stalked my husband until he cleaned out his closet. Oh wait - I think he used the word nag. Never mind!
Lush Legend
Quote by ali2teaseu
I stalked my husband until he cleaned out his closet. Oh wait - I think he used the word nag. Never mind!

That's just called progress.....LOL!
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
I can see where it can distort one's mind in some people. You're right. I'm happy to report, though, that it can also...stimulate...two people who watch it together.
yes, i've been stalked. very scary and very creepy!! luckily, when I moved, he lost the will to bother me anymore. 7 states is a long way to drive just to sit outside my apartment like he used to do!!
never been truly stalked, but I've known a creeper or two- and that's bad enough for me.
Never been stalked, but won't hesitate to put those karate lessons to good use if need be.
Active Ink Slinger
I have been stalked a couple of times, some harmless (well if I can take care of it with little effort I can consider it harmless) but to this day I remember when I was 18 to help a friend out I went out with this weird guy. It was a double date, and like I said it was only to help her out. I got this really weird vibe from him. After that night he kept calling me, somehow found out where I lived, and even where I worked. He kept leaving me notes on my window, on my windshield; even on the inside of my car once (he broke into my car.) I was actually starting to get scared because the notes just kept getting dirtier and dirtier, he went form I love you to I’m going to kill you. Finally I had to tell my brothers, and that’s how I learned to shot and got my first gun (which is on me at all times)... Oh and my stalker, my brothers got a hold of him, and he lost all interest. All in all, a happy ending! [IMG][/IMG]
Stalkers are very scary and potentially very dangerous people. I know we all want to feel independent and strong, but this is something a woman should contact the police about earlier rather than later. My husband is an attorney (mostly family law) and he's told me some scary stories.
stalkers are very dangerous. That's why I don't have to many pictures on the net. And, the ones I do are old ones. My appearance has changed since I had the ones done on here.
I was stalked & by one, that's why.If I keep it out in the open, maybe it will help someone else besides myself.
Active Ink Slinger
Honestly I'm conflicted about this.

My natural instinct is that if the person was interested in any kind of two-way, consensual relationship, whether long term or just a one time thing, they would approach me rather than stalk me. That is what makes them potentially dangerous.

Back in the days when I was at university I came home late one afternoon and found a long-stemmed rose taped to my door, which of course could be seen as quite romantic. I brought it inside and put it in a vase. The next morning when I left home to go to a workshop there was another rose taped to my door. This was less romantic since I had not left my apartment since I found the first one. In fact it was kind of creepy, knowing that someone had stood outside my door, most likely while I was sleeping, for who knows how long and without knocking or ringing the bell to leave the rose in person had simply taped it to the door. That rose went into the trash on the way down.

When I got back home a third rose had appeared and with it a note with a mobile phone number, one of those prepaid phone numbers with no registered subscriber. This time I was not alone and that was probably a good thing because I was about to call the number and ask whoever answered what the hell the idea was. My friend advised me against it and she was probably right. Instead she helped me pack a bag of clothes and some other stuff I might need for a weekend away from home and I stayed with her that weekend.

Come Monday afternoon when I arrived back home, after a long day of working on a paper that was due a week later, the rose, which we had left on the door, had withered but there were stains of semen in various degrees of coagulation on my mail slot as well as on the door handle. Inside I found two pairs of underwear I had thought got lost in the laundry, also stained with semen.

Long story short. It ended when I moved to a new apartment, after having lived with my friend while the lease was terminated and I could move into my new place. I never did find out who left me those little "presents" but I did sign up for a self-defence course and for a long long time I never walked alone after dark. I also started carrying around a can of pepper spray.

This is also why I am very restrictive with uploading photos of myself online, no matter how much clothes or not I'm wearing. It is also why I generally give evasive answers as to my location and other identifiable information.

Perhaps the roses could have been some guy's backwards idea of being romantic and mysterious but the semen he left on my door and in the underwear he must have stolen from the laundry room, (which raises the question of how he got in there since it was always locked when no one was there), was anything but romantic, or for that matter innocent. I don't want to think how it might have ended had it not stopped when I moved away.

Now in response to the the one who asked the question (which in a sense I find to be a bit creepy in itself.)

Quote by slippenol
The Stalker becomes obsessed with one person, a sort of falling in love, powerless to control his urges.

Obsession is not love. Do not even pretend that stalking has anything to do with love. It, just like , is all about power.
[Sorry to rain on everyone's parade.]