There was a young lady from Ealing,
who had a peculiar feeling,
she laid on her back,
and openned her crack,
and pissed all over the ceiling
Quote by TheChrisJ
I don't think that the giraffe is that big, I could very well be wrong. However I think it's just perspective, the car is farther away than the giraffe. Although I could be mistaken.
Quote by Primal
Charly, I didn't do what you mentioned. I did say "some" places of Africa are modern and "some" other places are not.
How is that a sweeping generalization of an entire people or culture?
My point was that education would stop the act of to cure aids. for sexual urge or compulsion would still be around and it is in every corner of the planet. However, to cure aids is pretty unique to some areas of the planet which are stuck years in the past and haven't caught up to modern times.
Race is irrelevant and had nothing to do with my comments.
Quote by PrimalQuote by CharleyQuote by Primal
The problem is ignorance, a total lack of education. Parts of Africa are modern but lots of places over there are 1000 years behind us in the evolution and growth of civilization.
Oh, yes, the Western world is at the pinnacle of civilization! How can you say this, when atrocities occur in the homes and on the streets of America and Europe every hour, of every day? That's right here, in the so called educated, civilized world. Let's all give ourselves a big pat on the back.
I don't get what your point is? What I said is the truth, some areas of this planet are desperately stuck in the dark ages. Yes, crime is human nature but you can't ignore archaic beliefs and motives. Do you think women to turn them straight or little girls to cure aids is not the result of a stunted culture stuck lagging behind?
What about sacrificing cows?
Female genital mutilation?
Witch doctors?
And its not only parts of Africa, look at Afghanistan they are also stuck 1000 years behind the rest of us.
Honor killings, no rights for women, murder of gay people, and so on.
To change medieval beliefs you have to educate and that takes multiple generations of educated individuals.
Quote by Primal
The problem is ignorance, a total lack of education. Parts of Africa are modern but lots of places over there are 1000 years behind us in the evolution and growth of civilization.