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2 months ago
Straight Male, 58
0 miles · Colorado


Active Ink Slinger
I took the quiz. I live in Denver Colorado but I was raised in Akron Ohio. The three cities it listed for my "most like" are Akron Ohio, Cleveland Ohio and Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota.

Not bad.
Active Ink Slinger
Easy to remember, if the answer would be he, she or they then you use who. If the answer would be him, her or them then you use whom.
Active Ink Slinger
I have never had an affair but I did have a girlfriend of several years cheat on me and dump me for her new love. While we were together she always accused me of cheating on her though I never did.

A few years later I caught her new love on line looking to cheat on her. I believe that they are still together and have kids.

Hey Doc, isn't Karma a bitch?
Active Ink Slinger
There are certain freckles on my face and body that I have kept track of them.
Active Ink Slinger
One of my great grandfathers was from Glasgow. His wife (my great grandmother) was Irish and probably a fan of Guy Fawks.
Active Ink Slinger
You fucking prick, I know she can't contact me because of you.

She left you because you treated her like crap and once she was gone you realized how wonderful she was and how good you had life. TOO FUCKING BAD!

She is gone from your life and the only reason she puts up with your miserable sorry ass is because you share two children with her.

So when you fail a drug test and then tell the police that you got the drugs from her all that does is drive her further away from you and damages your children.

Right now I am going to give you the best advice that you could possibly get in you situation; Pick yourself off the ground, dust yourself clean and walk away while you can still muster some pride and self respect. Do this for yourself if not for your children.

Your children will need you as a father but if you can't be a man for them then I know I can certainly be the father they need.

I know you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and never had to work for anything you wanted but take your failure and learn. You can still have a happy life. Just accept that she is beyond your life.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BikeBoy
Next on their town council agenda will be banning backyard vegetable gardens of all corn, carrots, and the Devil's food of choice, zucchini.

Don't forget cucumbers or summer squash and melons.

When I was in college there was a guy in the dorm that had a fascination for cantaloupes. It makes me wonder if they will be able to sell any produce in St. George. Talk about vitamin deficiencies.

I imagine there will be quite the black market for these perverted fruits and vegetables. I wonder if there will be raids on houses where people have hydroponic gardens and lamps growing such perverted things like pears, peaches, melons, cucumbers and zuchini?

I think the only plant left to eat would be lima beans.
Active Ink Slinger
(Sing to the "William Tell Overture")

Over hill and over dale!
Hunting dear and hunting quail!
It's a hunting we will go!
Tally Ho! Tally Ho Ho Ho!

Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd doing the overture to Rossini's "The Marriage of Figaro" is one of my favorite cartoons.

I always loved playing the more off beat percussion instruments in band class myself.
Active Ink Slinger
Why do i keep doing this to myself?

I meet a woman and we hit it off really well. She starts telling me how she likes me and she escalates the relationship at every step of the way. She tells me that she loves me, she wants to marry me and have children with me. I know it is all bullshit but I keep moving along with her thinking that I am keeping myself guarded enough that I won't get hurt. Then when the time comes for her to actually commit to me she runs away as fast as she can.


I knew it was going to end this way, it always does.

Why do I always think "She may be different," and end up feeling like I have shards of jagged glass in my heart?

Edit: I have been shown that I jumped to conclusions very badly. She still loves me.
Active Ink Slinger
Sing "Rump titty rump titty rump titty rump Bonanza!
Rump titty rump titty titty titty rump titty rump titty rump rump rump!" Over and over.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a 14 year old calico cat named Santa Fe and a 9 year old male Great Dane-Boxer mix named Hoagie.

I did have a male Siamese mix cat named Chesapeake that died when he was 16. Ches wasn't a pet so much as he was my familiar.
Active Ink Slinger
Sorry but I disagree with Dancing_Doll. If you say anything at all to this girlfriend she will take it the wrong way and think you have designs on her boyfriend.

Don't say anything and let this relationship run its natural course.
Active Ink Slinger
I am a red headed man and when I talk with a red headed woman I will ask if she has ever had a guy hit on her with the "Hey Babe, does the rug match the curtains?"

If she says yes (and she always does), I tell her to reply,"I keep the floors waxed bare because I like the feel of hard wood."

I have yet to meet a red head or blonde that didn't love that reply.
Active Ink Slinger
For a short time when I was in college I had a room-mate that was a psychopath. All he did was sleep, eat, smoke pot and fuck. He had a girlfriend at home and a girlfriend at school and both of the girlfriends knew of the other.

The only reason he could get away with this behavior was because his parents were rich and gave him loads of money.

At the end of the semester he was kicked out of the dorms because he and the people with which he smoked pot had so badly damaged the dorm room.

I know he flunked out of school because he didn't have the intelligence to pass college courses without going to class and studying.

He was just like Charlie Harper except he had neither the intelligence or the talent to pull it off for a lifetime.
Active Ink Slinger
I know this is improbable but maybe the person really is the semi-famous person in the pictures but didn't want his or her real name known here?

I haven't seen anybody ask about that possibility.
Active Ink Slinger
Living forever would get old, having to watch everybody about which I care age and die would suck.

I would only consider myself wealthy if I earned the wealth. Also, I don't consider money the only form of wealth, I consider friends and personal experiences to mean wealth.

So if I have good friends, have truly experienced life and have earned enough money to be comfortable then I will take wealth.

In fact, I have told one of my nephews that at my funeral I don't want people sad because I died, I want them to celebrate that I lived. I want the "FUN" to be in my FUNeral.

Edit:It is the fact that our time is limited that makes our lives precious.
Active Ink Slinger
Because sex may be good but it just isn't the real thing.

(Thank you Adam Carolla.)
Active Ink Slinger
The Hobbit-An Unexpected Journey.

DANNY The Champion of the World
(This last one is actually the title of a Roald Dahl book that should be made into a movie!)
Active Ink Slinger
I am a citizen of the United States and the only reason I know of The Ashes is because Douglas Adams wrote about them.